![]() Chapter 6: PinveyA Chapter by Christopher Miller![]() This chapter is from Lumenovus's perspective, as he's awaiting a visit from Lavender.![]() The sun had been up for awhile, when to my relief they brought breakfast to my cell. I sat against the section of wall I had snapped the thorns off of, eating and taking stock of my situation. I had escaped the witch who had imprisoned me, costing me a gash on my arm. Overall, I had to call that good. She had planned to starve me until she got what she wanted, or until I died. I wandered lost for several days, growing hungry and weak. For the moment I preferred the cell. It was dry and I had food, and even though I was locked up I was still pretty much outside, able to feel the sun. I had been apprehended by fairies just about the moment I found food. That was pretty terrible. I didn’t resist them in any way, yet they kept handling me as roughly as possible. One of them, whose name I found out was Simon, kept hitting my wounded arm and making it bleed again. I was thrown on the ground in front of the king, stood back up, stripped, gawked at, insulted, and thrown in this cell. It was frustrating and humiliating, but I had been through worse. The worst was probably wondering what was going to happen to me all night. For all I knew they were going to execute me, or let me starve in that cell. At one point Simon came to show someone else that neat thing that happened when he struck my arm. Then she visited me... I heard someone coming and figured it was Simon, or someone else to torment me. I looked up wearily, and to my surprise I saw a girl. She wore a light blue dress, her hair tied back with a matching ribbon. By her eyes, I recognized her as the one who was next to the king, at that parade. I had the same impression as when I first saw her. She seemed different from the rest. Everyone else had looked at me with a certain contempt or disgust. This girl just... Looked at me. In those eyes I saw empathy, as well as curiosity. When the others looked at me I could tell their minds were already made up that I was nothing more than an odious novelty, worth no further consideration. I felt instantly that I could trust her. The shyness with which she said, “Hi,” confirmed it for me. We did talk a lot last night, I thought. I’ve met a real life fairy princess. I laughed to myself. How many people could actually say that? During that talk she opened up to me quite a bit. I was pretty sure she’d been drinking. I was also pretty sure she never had anyone to talk to. It had been my pleasure to try to give her some feedback, some hope. Though I had to admit, her problems ran far deeper than for a lot of people I’d met. Even my own. Listening to her, I wanted nothing more than to reach through the bars and hold her, stroke her hair, and comfort her. I might not know what’s going to happen to me, but at least I know I’m not going to spend the rest of my days as the unloved property of some spoiled prince. I remembered her promise to visit me. She said in the morning. Hopefully soon now, then, I thought as I finished eating. Also to be hoped was that she may have some news as to my fate. Finally, I heard someone coming. I must have been more excited to see her than I’d realized, for I found myself on my feet instantly. Then I heard voices. They were girls, but there was more than one. I didn’t expect Lavender to be with them, as I listened to them approach. On top of the fact that none of the voices sounded like hers, I’d gotten the impression that she was a loner like me. There they were, suddenly. Three girls, none of them Lavender. I was happy to see them, until I saw the one in the middle. I could tell she was ‘the pretty one’ by the way the other two behaved around her. There was a directness to her gaze that made me uneasy, especially given our positions. I felt like a piece of meat being sized up. They fell silent as they stood in front of my cell, staring at me. I had a strong feeling they were up to no good. “Hi,” I said, unable to hide my nervousness. They said nothing to me. “He talked to us!” one of them giggled to the one in the middle. So that was it. They were just gawking. I went and sat back by the wall, to wait until they were gone. “What should we do?” I heard whispered. “You, come here,” the one in the middle spoke, finally. “What for?” “I am the King’s daughter.” “Okay.” When she realized I didn’t plan to say any more than that, or to obey, she grew furious. It wasn’t the fury of a spoiled girl, though. There was no tantrum, not even a raised voice. “If you do not do as I say, I will have you tortured for dishonoring me.” There was no desire to be believed in her voice. It was a simple statement of fact. She may have even wanted me to defy her, so she could make good on her threat. Now I was afraid. I had no dry sarcastic reply to make. I couldn’t manage to speak at all. I merely stood and walked to the bars, trying to hide my fear. “Look at his arms,” one said. “All hairy, just like Braxon said, Pinvey. I told you.” So that was the middle one’s name. Pinvey. She looked at me, and unfurled her wings a little, studying me for a reaction. They were clear, only visible because they refracted the light, much like a soap bubble would. I didn’t respond, and she snorted and closed her wings again. “Do you really have that hair all over your body?” she asked in a confidential tone, as if she were trying to get me to admit to some dark, guilty secret. “I don’t know. Kind of,” I said. “Show me.” “What?” “Strip!” The other two girls looked at each other in surprise, giggling nervously with bulging eyes. If this was some plan of Pinvey’s, they clearly weren’t in on it. I almost refused, but the way she was looking at me... I was still afraid. Slowly, I removed my coat and shirt. Their laughter grew less stifled at the sight of my chest hair. “Take that off,” one said, pointing at my bandage. It’s like a game to this one, she’s laughing. What’s Pinvey getting out of all this, then? I was sure I didn’t want to know. I removed the bandage, and they looked at my wound with scrunched faces. “Well?” Pinvey said. I looked at her, not comprehending. “I said, strip!” She wanted me to take off everything. Okay, you’ve been seen naked before. Sure, never in such circumstances though. Never as a... Specimen. Still, my unexplained fear of her outweighed any sudden embarrassment I felt over my body. I took off my shoes, then my pants. Now they laughed openly. “Oh my... Between his legs! Do you see?” Well, the outer two laughed. Pinvey still stared with that awful thoughtfulness. I moved to cover myself. “No, put your hands down. By your sides,” Pinvey ordered. I grew even more uncomfortable when she again showed me some of her wings, this time not subtle at all about looking for a reaction from me, or where she was looking for it. I wondered what effect clear wings were supposed to have on fairy men. Would a fairy in my position now be sporting an erection, in spite of of the situation? “Does your skin really pour out foul water?” one of the other girls asked. “What, sweat?” I asked. “Sweat,” they said to themselves. They’d never heard of it! “You smell terrible,” Pinvey said, looking me in the eyes. “I haven’t been able to bathe in over a week,” I said. “What nonsense is that?” she asked. “Bathing, where I wash away that bad smell.” “Oh, Lacey, let’s get him a ‘bathe’, I want to watch!” one of the girls said, and now I knew another’s name. “No,” Pinvey said. “Let him die in filth, like the animal he is.” “What?” I said. “Die?” Pinvey smirked, enjoying giving me the news. “Yes. You’re going to die tomorrow. You’re going to fight Simon, and you don’t stand a chance. He’s immortal. He won’t stop until he’s laid you open.” “Fight? I don’t want to fight anyone. Why can’t I just go?” “Because you’re a criminal.” “I was just hungry...” “We get hungry. We don’t go taking what isn’t ours.” I felt weak. I moved to sit. “No, stand here,” Pinvey said. “I’m still taking in how hideous you are.” She could tell I was losing patience, and was enjoying the fact of it. “Bella,” she finally said to the other girl. “Touch it.” She pointed between my legs. Bella shrieked in mock terror. “What?” Pinvey turned that same glare on her. “I’m not kidding. Do it.” “All that hair, it’s gross...” I had unintentionally taken a couple steps back. Pinvey snapped back to face me and said, “If you do not get back over here and let her do it, I will have the guards lop it off. Come here.” I moved forward, and closed my eyes. I heard them argue more. “Please, Pinvey. Don’t make me touch an... An animal’s privates!” “Make it hard,” Pinvey commanded her. Then I felt the touch of a cool hand on my flesh. It began stroking me. “Eww...” I heard Bella say under her breath. “Well?” Pinvey said, and I knew she was talking to me. “Sorry, I’m just not in the mood,” I pleaded, hoping she could at least understand that much. I opened my eyes. Bella had her eyes closed and her head turned away. Lacey and Pinvey were watching without a hint of shame. Finally, Pinvey laughed out loud. “Well, I sure feel sorry for human females, if this is all they ever get to deal with. Limp, useless, smelly, vile. And a complete coward. I will enjoy watching a real man slice you up tomorrow. Bella? Stop doing that. Just squeeze tight.” “What, like this?” she asked, holding me. Pinvey kicked her arm, causing her to give me a very painful tug. I cried out, and fell. “By the way,” Pinvey said over my gasps of pain, “I know a girl named Lavender came to visit you last night. Don’t expect her to come back. She was as disgusted by you as I am, when she finally sobered up. She’s been hiding in shame all day.” She laughed and walked away, the other two following behind her. Bella looked back, possibly feeling guilty. I laid on my side, trying to catch my breath. Eventually I crawled over to my clothes and dressed myself. I felt awful. I felt... Ashamed. I knew my body was different than their men, yet I felt ashamed of mine. I knew there was no reason clear wings should have any effect on me, and still Pinvey managed to make me feel ashamed for not responding to hers. I felt completely emasculated. I felt so much leftover hate from Pinvey’s gaze... I sat against the wall, and drew my knees to my chest. Tears ran down my face. I wondered where Lavender was, wishing she was there. I wondered if she would come at all. I didn’t believe what Pinvey said about her being disgusted by me, but I could believe she’d lose interest in me or have something more important come up. I thought of what I’d told her the night before. I must still be hoping she’s going to show, because it hurts that she’s not here now. Lavender, where are you?© 2016 Christopher MillerReviews
1 Review Added on August 5, 2016 Last Updated on August 5, 2016 Tags: fairy, fairy tale, romance, adventure, adult fairy tale, fantasy, paranormal romance, erotic fairy tale Author![]() Christopher MillerTulsa, OKAboutI've been writing as a hobby for a bit over 20 years now. I have 2 fantasy novels on Amazon (my Lavender series), and am working on book 3. I have written a romance novel, Laura's Knight, which I am.. more..Writing