1-The Impossability

1-The Impossability

A Chapter by CMaxwell

I hear distorted noises echoing in my brain. As I open my eyes the light is blinding at first but squinting I take in my surroundings. I can make out a white, tiled ceiling above me and to my left machines sit beeping to the rhythm of my breathing and heartbeat. All sorts of wires lead from the machines to me and I'm in a room with no windows, a hospital of some sort by my assumption.

I look down at my legs remembering what put me here in the first place.

"Stenno, Captain!" A distorted voice echoed from the distance.

When I heard my name I opened my eyes slowly and bright piercing light was all I saw at first. Closing my eyes, I opened them again and everything was spinning. I closed them hard and opened them once more and what I saw was the sky, that sky though, dark green with thick black clouds sitting suspended at an almost chokingly close distance. Within the clouds, were bright red, quick flashes of lightning that struck over and over with no pattern to the way they were flashing. I realized I was laying on my back,

"Ian, captain Stenno!"

That voice, I heard it again, that time more clear with feminine undertones sounding like Sgt. Yalding and I could tell she was getting closer.

"Captain Stenno don't move!" Her voice called out with urgency.

I tried to stand but when I attempted to move my legs, nothing, there was no response from them. As I raised my head slightly to figure out what was going on with my legs, I saw Sgt. Yalding running towards me. She was only about 10 yards away and getting closer I could make out her appearance. She had a short buzz cut head, very strong dominant features, almost man like but yet still feminine and from her left brow to the bottom of her left nostril, was a giant scar. She looked very hardened, wearing a military uniform.

I took my eyes off of her and looked down at my legs but nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see. All I could make out was what looked like the tip of an exploded cigar where my left leg was supposed to be. I looked to my right leg and there was nothing there but bone and torn flesh and I was in shock as to how I couldn't feel any pain. I moved my head around to look at the rest of my body parts and make sure they were in tact. After a few seconds of looking myself over I found that only my legs had been demolished everything else was fine.

She finally reached me and standing over me, she looked me over. I can still remember today the shocked face she had. She broke the momentary silence,

"Your going to be okay Ian, they're on their way, just don't move, you'll be okay."

She was repeating as if in some way it would have comforted me. Taking a knee, she put her left hand in the middle of my chest and bowed her head. I laid there attempting to take in everything that was happening.

I looked up at her, while my ears were still ringing and I asked. "What happened?"

"You stepped on a mine. You'll be okay though." It sounded more like she was convincing herself of that rather than me.

I noticed her tears were falling and splashing onto me and at that point everything turned black and I lost consciousness.

{End Flashback}

Coming back to reality I'm laying in a hospital bed with a blanket covering me. As I try to lift my hand in order to pull it off so I can see my legs, I notice that both my wrists are restrained by a locked device.

While rotating my wrists as I pull my hands and clench my fingers into a fist, I silently wonder, 'Why am I restrained?'

My hands have some range of motion, just enough to pull off my blanket uncovering my legs.

"What the," I try to speak but the words get stuck as I swallow them down my throat and start coughing.

I'm staring at my legs in disbelief as I see them looking perfectly fine. Wiggling my toes and rotating my ankles that are also restrained I notice they move fluently without any problems. 'This makes no sense.' I think as I continue to move my legs around.

I hear mechanical clicking noises coming from the door on the far wall of the room. I realize that these noises were coming from the lock and as it opens I see three people entering wearing all white clothes with weird black masks covering their faces.

'My hands and legs are restrained and the door in my room is kept locked. This seems more like a prison than a hospital.' I speculate while the machines are beeping in the background.

One of the what I assume to be Drs. walks over to the edge of my bed stating the obvious.

"Mr. Stenno, your awake."

'Really?' I sarcastically think to myself. What a dumb thing for him to say.

"H..h..how l..long" I start coughing, clearing my throat I continue. "How long have I..I been out? Where am I?" The words barely come out of my scratchy throat.
A few seconds of silence happens before he responds and the other's stand a few steps behind him giving evidence that he's in charge.

Finally after what seemed like minutes, he calmly answers me as he takes a step closer in my direction.

"You have been in a coma for the past year."

"What? A year?" I ask while laying my head down on the pillow and taking it in. Wondering what happened I inquire. "How?"

"We had to put you under when you arrived." He claims while just standing there. "You never regained consciousness."

"You put me in a coma for a year? Where am I? What happened to my legs?" I barrage him with questions while trying to get out of bed. "Let me out of these!" I demand, yanking my hands and kicking my feet in order to free myself.

One of the strangers lifts their hands to their head and pulls off their mask revealing a face that I never thought I would see again. The face of Lauren, who was my wife. It leaves me momentarily speechless and nothing makes sense as I try to comprehend what's going on.

"What the..Lauren?..How is this possible?" I'm dumbfounded while tears start to form, blurring my vision. I don't know what to think as I remember her having been dead for the past five years.

In reality it was six years ago that she died, but just waking out of my year long coma it seemed only five years had gone by since I last saw her.

I start to violently shake in my bed causing my wrists to bleed as I pull my hands as hard as I can attempting to break free from the restraints.

Reaching my hand out towards the woman I howl out in confusion. "AHHH, ARRRG! Let me out of these! Lauren, please. Help me!"

The woman doesn't acknowledge my cries for help but instead putting her mask back on, she turns away from me leaving the room as the door shuts behind her.

"Lauren come back! LAUREN!" I beg as tears stream down my face soaking the pillow. I thrash around in the bed causing the wires to disconnect from me making the machines beep rapidly.

An alarm sounds in my room announcing, "Code Red emergency. Level 4, room E25. Code Red emergency. Level 4, room E25."

The man in front turns quickly around pointing to a cabinet in the room. One of the strangers walks over to it while authoritatively declaring, "Cabinet open."

The door swings open and the man pulls out a bottle of clear liquid and a syringe. He plunges the needle into the bottle and starts drawing out the liquid as he walks over to me with the syringe in his hand.

"What is that? Don't stick that crap in me! I'll kill all of you!" I frighteningly cry out using all of my strength to break free.

He sticks it into my IV and slowly pushes down the pump on the needle, releasing the mysterious serum into my bloodstream.

One of the strangers behind the man voices, "Code Red acknowledged. Shut off emergency alarm."

Immediately the alarm shuts off.

"What was that crap? Wha..why's...plea..se." Everything fades as I fall into a deep sleep.

© 2016 CMaxwell

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What a nice plot twist with the wife out of nowhere. I really enjoyed that. And it makes me want to read more.

You don't have to write {Flashback}, it is enough that you write it in italic and that you lead up to it with the sentence: "I look down at my legs remembering what put me here in the first place."

I kind of know what you mean with this sentence, but maybe you could elaborate: "very strong dominant features, almost man like but yet still feminine." How exactly can she be almost man like but still feminine? It is clearly possible but you could explain how :)

"All I could make out was what looked like the tip of an exploded cigar..." That is an amazing sentence. Perfect!

You have good sense of humour, and so have the main character, so why don't her just say: 'Really?' I sarcastically think to myself. What a dumb thing for him to say." Instead of just thinking it. You should use your sense of humour more :)

When he sees his wife, you don't have to explain that she have been dead for six years, and he feels like it's been five because of the coma. Just write that she is dead. That is enough.

Good beginning :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you for the review. I appreciate the feedback! =) I will be sure to look into/fix the things y.. read more


What a nice plot twist with the wife out of nowhere. I really enjoyed that. And it makes me want to read more.

You don't have to write {Flashback}, it is enough that you write it in italic and that you lead up to it with the sentence: "I look down at my legs remembering what put me here in the first place."

I kind of know what you mean with this sentence, but maybe you could elaborate: "very strong dominant features, almost man like but yet still feminine." How exactly can she be almost man like but still feminine? It is clearly possible but you could explain how :)

"All I could make out was what looked like the tip of an exploded cigar..." That is an amazing sentence. Perfect!

You have good sense of humour, and so have the main character, so why don't her just say: 'Really?' I sarcastically think to myself. What a dumb thing for him to say." Instead of just thinking it. You should use your sense of humour more :)

When he sees his wife, you don't have to explain that she have been dead for six years, and he feels like it's been five because of the coma. Just write that she is dead. That is enough.

Good beginning :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you for the review. I appreciate the feedback! =) I will be sure to look into/fix the things y.. read more

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1 Review
Added on June 10, 2016
Last Updated on June 10, 2016
Tags: Imperium Falling, Science Fiction, Futuristic, Mystery, Action, Soldier, War



milford, NH

I have always enjoyed writing, since I was young. I more recently picked it up again and have rekindled the fire. more..
