![]() The Talon Family The Spy of London Part 8A Chapter by CLCurrieThey climbed out the old train station checking to make sure the street was clear and when Gabriel report back by blinking into sight it was all good to go. They all started to move down the way back to the van that Alexander left for the getaway. It was a few block over, and with it being so late at night they doubted anyone would see them. They didn’t exactly take their time but nor did they rush. It was better to proceed with caution at a decent rate of pace. Gabriel and Crystal checked the always and corner likes they had been trained while Alexander uses the overview from the drones and Virgil casually strolled down the street. He was whistling ‘London bridge is falling down’ with a little too much joy in his step. He stopped for a moment to tell the others “We need to pick it up, the sun will be rising soon.” Gabriel checked her watch, and to her shock he was right. He must be able to feel the light slowly starting the breath back into the world. “I don’t too much want to be caught out in it,” he said. “Why do you turn into a pile of ashes?” Alexander asked. “Oh no,” he shook his head and explained, “the light doesn’t kill me just weakens me greatly, and we don't want that.” “We should be getting close,” Gabriel said walking right into the back of her fathers’ steel body. She stepped away shaking her head about to ask what the problem was when she saw them. There were only three of them at the other end of the street hidden in the dark, but they were there. All three of them at once stepped out into the street light, and Crystal gasps the name, “Morgana’s children, this is not good at all.” Virgil hissed, “I never did like these guys.” “Is that the smiling fool?” Ywain asked from the middle of the two other men. They were all bald with bodies built like soldiers who trained daily for battle. Each one of them had a different color beard hanging down to their chest like Gabriel had seen of dwarves in Michael’s video games. And they each had a different color eye along with different kind of magical tattoos on their arms. She couldn’t tell from here what the tattoos were, but there were hints of them at their wrist. “I believe it is,” Owain said from his brother’s side. “We should kill him last,” Ewain told them both from the other side. “Ah, the three idiots,” Virgil said, “didn’t I kill the fourth one of you or something? You guys are so forgettable, I can’t recall.” Ywain hissed, “I will make sure your death is long and painfully, bloodsucker.” “If I have to keep looking at your ugly mug it will be,” Virgil said to them with a big smile on his face. “But you are better looking than that dead brother of your.” “We should run,” Crystal said backing up. “You should,” Owain said. “I love a good hunt.” He stepped off to the side of the group for a moment letting tattoos under his clothes burn away the cloth. His body started to grow, and the sound of breaking bones echo in the street with the howl of the monster. His face turns with unbelievable pain into the head of a large of a wolf. He stepped forward as a monster from the old stories about werewolves. The tattoos on his body giving him the power to control the transformations at will. He could do it at any time he wished. Ywain and Ewain follower suit making their bodies turn into wolves. “Werewolves!” Gabriel yelled at Virgil. “You were trying to make werewolves mad at us.” He shrugged a little. “Not my best plan.” “Run, get Crystal out of her,” Alexander said into the radio where only Gabriel could hear. She moved to take Crystal’s hand as the werewolves dashed at them. Virgil catches one of them with his knee to the side of the face while the metal arms of Alexander nailed the other two the walls as they crawl and bite at him. Gabriel took Crystal’s hand using her powers as they fled down the alleyway telling her not to let go. She glanced back in time to see one of the beasts rip the robot’s arm free and give chase. She shouldn’t have looked, and she knew better, but she lost her footing letting go of Crystal blinking her back in sight of the monster. Crystal turn opening with the gun she garbs from earlier. The bullets ripped into the monster’s flesh, but it did not stop it. In fact, the pain from the rounds made the wolf growl even louder picking up speed here. She yelps jumping out of the way before a crawl catch her face. She rolled into the wall hitting her head hurt against it sending a light show of pain before her eyes. The werewolf didn’t look for Gabriel guessing she ran away from fear and head for Crystal. He stood over the agent with a smile full of teeth. “You made mistake killing our master,” Ywain said. “I’m going to enjoy chewing on her bones.” “That does sound nice,” Gabriel told him blinking beside him holding the gun Crystal drop and unloading the whole clip into Ywain’s head. He screamed for only a second before falling to the side kicking like a dog running in its sleep but missing most of the animal’s head. Gabriel tossed the gun to the side helping Crystal to her feet. “Watch out,” Crystal yelled as Ywain crawl catch Gabriel in the side. She shrieks from the sudden pain dropping against to stone wall on the London street holding her side and breathing hard. She lifted her hand from cuts in her flesh to see blood dripping from her fingers. The pain keeps her awake and alert, not like it matter too much. The werewolf who attacked her was standing right in front of her with death in his blue eyes. She was never going to be able to look at a Siberian Husky the same way again, and her dress was now ruined forever. Gabriel watched the werewolf slowly try to get back to its feet while it unholy blood rebuild its body. She turns to order Crystal to run, but the woman was already bounding into the dying night. She bites against her teeth feeling the cuts were deep and the blood was pouring out. Everything was going cold and most of all she was losing sight. She was either blacking out from the pain, or the blood loss and none of it were good. “Dad,” she softly said, “I got hit. It's ba ---” © 2019 CLCurrieAuthor's Note
Added on April 1, 2019 Last Updated on April 1, 2019 Author |