![]() DreamsA Chapter by DavidChapter One
Nathan had bad dreams all the time. This dream was no ordinary bad dream this time though. It was a nightmare that was worse than anything he has ever dreamt. Dreams usually didn’t faze him much, but this one was different than the others he had. It felt like it wanted to consume him. Something was in the dream with him and wanted him for some reason. He kept evading it whenever it got close. That thing has been around for as long as he could remember. One time he let it near enough and it would just stay there as a ball of red light that twinkled so bright he couldn’t look at it for very long. He would let it just stay there. Lately though, it has been trying to get closer and he felt oppressed by it. He felt it wanted to consume him. He would will it away from his dreams and it usually stayed gone after that, but tonight it came back. He would will it away again and it will come back quicker and less bright each time. Nathan didn’t want to deal with it right now, he was angry, very angry and depressed at the same time. It appeared again, frustrated he snuffed it out completely and held it out. Nathan was angry at himself, he hoped his suspicions about Rachel his girlfriend and lover, were wrong. He was depressed his gut told him it was true. He didn’t want to know the truth about anything. He loved her with all his heart so much that he quit college to be with her when her parents passed away. They were on camping trip. They were killed, mauled and bloody. The park rangers and local law enforcement said it was an animal attack. They couldn’t determine which kind of animal killed them. All they knew was that it had to be very big and strong to do what it did to them. There were all sorts of theories thrown out there. Rachel was devastated, as soon as she told him about it, he took off to her location in Los Angeles. She was having a very hard time coping with their deaths. She was in college when all this happened. Nathan withdrew from college to be with her. He then got a job to help her pay for living expenses she was living in. Her parents were paying for an apartment for her while she was in college. She couldn’t make the payments so he took over paying the rent and she paid for the utilities. She had a job as a secretary for some big shot lawyer which didn’t pay very well for her. Nathan got a job as a house builder doing manual labor. It didn’t pay as well either but he worked his body hard to keep up with everything for her. After three months she decided to go back to school and still work. He didn’t think anything of it at the time until recently. She has been staying out all night. She would normally tell him if she was going to be late and even then she would come home. Lately, she wasn’t coming home until around 4 in the morning. Nathan also noticed he wasn’t getting as much attention as she usually gave him. Like he wasn’t even there with her. He left it alone thinking she was just busy with work and school and that things would better after a while. After the second semester started nothing really changed except she would come home while I was at work before going to her classes. Even then she would come home till early morning. Nathan began to ask questions. She would answer that she was with friends studying. Nathan felt so depressed he wanted to throw up for thinking that she would be lying to him. Surely Rachel wouldn’t be doing anything. Even their sexual lives have dropped. It has been nearly a month since he has made love to her. I missed her. He even asked her to spend some time with him sometime as a couple. She agreed and he made her a candle light dinner topped with expensive roses and three boxes of chocolate for Valentine’s Day. She didn’t even show up. That was last month. He was so frustrated and hurt he didn’t even go home that night when he left. He loved her so much, he couldn’t understand what was more important to her that she would miss out on a dinner date he made for her. Yesterday, he called the class professor she was taking classes with. She wasn’t even in her class anymore. That left him stunned. He called all her classes and sure enough she wasn’t even going to her classes. She wanted to get her college degree so bad he had agreed to take on more hours to cover her part of the bills. Tonight Nathan had got home to an empty apartment. He had showered and eaten dinner by himself once more. He had fallen asleep in misery. He missed her so much. That was when he had dreams of the worse things. His mind started making up about everything so far. After a while he pushed those rampant dreams. There was nothing but him and his dream world. He already knew he was different from everyone. He was stronger, had faster reflexes, enhanced eyesight and smell. He had abilities like mind control and dream walking. He developed these abilities when he hit puberty. He didn’t have parents. He grew up in the foster care system until he was 18. He had no one to help him with these changes. Of course there were probably other beings out there that might have helped him. Those beings being the Naturligt. The Naturligt are what humans called supernatural beings like elves, vampires, werewolves, dragons and anything that had the ability to use magic. Magic was feared by normal humans but not to the point they went out of the way to destroy it. Though there are some groups that fought against the Naturligt, but they don’t get very far because the SBI, the Supernatural Bureau of Investigations, kept watch over all of them that they knew of. SBI was created to help the FBI deal with the supernatural side of crime. It was created the same time the FBI was. Nathan felt someone outside his body enter the room. He woke up and saw it was Rachel. He didn’t move as he watched her move around the bedroom in the dark. He could see she was losing weight. She still looked beautiful to him. She took off her clothes and left her bra and panties on. Nathan checked the clocked, it was 5 am. He had two hours before he needed to be up for work. Rachel was off tomorrow. She got into bed and laid down facing away from him. After about a minute she turned around and saw he was awake. She was startled, she had assumed he was sleeping. She looked him in the eyes and smiled. Those beautiful dark brown eyes looked glossy. He touch her cheek and kissed her. That kiss stir his heart. It made him feel alive. Made him want to take her and give her every all of him. Passion so strong his eyes saw nothing but her he slipped his tongue into her mouth and she broke away and shook her head. She closed her eyes like nothing happened. “I got to go to work today, it is my birthday today. Do you have plans?” Nathan asked. “I have to finish the work I brought home tomorrow,” she said, her voice sounded so beautiful to his ears, “that is about all I have planned.” “Would you like to go to dinner with me when I get off work?” he asked wondering what her answer would be. He so wanted his suspicions to be wrong. It will destroy him if they were true. She opened her eyes and looked at him, “Happy birthday baby, I be ready when you get home. Now can I please go to sleep?” he nodded. Nathan grew frustrated once more, this desire of his wanted an outlet. She didn’t want to be that outlet of passion so fiery and electrifying right now. Nathan sighed and watched her sleep for a while. After a while, he turned around and fell back asleep. That presence was waiting for him when he enter his dream world. It began to come closer to him. He threw it out of his dream and held it out. He let sleep take him but before could leave the dream world that presence rushed at him and seized him. It was angry. “Why are you forsaking me!?” he heard it scream, “no longer will I be pushed away! I chose you to be my vessel! Let me out. I will complete you. I have started to break the seal that binds you away from me. Please don’t push me away…” Nathan was stunned, “Who are you?” “I am you, Nathan. I am the part of you that you been asking about.” It said, “The part that knows what happened to your parents and you, or should I say us or me. Doesn’t matter please don’t push me away. Tomorrow is your birthday, our birthday, or my birthday.” “Why am I sealed away from you?” Nathan asked as he getting paranoid about this whole ordeal. “To protect you from people who would have taken advantage of you. So until you were old enough to know the difference from right and wrong your parents split me from you and sealed you from me. Now let me into your life. I will guide you. I will protect you. It is time for you claim your birthright Nathan.” Nathan accepted the ball of energy into him. Letting the guards down on his mind he left his thoughts open for access. “This is going to hurt a lot Nathan.” It said before it enter his mind. Nathan braced himself for anything that might happened. He felt himself being pressed into himself in his mind. He screamed and suddenly was waken. Rachel was shaking him and slapping him. He didn’t know what was going on, it was like he wasn’t in control of himself. He felt his seizing up and releasing so fast it was hurting to an extreme. His body relaxed and he took a breath. Rachel was looking down at him, she had her phone in her hand. She looked pissed off. “I am trying to sleep you a*s hole, quit screaming and acting stupid!” she yelled at him. He blinked, then he saw her hand coming down at him. He turned his face to lessen the sting and shoved her off him. “What’s the deal with slapping me for?” he asked as he sat up. He felt his cheeks. She didn’t hold back at all from how bad his face burnt, “What’s with the phone anyway?” Getting out of bed he faced her. She looked angry, “you were being loud and annoying and shaking the damn bed Nathan!” she said her face getting red. He never seen her this mad at him before. “Damn it Rachel! I was having a damn forsaken seizure! And you are worried about you damn sleep!” he stiffened as he felt warm fluid flowing from his mouth and nose. He wiped his face and saw it came away dark and very warm. She looked even madder. “That wasn’t anything close to a seizure you b*****d! You were screaming you lungs out!” she yelled as she stood up on the bed to look down at him. He didn’t look at her. She was no longer the same Rachel he fell in love with in high school. He looked at the floor. A big pile of blood had oozed down to it pooling at his feet. Suddenly pain took his head. He clutched his head as Rachel start throwing accusation at him. Suddenly it vanished but he felt a seizure coming. He looked up at her, “I don’t feel good,” he said right before the seizure took him and everything went black. Nathan didn’t know how long it had taken to come to. All he knew was that he could hear everything happening around him. Rachel was answering the door for someone. He heard her speak, “finally, I am trying to sleep. That a*s hole in the bedroom will not shut up and stop acting stupid. Please take him away.” “Ok, Miss, stay here, derrick please go see what’s going on back there.” He heard a man say and the chatter of radio talk. Police. She called police! What the hell? Nathan heard footsteps coming toward the bedroom. He couldn’t see anything at all. All he could do was listen. “Sir? Everything alright in here? What’s going…” the office said with a deep loud voice but all of a sudden he took loud heavy steps toward him. Nathan could not shake the seizure, it was getting worse. “John! Get in here now!” he heard a button click and running, “dispatch! I need an ambulance at my location immediately! We have a seizure!” “What’s going on?” the other cop said as he walked into the room, “My god…he is losing too much blood too fast…at this rate he may not make it to the hospital!” “I know!” he felt something enter his mouth, “Damn it. He bit his tongue bad.” Nathan vomited as soon as the object left his mouth, but the vomit didn’t leave his mouth instead he started choking on it as more came up. He heard a curse, and something trying to turn his head and holding his mouth open two fingers trying to clear out his air way. More sirens came. He felt like he was going to explode as the seizure eased but second later it started up again. He was freaking out. When he seized up again he bit down hard. Someone cussed but went back to opening his mouth and keeping his air way clear. More footstep could be heard. He heard Rachel walk in. “Make him quit already! It is getting annoyingly stupid.” Everyone ignored her, paramedics came bursting in, he heard Rachel cuss and say something about him needing to quit being stupid. No one paid attention to her. She started yelling at him to quit it. In mid torrent someone asked her to please leave she said no and that this was her apartment. She wasn’t leaving. Someone got up and shoved her out of the way as they picked Nathan up onto gurney. Then managed to stop the seizure but the pain was excruciating. Finally able to breathe right Nathan took a breath. He felt something pinch past his skin into a vein as he was lifted up. He opened his eyes. Just then Rachel pushed past the medics making them nearly drop him, “You a*s hole! You messing up my sleep all because I didn’t want to have sex with you!” she punched him in the face knocking the gurney to ground she punched again. Everyone started yelling at her to stop. She didn’t, so a cop flung himself into her knocking her away. The medics immediately resume their tasks, one said she needs to calm down or face charges for assault. Her eyes went wide. The cops had her restrained. She looked rabid and enraged. Another cop spoke, “open your eyes miss. Your husband or whatever he is to you is deathly ill. He is dying! Don’t you see that! Snap out of it. This is real!” Just as the medics went out the door she looked at him, she looked afraid and shocked. Then realization hit her and she looked away. Nathan had tears in his eyes. She didn’t even care anymore. He closed his eyes and he felt himself fading into the dream world again. That ball of red energy was there. “What the hell did you do to me?!” “Nothing, all I did was become one with you then realize the damage it was causing you and left. I am so sorry, I didn’t know that would happen. In order for me to truly be one with you again with that happening, the seal need to be broken. I thought it would break quick from that. But the seal is tied into your body and genes.” “Am I going to die?” he asked looked down at his body medics were doing everything they could to keep him alive. He left and looked at Rachel. She sat on the porch steps looking angry. The cop was talking to her, she was ignoring him. The cops got fed up with her and started running a sobriety test on her. She was sober. They looked into her yes. They were glossy and dilated. She was high on something. So they searched the entire apartment for drugs and had the drug dogs brought in. they didn’t find anything so they let her go but then the sun was shining bright and she had to get back to work. He watched her as she showered and drank a coffee. She was pissed off. She texted all her friends. Only one actually texted back. Nathan couldn’t watch anymore. She texted: I hope Nathan dies. He is nothing but a pain in my a*s. Now I can do what I want. You wanna help me throw his s**t out? He didn’t wait to read the reply, he was devastated. He just wanted to die. He left, letting the vision of her fade away from him. He turned to find a man standing beside him. He was as tall as him, with black hair and a look that would make any woman swoon over him. He looked older and had a scar on his left cheek. What made Nathan do a double take were the man’s eyes. They were red. It gave him goose bumps. He smiled at Nathan. “Hello again Nathan,” he said as he looked around. It looked like a small panic room around them. Nathan called it his safe room. He raised an eyebrow at my choice of my dream. “So now you show your true self to me? Why didn’t you early?” he asked rhetorically. “Because now I am with your mind.” Nathan stiffened at that, “don’t worry I am not trying to force the seal apart. Only a very small percentage of me is with you. All the seal could allow safely. But it is enough for me to communicate with you outside the spirit dream.” Nathan relaxed, feeling safe with this person. He seem nice. He even seemed somewhat familiar to him. Like he knew this man. He took another look at him. He recognize similar traits that reminded him of himself. Then it clicked. “Who are you?” Nathan asked looking at this man. “I am life and death,” Nathan looked annoyed. “What is your name?” he asked taking a different approach at this. “Life and death, those are my names.” “Really, then why do you where the image of mortal if you are implying you are a god?” The man looked down at the body he had assumed, and laughed softly, “I am not a god, this is just an image I picked from your mind, an image that made you feel safe and welcomed. This is your father’s image of course.” Nathan’s eyes went wide, at what he just heard. All those dream of this man and he never realized that it was his father, “If you are not a god, what are you?” “I am a being created for the sole purpose of keeping the supernatural in line and to keep the gods from causing too much trouble among mankind and Naturligt.” The man said looking at him with those glowing red eyes. “Are there others like you? I mean like me?” Nathan asked curious to know all things about this whole situation. Nathan sat down on the bed that was lined up against a wall behind him. All his life he been wondering to know if there were others with the same abilities as his. “There are others but they don’t have me and they do not have the same level of power or abilities as you,” “They have the same abilities as me, right?” Nathan was getting excited. “Yes,” Nathan stood up he wasn’t alone, he had to find these people, “but you are the strongest one out of them all.” Nathan looked at his father’s image, “What do you mean I am strongest out of them all? How many of those like me are there?” “Your father was like you as well, but living with me in him was a burden. He wanted his son to live a normal life. So he seal you from me and your abilities. He wasn’t planning on being forced to die. But he died protecting those he loved most, that is you and his wife. As his promise to me, I swore to keep you safe but I like you. You love just like your father, wholeheartedly. I liked your father as well but you are special, very special. Therefore I will gladly help you by lending you my power Nathan. But for now that is enough talk. You must return to your body. It’s been a month already.” Nathan looked at his body in reality. Time was nonexistent here. Time had no place here. Everything was suspended. Just dreams existed here. It was like he was in space. Nothing but darkness and lights that looked like stars. The only difference was that the lights were people’s dreams. Nathan was able to leave his dream and travel among these dreams. He didn’t know if anyone else could do this. He could also view himself and anyone in reality from the spirit dream world. He didn’t like doing that because it was a violation of privacy. So was mind control. He didn’t do those things unless the situation called for it. Then again he tended to avoid such situations. Looking at his body in reality he saw he was still in the hospital. A couple nurses were walking through what looked like a room with a bunch of people all in comas. He looked at the image of his father. He couldn’t remember his father’s name nor his mothers. He asked it, wanting to know what was wrong with him in reality. “Your sugar levels dropped too low when I tried to get all myself through the seal. They haven’t been able to bring your levels back to normal the normal way. They gave up on you though. Your company laid you off, meaning insurance isn’t covering you anymore. The hospital is about to pull the plug on you. If only I was able to get to you I could heal you but the seal is keeping me from doing just that.” Nathan looked back at reality. The nurses had stopped at his bed. He couldn’t hear what they were discussing so he looked back at his father’s image and stepped out into reality. He was a spirit now in reality. He looked toward the nurses as a woman in a white doctor’s coat came into the room and went right toward them. She had on a maroon scrubs that fit her slender form perfectly. Her golden blonde hair had curls within them. Her eyes shown with intelligence. Her eyes had a small ring of yellow outside the green. If the light hit her eyes just right they would appear golden green. Her coat read ‘Dr. Dorel’ he had no clue what the initials after the name meant, so he looked back toward the nurses again. They were looking at his chart. “Poor guy, he is too young and too good looking to be in this place,” one of the nurses said as she looked at his body. He saw her blush and look back at his chart. “He has no family that we could find, and the girl he was with hasn’t even come by to visit or check on him. If I was her I would be all over this demanding to have things fixed. What she should have done was call for an ambulance instead. We probably could have saved him from this fate if she had.” “What happened to her anyway?” the other nurse said. She had red hair and hazel eyes. She looked gorgeous and slim. She obviously took great care of herself. “I don’t know, last I heard the cops were searching her place for drugs. Oh, I also found out that she took all his stuff and gave it away. Stuff of value she sold. What a cold woman.” Dr. Dorel reached them, “Hello ladies, I know he is good looking but please don’t stare too long. Have some respect. He probably doesn’t like being stared at by creeps like you two.” They all laughed at that. They greeted Dr. Dorel and watched as she checked his vitals. When she went to check his pulse she frowned. “Damn, what was the pulse yesterday for him?” Dr. Dorel asked as she continued to check everything. She took a blood sample and did a glucose test. “20,” the red head nurse said, “did the DNA results on him come back yet?” “Yes, they are on my desk right now. They came in this morning, which was messed up. I asked them to give them to me three weeks ago.” “Good, I would hate to see a young man like this waste away,” said the other nurse. She was short with a little weight with black hair and brown eyes. She had a Hispanic look to her features. “I am going to go look at them after this during my lunch break,” Dr. Dorel said looking at the glucose test. “Damn!” she dropped the tester and looked at the machines that he was connected to and made sure everything was working. Everything was still running. The nurses quit talking and rushed to her side helping her out. “His sugar levels are at zero! Check everything.” She said to her friends. They nodded and continued. Nathan watched Dr. Dorel check the bag of liquid that was being feed into his body by the machine. She swore and turned off the machine. “Someone put in saline drip. Rose can you go get a sugar water drip please?” the red hair left to get the drip as Dr. Dorel took the one on the machine out. Nathan went up to his body and put his hand over it. Pain so excruciating cause him to jerk back. His body was in pain. He went over to the doctor as Rose came back with a couple bags of sugar IV drip. Nathan looked at the machine. It was just a small box on a moveable stand that pumped sugar and nutrients into his veins. Dr. Dorel started writing down his vital on his chart. Rose changed his catheter out after she set the IV to drip again. After everything was set up she set up a nurse to come back and test his glucose in an hour. His heart rate was slowing down. Today was his last day here in the hospital. Dr. Dorel was pushing to keep him here a little longer. Nathan followed her to her office, where she brought out her lunch and started eating. Rose and Alina joined her in her office shortly after and she pulled out some papers from her desk and set them on the table. They started eating their lunches and talking. After a while Nathan went over to the corner and sat on a chair that was there. He read the name plate that was on the desk. Dr. Sara Dorel, she took care of comatose clients. She was a surgeon as well a neurologist. “So,” Rose said after she finished her lunch, “What does his DNA say? And who is related to him?” “Let’s take a look.” Sara said as she grabbed the papers and opened a program that searched DNA records that the United States kept track of. Everyone who was born or dead it went into the DNA Vault. She entered in the DNA information that was on the paper and started a search. “I can’t believe his girlfriend hasn’t come by to visit Nathan, for someone like him, I would be here every day in the hope things changed,” Alina said looking like she wanted to shank someone. “Same here,” said Rose, who was anxiously waiting for the search to complete. “I asked to have him placed here for a couple more days yesterday. I just hope they agreed to it. I feel like I am close to figuring things out on Nathan Riddell,” Sara said opening his hospital file on her computer, “Something is causing him to burn up all his sugar too fast. His brain looks fine in the CT and MRI scans. I am going to try something out. I upped his dosage on the IV. I am going to give him some morphine to see if that helps with anything.” The program started flashing on the computer task bar. Sara opened the program and read the information. She couldn’t read any more on it. Nathan went over to the computer and read it himself. The screen had all sorts of information he didn’t understand at all, but he understood the part that said, ‘related to: Trisha Dorel, Janus Reagan, Henry Dorel, and Mindy Reagan’ the first two on that list were marked as deceased. Sara gasped as she read the names, “Holy Lord, God Almighty.” “What is it?” Alina asked looking worried as Sara opened her desk and grabbed her cellphone. Nathan watched Sara speed dial someone. She looked excited and nervous at the same time, “Henry! Baby! I think I found her son! Please come to the hospital! I need you to help me out. Something is going on, I think your expertise is needed with a case here at the hospital.” Henry must have said accepted and agreed to come by because she sighed and looked even more excited. Rose and Alina looked at Sara expectantly hoping for a light on the situation. Sara said her good bye and love you to Henry. She started heading for the door as she hung up her phone. Nathan followed behind Rose as they followed after her asking about what she figured out. Nathan was just as curious as them on this. As they got closer to the room that his body was in, Sara grabbed his file from a nurse walking out the door. She opened it and started writing in it. When everyone reach his bed she threw the file down on his feet and looked at him closer. Rose walked up to his side and peered at him. “What’s going on Sara?” Alina asked checking his IV drip. “You guys might be looking at my husband’s nephew,” she said as she took the file again and set it in a holder at the foot of the bed. Rose was shocked, so was Nathan. Sara was related to him. He was so lost for thought he stepped back and watched everything from the spirit dream world. As he watch his father’s image appeared beside him. Nathan was still trying to process everything. He was stunned to think he even had family out there. He thought he was the only one in his family. No one has ever came into contact with him all these years. Were they looking for him all this time? He didn’t have the time to look for anyone related to him or else he would have. Rachel had basically taken up all his time and money. “Nathan, go with them. They are family. They are exactly like you. They can help you with your gift and that cursed seal around you,” he said as he watched reality around his comatose body. His body looked sick. He looked pale even though he had a Hispanic skin tone. A man with a Hispanic attribute walked into view. Sara kissed him and hugged him. Nathan figured that was Henry, his unknown uncle. He shifted into reality and Henry stiffened and looked around. Nathan walked over to his body and listened. “Darling, this is him,” Sara said, gesturing toward him, “What you think? Is he truly related to you? Is he?” Henry walked closer to his body toward his spirit form. Nathan watched him put a hand on his chest. Henry stiffened and yelped, pulling his hand back. “Holy s**t, Sara, he is in excruciating pain. I can’t examine him like that. I can feel his spirit though. He has been here probably waiting for the pain to go away so he can assume it again. Quick, some painkiller. If he is able to walk in spirit for this long he might indeed be related.” Alina left to grab the fentanyl at Sara’s orders. Henry took off his jacket and looked around the room. His eyes went wide as his gazed past Nathan’s spirit. Henry closed his eyes and looked to be focusing some magic. He muttered some words in a tongue that he didn’t know. Nathan felt magic flow out of Henry’s body. Henry opened his eyes and looked right at Nathan this time. Nathan smiled, finally. Sara looked at her husband and then looked at where he was staring. Walking up to him she put a hand on his shoulder and her eyes went wide as she saw Nathan in spirit. “My goodness, he looks even more handsome than I thought,” she said as she looked Nathan over. He looked at her and she stiffened slightly. She didn’t expect him to hear her he guessed. Henry laughed, “He can hear you Sara, don’t blast the poor lad with your words of flattery.” Rose looked excited, as Alina came in with a vial of fentanyl and a needle. People were coming to see what all the excitement was. Henry and Sara both looked at Alina as she loaded the needle with a measured dose of the vials content. She Injected it into the IV drip line as more people came crowding the room. People were getting excited. They were all talking about what was happening. They all wanted to know if he was going wake up. Seconds later, Henry put his hand on Nathans body again. This time he didn’t pull back like the last time which Rose noted in the file she was holding. Nathan watched as he did a magical scan of his body. Henry stepped back looking shocked. “I need this room cleared. I can’t focus with all this noise. Either be quiet and watch or go outside the room and watch.” The room went silent at that, you could hear the air conditioning and heating unit running. Henry went back to his scan, trying to see if anything of magical attributes. He stood up and looked at Sara, “Trisha son has been found,” he said smiling, “and I know why he won’t wake up. He is in too much pain. He needs more fentanyl.” Alina pulled out another needle and gave his body another dose of fentanyl. Nathan could feel his spirit being drawn toward his body as the pain killer took effect. Everyone gasped as he took a deep breathe causing the machine to beep as his heart rate started pumping oxygen through his veins. He took another as he fully assumed his own body. People began to gasp about as the monitor shot back up to a faster beat. With each breathe he felt his body taking in the oxygen. It felt exhilarating to be able to breathe again. He kept his eyes closed and let his senses roam the room. He body was back to consciousness again. Henry spoke to him, “Nathan, you awake?” Nathan smiled, “About time someone figured it out.” Everyone started speaking at once. A miracle has just happened in front of them. Everyone was excited, some even mentioned giving some of the comatose patient fentanyl as well. Nathan cringed at the loudness of everything and turned his head. “I need a fentanyl drip set up for Nathan Riddell at once, I have him awake I don’t want him to go back to being comatose again,” Sara said as he began to write in his medical file. Rose accepted the job and left to get the equipment but before she could get far she stop as their bosses walked into the room. Everyone got quiet. “I don’t think so, Nathan Riddell is no longer a patient with us. He needs to leave now,” and old woman with dyed blonde hair said as she pushed her glasses back upon her face that had wrinkles. “but he just woke up!” exclaimed Alina as Nathan tried to open his eyes. He closed them again. It hurt to let the light back into his vision. “It is ok,” Nathan heard Henry say, as he attempted to move his body. He felt a little weak and extremely hungry, “I will pay for his medical expense. Please have him ready to be transferred to our home Sara.” Nathan reached out to everyone’s minds, not entering them but brushing them to get a feel of how everyone was feeling and what it was looking like outside his eyes. People were getting upset at one of the people in the room. “Who the hell are you? We can’t issue such things unless you are a relative.” Said the old woman sounding like she was about to have a fit. “My name is Dr. Henry Dorel, and this man is my nephew whom I have been looking sixteen long years for,” at that everyone gasped. “Sir, I am so sorry for my disrespect,” said the old woman again sounding nervous. Nathan was even more curious now about what the Dorel’s were. “I will personally have everything set up for you, sir.” Nathan fell into a deep sleep, one that he been longing for some time. One that didn’t lead to a spirit dream. His spirit needed a long rest. Letting go of everything he relaxed and welcomed sleep.
© 2014 DavidAuthor's Note
Added on April 18, 2014 Last Updated on April 18, 2014 Author |