Dedication to Nyx
A Chapter by Celeste Lucy Zaveri
Here is a ritual to dedicate yourself to Nyx, the Great Goddess of Nighttime.
Ring the altar bell, then touch your wand to the stones representing the 5 Elements and candles representing the 4 Directions. Put objects in your offering bowl for Nyx. Kiss the pentacle and say to your goddess statue: "Nyx,
great Goddess of the Night, wife and lover to and of Erebus, mother of
Moros, Thanatos, Hypnos, Charon, Nemesis, and the Fates, I ask you to
accept my loyalty and my love as your follower and servant. I ask for
your protection and guidance, bringer of the night, I ask for your
wisdom and blessings. I am [Your Name (see 'Cultan Names')]. I am a Priest/Priestess for my
Goddess, you, Nyx, if you will have me. This is my request and these are
my words. May this spell not reverse, my faith never waver, my love
never weaken. Please have me and bless me as your servant." Then ring
the bell again, ending the ritual. Drink from your Chalice if you have
one, and NO matter what, DO NOT betray or leave the Goddess Nyx. Stay
faithful forevermore --- there's no going back. Be sure you are ready.
© 2016 Celeste Lucy Zaveri
Author's Note
Altar Bell
5 Stones
4 Candles
Offering Bowl
Statue of Nyx
Chalice (Optional)
Quiet, empty room
Celeste Lucy ZaveriGermantown, MD
I've written "The Immortal Legacy" on and I love writing online. I'm also a psychic and I support the Democratic side in every election. I sometimes write nonfiction and poetry, but mostly.. more..