The Shadow of Ashvale

The Shadow of Ashvale

A Story by CRISHAM

This fantasy narrative follows a brave protagonist on a perilous journey through enchanted lands, where mythical creatures and dark forces challenge their resolve. With destiny hanging in the balance!

In the kingdom of Ashvale, nestled between towering mountains and vast, rolling plains, there lived a young warrior named Elara. Her presence was like the first whisper of a storm, gentle yet warning of a power that lay beneath. She had been born under a blood moon, a child of prophecy, and since her first breath, she carried the weight of destiny on her shoulders. Though small in stature, Elara was known for her fierce spirit and unwavering loyalty to her people.

Her village, resting at the edge of the enchanted Forest of Verloren, had always known peace�"until now. Dark clouds gathered, casting long, menacing shadows over Ashvale, and with them came rumors of a great evil awakening in the heart of the forest. They spoke of a creature, ancient as the stars, that had been dormant for centuries but now stirred, eager to reclaim the world it once ruled with terror. "Evil knows no bounds," the village elder warned, his voice like gravel, "and like a snake in the grass, it strikes when least expected."

Elara had no choice. She was chosen. The prophecy said that one would rise to face the beast, someone with the strength of ten armies but the heart of a lamb. "A lion does not fear the hyena," her father had once told her, his voice echoing in her mind as she prepared for the journey. And so, Elara set off, her sword gleaming like a shard of moonlight, determined to protect her people, even if it meant facing the darkness alone.

The Forest of Verloren was not like any ordinary forest. The trees stood tall as mountains, their roots twisting through the earth like ancient serpents. The air was thick with magic, the kind that made the hairs on Elara’s arms stand on end. Every step she took felt as though the ground itself was watching her, waiting, testing her resolve. Her breath hitched as she moved deeper into the woods, the silence growing oppressive, like a hand tightening around her throat.

By the time she reached the heart of the forest, the sky had turned an ominous shade of red. Before her lay the entrance to the beast’s lair, a cavernous mouth in the side of a cliff that seemed to swallow the light. It was said the creature was as old as the earth, its scales black as night, eyes burning like embers. She stood before the entrance, the weight of her quest pressing down on her, heavier than the chainmail she wore.

“Elara, daughter of Ashvale,” a voice hissed from the shadows. It was not a voice of a man, nor a beast, but something far more sinister. It slithered into her mind, coiling around her thoughts like a vine. “Do you truly believe you can defeat me? I have devoured kings, queens, and warriors far greater than you.”

Her heart thundered in her chest, but she stood tall, gripping her sword. “A river cuts through a rock, not because of its power, but its persistence,” she whispered, her father’s wisdom steadying her. "I will not bend to your terror.”

The beast emerged then, its form twisting and shifting like smoke, dark and monstrous. It had no fixed shape, but its presence was suffocating, as if all the shadows in the world had gathered here to consume her. It loomed above her, its voice filling the cavern like the roar of an angry storm.

“You are nothing,” it growled, “and I will feast on your soul.”

Elara’s hands trembled, but she raised her sword, the metal glinting with the fire of her resolve. “Even the darkest night must end,” she said, her voice steady. “And the sun will rise.”

The battle was fierce, a clash of light and darkness, hope and despair. Elara fought with the strength of a thousand suns, her every strike fueled by the love she had for her people, for her home. The beast lashed out, each blow heavier than the last, but Elara danced through the storm of shadows, her movements graceful and precise, like the wind through the trees.

But just as victory seemed within her grasp, the creature delivered a blow that sent her crashing to the ground. She lay there, dazed, as the darkness began to close in around her. “No!” she screamed in her mind, her body aching, her spirit faltering. “I cannot fall here.”

And then, as if the forest itself answered her call, a shaft of golden light broke through the clouds, piercing the canopy above and striking the creature. The beast howled in agony, its form dissipating, the shadows retreating as the light grew stronger. Elara rose to her feet, her sword now glowing with the brilliance of the sun, and with one final strike, she cleaved the beast in two.

The creature let out a final, ear-piercing wail before dissolving into dust, leaving only silence in its wake.

Elara stood there, breathing heavily, the sword still glowing in her hand. She had won, but at a great cost. The battle had changed her, marked her. She was no longer just the warrior of Ashvale; she was the one who had faced the darkness and returned, stronger and wiser.

As she made her way back to the village, the weight of her victory and the shadows she had defeated lingered in her heart. But she knew, as her father had always said, that "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

And this was only the beginning.

© 2024 CRISHAM

Author's Note

I aimed to create a world full of wonder and challenge. Enjoy the adventure!

My Review

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Really like your writing style! Hope you get to write full novels if you're into that :)
This is beautifully written (which is rare these days). The one thing I would critique is that in the end, it could expand on the fact that she wasn't the actual winner. She took the win, sure, but it was the light that gave it to her, so she doesn't have the full credit or even most of it, but a win is still a win.

Posted 3 Days Ago


3 Days Ago

"Thank you so much for your kind words! I see your point about Elara's victory being more of a colla.. read more

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1 Review
Added on October 6, 2024
Last Updated on October 6, 2024
Tags: fantasy, adventure, good vs evil, light vs darkness, prophecy, warrior, battle, forest, mythical creature, hero's journey, dilemma, suspense, destiny, magic, courage, self-discovery, resilience



Nairobi, Kiambu, Kenya

Cris is an aspiring author with a deep passion for storytelling, blending imaginative worlds with heartfelt emotion. With a background in Education Science focusing on Physics and Mathematics, Cris br.. more..
