![]() The Talon Family The Spy of London Part 12A Chapter by CLCurrieGabriel pulled a screaming Crystal from the van and dropping
her not too far from the wreck. She headed back into the smoking van planning
to garb Virgil and get him out as well when bullets started to nail into the
walls all around her. She dropped to the floor, blinking out of sight, and
heading for the hole at the other end. The firing of the loud weapons gives where
they were coming from, and they were shooting randomly into the van. She got
behind it before any of the bullets could hit her. “Dad?
Dad, tell me you are not back at home?” She asked into her radio, hoping the
outer mic was still off. “I’m on
the jet,” he said. “But my drones are still overhead.” “How
many?” She asked. “You
have four coming to you,” He told her, “and two more men heading for Crystal.” “Any of
those drones armed?” She asked feeling for her rifle and readying it to fire
out of mere memory of where she thought the shots were coming from, but she
knew she would be firing blindly. “I have
stun and smoke grenades,” he told her. “Use
the stuns one,” she said dipping from the side of the van and against the wall.
She knew her armor would protect her from the grenades, but poor Crystal was
about to have a headache like never before. The drones zipped by causing two of
the men to glanced upwards and before they could take aim, little suns were
rained down on them. The suns were birth into life with a blinding flash and a
scream echoing long in their ears. Gabriel
picked off the two men looking up a second before the grenades were drop by the
time, they hit the ground the two other men quickly joined them. She spun on
her kneels firing with the best of accuracy at the men screaming over Crystal.
They fell backward like planks of wood with the bolts knocking against them. Gabriel
raced over to Crystal who was trying her best to overcome the pain of her
broken limbs, and the stuns grenades. Gabriel touched her, and the assassin jumped
back not being able to see who did it. It was odd how it was for Gabriel to
forget her power were on. When she first started to master it, she feared she
would fade into being invisible forever and never be able to come back. Now,
she loved the idea of being able to blink out of people’s sight. It made it
easy to get away from guys who wanted her number. There she was talking to a
guy, and then he said something weird and blinked, she gone. She
slowly faded into Crystal’s eyes thinking now wasn’t the time to stay
invisible. She pointed at her ears and held out a sideways thumb. Crystal shook
her head giving a thumb down. She nodded and understanding Crystal still couldn’t
hear and held out her hand like a stop sign. She
glanced over her shoulder looking for her favorite vampire, but he wasn’t
anywhere in sight. “Going back for Virgil,” she said to her dad and then
pointed to the van. Crystal nodded, and Gabriel dashed for the opening. “Snip
---” But the hit hammered her against the wall. Her suit did its job stopping
the round from hitting her body, but it did little against the pain. The wall
was a soft bed compare to the force of the bullet. A second later after she
dropped to her knees the echo of the gunshot rang out in the streets. She went
to move, but the suit was in a locked down mood. The round must have it her so
hard it locked the suit completely down for a moment to reboot. “Smoke,
smoke,” She yelled at the drones, but her father had already dropped the small
bombs filling the street with thick black smoke. The wall inches above her head
had a new hole added it from another shot by the sniper. Her body had given
away from the weight from the armor saving her life. “Thank God,” she said.
“The armor is on lock down.” “I see
it,” Alexander said. “He took out my drone, but I have two more in high altitude.
I’m keeping an eye on you.” “Is he
moving?” Gabriel asked. “He is
cloaked from my scans.” “Can
you reboot my suit faster,” she said, not sure what to do at this moment. She
was trapped, and there wasn’t anything she could do to fight back. She closed her
eyes blinking herself into nothing. She breathed hoping once the smoke fades
the sniper couldn’t see her. She
opened her eyes hearing footsteps coming behind her. “It’s
the shooter,” Alexander's voice said over the com-line. “She hasn’t seen you.” “Where
are you at my little ghost,” a woman yelled. “You can’t hide forever.” “Please,
please, don’t see me,” Gabriel said to herself. Her power never failed her, and
there was no way it would now, but the smoke in the street might outline her
for the shooter. It was thick enough for Gabriel not to see the attacker, but
if she got close enough, it was all over. She breathed deep and prayed harder. “Hello,
my little ghost,” the woman said making Gabriel open her eyes to see the rifle
pointed right at her. At this range, there was no way the armor would stop the
round. It would punch through her suit like lightning hitting a tree; quick,
painless, and dead. “May
you get a drink in Hell before the Devil knows you’re there,” she said with a
thick Irish accent. She didn’t look like most Irish people Gabriel had seen
before. Her bright purple hair and lovely dark skin scream she was from the
states. The tattoos under her eyes said she was from Egypt or at least the
white ink was Egyptian in style. “I’m
not going to Hell,” Gabriel told her like it matters to the assassin. “I
could use a drink,” Virgil said vaulting out the smoke wrapping his arms around
the assassin and pulling her back into the thick smoke. She screamed only for a
moment before the gunfire drown it out and Gabriel’s armor unlocked. © 2019 CLCurrieAuthor's Note
Added on April 29, 2019 Last Updated on April 29, 2019 Author |