![]() Love's incredible powerA Story by CaffinatedDaD![]() im basically writing about what love is in my opinion. by experiencing and witnessing it incredible power.![]()
A mothers love, a love for a type of food, or even a love for a spouse. All of these are love in different forms. They can love unconditionally, make you feel pleasure, make you feel empowered and love can even change a person.
Growing up, ive put my mother through hell. I was a pot head and had multiple girlfriends. She hated that about me. My mom would pray every night for me to change my ways. Shed hit me with the belt, try to keep me from going out and even made my live with my dad. Now that im older and looking back at my mom struggling to support her family of four; i see that she did it all because she loves me. No matter what i did or how mad i made her, she still loves me. My moms love is always going to be there no matter what. To me, my mom is a great example of what unconditional love is. Always loving and never giving up on the people you truly love. Now, my love for food is not like a mothers love. Cooking since i was 7 years old(im 31 now)ive learned how to appreciate cooking and the effort that goes into it. Some say "love is the secret ingredient" and thats probably true. The chopping sounds being made on my wooden cutting board as i cut the veggies. The smell of freshly cut onions and the sizzling sound of the veggies hitting the pan with hot butter. Searing a well seasoned thick steak then putting it in the over to cook. Tasting the food to see if it needs that something extra until its ready to be served. That was the first part that i love. The next part is the plating then watching everyone enjoy their meal. Cooking bring much joy into my life. It brings back memories of my grandma and mom teaching me how to cook. My over seasoned foods and scars from cutting my fingers on the cutting board. No matter what ive been through in the kitchen, I was always happy. I love being in the kitchen. More now than ever because my 9 year old daughter is eager to learn. I see the same excitement she has toward cooking that I had when i was around her age. Cooking will keep bringing great memories in the kitchen as well as on the dining table and my love for cooking will keep growing stronger. My daughters mom and i aren't together. That's okay because we still managed to become great friends. Every weekend is our "family day" where we all go hang out as a family. My daughter know that her mom and i arent together and is okay with it because we arent fighting. When i first met her mom(let call her Taylor), i was also talking to 2 other girls. Taylor annoyed the hell out of me at first. She kept bothering me at work and always said sarcastic remarks when we walked passed each other. I didnt know why i couldnt stand her. It was later i realized that its not that i cant stand her but i cant stand not being with her. I broke up with the other two girls and started a relationship with Taylor. She didnt know i was a smoker and told me how deeply she was against it so i gave up smoking. I wanted to make her happy. She helped my enroll into collage and was there for me when i had personal and family issues. She was my rock. 3 years later our daughter was born and it hit me. Taylor is actually the mother of my child. She turned a d********g to a man and now a father. Later on down things werent going right. We were fighting and there was a lot of negativity between us. One day i walked up to her and gave her a hug. Told her i wouldnt let go unless she hugged back. Said my apologies and we both knew that we couldnt be in a relationship. So why not a friendship, right? Since then, we've been best friends. Its weird and most people dont approve but thats what you do when you love someone, right? You find a way to make it work and never give up on that person. So, long story short; love is always being there for that person[s]and loving them no matter what they do. Just dont give up on that person[s]. You might be all they have.
© 2017 CaffinatedDaD |
Added on June 15, 2017 Last Updated on June 15, 2017 Author