The Poaching of Unicorns

The Poaching of Unicorns

A Chapter by CLCurrie

The Poaching of Unicorns

Reckless Rambles

Draft 2

By: Chase L. Currie

"Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered."

-          C.S. Lewis


I was once in Germany strolling down the side of the road holding a rifle in hand; beside me walked a Hunter of age and knew his homeland far better than I. He would point at what I would see as nothing, tell me a bit of history about the nothingness which has set his country on the track we know now, and I nodded along to his words.

I wasn’t about to disagree; there was no point in it; I knew nothing. Some would say, after reading this, I might still know nothing. But he wanted to educate me on the true history of his homeland.

We walked for miles down the road with cars passing us by. I would tip my hat at the lovely dames in those automobiles. They would smile and wink back at me.

The old Hunter said not a word at me. I’m still in my youth in his eyes, and youthful young men chase skirts like the wind chases leaves on an Autumn day.

“Sir,” I asked after we had stepped off the road heading into the depths of the Black Forest, “what are we hunting?”

I stayed with the Hunter’s family for a few weeks now and noticed once a week he would travel out into the woods to hunt, but he never returned with anything. I asked his wife and children about the matter, but all they would say is you should go with him.

“We are hunting poachers,” The Hunter snarled.

“Ah,” I said with a firm nod, not sure what there was to poach in the forest; there didn’t seem to be a lot. So, I asked, “What are they poaching?”

“Unicorns,” The Hunter told me.

I glance down at the weapon in my hands, overjoy to know I could protect myself from the madness of this Hunter if it came down to it.

But Unicorns' poaching got me thinking on our walk back to his house with nothing in our hands. He wore a smile at the job well done, and I pondered to myself. How many of us are out in the world hunting the poachers of things which do not exist. I fear many of us are doing this daily.

I now see many of the ideas and beliefs being tossed around in our society as unicorns, but I shall pull one thought to this paper, which is my poor idea on the subject matter of nonbinarism(?).

My mind fell to this subject matter because I had been chatting about it with a friend the other day. We sat at a smoky bar listening to the Blues hum while we jabber on about those grand old ideas of our world. Somehow, we stroll into this topic and which had me thinking about the argument being laid forward in defense of nonbinarism(?) as I finished off my smoke.

I disagree with the idea of nonbinarism(?) at the core and have a problem with the way it is argued, which might be why I disagree with it so much. The whole idea of nonbinarism(?) is that gender, man and women, are nothing more than a social construct, which again, I'm not sure I agree with, but that is a different point.

However, suppose gender is a social construct by not falling into the binary, by actively choosing something outside of this circle, because we all don't check the boxes off for all the markers of man and women. In that case, they are “destroying” the binary. But they are not; the argument falls flat on its face by saying such a thing.

What I mean by this is to destroy something that thing much be real, either true in the world or far sillier true in the mind of the person destroying it. I cannot destroy dragons; they are not real. I can destroy statues, for they are genuine in the world. So, for someone who buys into the idea of nonbinarism(?), they are reinforcing the traditional notion of the binary. After all, they are saying I don't feel like a man nor a woman, but are using the conventional understanding of those words, which means they are true to some degree then. And they are saying the binary is real; therefore, I can fall outside of it.

It is a bad argument.

But why does this matter? I ask myself, as we marched along the street, does it affect my world at all?

Yes, it does affect my world, far more than I would like. If the philosophy of nonbinarism(?) stayed in the person's mind believing it, then I would say nothing about the matter. But the problem is like all people, when they believe they have the truth, they want to share it, and sometimes force people to agree with them.

I haven’t seen the zealots of the New Holy Doctrine of the Age pick up guns to make me agree with them, but they have used weapons in other ways. I have been told I am rude, or it is a matter of respect to use someone's fantastical pronoun. Or my favorer weapon of all, you are dehumanizing me.

These ideas are falling out into the real world. We don’t even have to talk about how they are being pushed on everyone, most of all the youth.

But as a thinking man and one would live in good and bad arguments, there is a deep worry coming to me over this New Holy Doctrine of the Age. We act on what we believe, not what we think, but our thoughts reformed our beliefs. We all do it.

The atheist believes there is nothing beyond nature; that is a belief that will lead them to ideas that support the hypothesis. The same can be said about the person of faith. It is the belief in which we are acting upon, not what we think.

What does matter to nonbinarism(?)?

If your argument is flawed, which means your thoughts corrupted, leading to its foundation, which your belief is false. The case’s logic breaks down, which tells me the person is simply reacting, not thinking about what these beliefs mean. I do not have to make a huge cast to argument beliefs can change the world.

Timothy McVeigh believes the government was becoming tyrannical, so he blew up a building. Belief meets action. I desperately wish not to write a hold list of examples, but they there, I assure you, if you look for them.

The belief that gender is a social construct is leading to action. Children can merely say I believe I am a boy when I am a girl, and we all have to agree with them. We all have to fall in line with the falsehood. You are dehumanizing them if you don’t, but I can almost grant that argument. For at least they are moving from one sex to another, but I cannot grant the opinion of stepping out of the sexes to defeated them.

So, how would someone who doesn’t believe they are either man or woman define themselves against this world?

If I was such a person who believes in nonbinarism(?), think I fell into, then the only true way to fight it is to say label me as you wish, does nothing to me. I do not care about your labels; they mean nothing, and I will not even fight against them. To scream from the top of the world, these are my labels; you must use them, then you are simply playing their game. You are the monster you want to destroy.

I don’t understand why it matters if I use your labels in the way you wish because you are now allowing me to affect you in whatever I want to. The wiser person who says, “Today call me a man. Tomorrow you may call me women, and I don’t care either way.” You are saying to the binary you have no power over me because I am not even willing to play the game of labels.

However, I am not saying I agree with nonbinarism(?); I merely put forward a better argument for it. I believe the binary is very real, and there are qualities of gender that might be socially constructed; those qualities come from our nature, however, and not merely out of our minds. They are bounded to us and not merely pulled from thin air to keep people down. They are bounds crafted by the hands of mother nature in which we are bounded to no matter how much we wish to fight it. Nature will win in this matter.

Before we got back to the Hunter’s house, I asked him,” Sir, you are against the poaching of Unicorns, but are you against the poaching of elephants?”

He scoffed at me, “Those bloody things, they aren’t even real.”


With a tip of the hat,


© 2020 CLCurrie

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Added on October 28, 2020
Last Updated on October 29, 2020
Tags: #CarelessThoughts #RecklessRambl



Harrisburg, NC

I am a storyteller who comes from a long line of storytellers. I literally trace my heritage back to some Bards (poets and storytellers) of England. My family, in the tradition of our heritage, would .. more..

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