![]() The Talon Family The Spy of London Part 6A Chapter by CLCurrieAlexander massive steel hand reached out taking Bonenight by the head and picking him up. The assassin garbs the metal arm forcing his powers into the limp, but nothing broke because there were no human bones in the arm at all. He didn’t have time to try something else before Alexander used to the wall as a fist knocking him out cold and letting his body fall. Virgil sat back for a moment trying to breathe and letting his body heal from the fight. The magic which kept him alive was working overtime, and he seems to be protesting someone mocking him. It was usual to find the vampire talking to himself, although, he said it was the ghost of the first men he ever killed. The ghost followed him around in the world far more depression about his stations then the vampire. I’m sure being dead isn’t all that fun, Gabriel remarked to herself. The bulletproof automaton stepped out into the rain of bullets sticking his arm up into the air making one of his fingers open with a radio dash. A moment later all the men shooting at the new target dropped their weapons, covering their ears screaming from the pain while vomiting everywhere before they passed out. Alexander quickly asked his oldest child, “You good to move?” “More than ready to get out of here,” Gabriel told him grabbing Crystal by the arm and rushing down the hall. Crystal rips her arm away more upset at Gabriel grabbing her than people trying to kill her. Virgil ran behind of them still recovering from the fight, but it was only going to be a matter of time before he was ready again. Gabriel dashed through a large hole in the wall where her dad had come into the tunnel. They all turned down it slowly before jumping into the train station. She watched her father stepped into the tunnel and then with a bit of awe a dark gray form filled the hole blocking anyone from following. She knew outside the hole a hologram was being projected on the wall. It would take a while for their enemy to find the tunnel and the form would still be standing along after the building around it had come down. It would take even longer for them to follow. She sighed a little sitting back against the wall. “You alright?” She asked Virgil. “I’ll live,” he said with a big smile on his face as if someone told a joke only he could hear. Maybe, it was the fact technically he was dead being a vampire and all. Or maybe the joke was the fact no one up there could kill him without setting him on fire. She images the old legend about a stake through the heart would kill them but then again a stake through the heart would kill anyone, not the best myth to add to the lore. She walked over to the Crystal wondering if the stake in the heart was added to the mythos by Virgil as a joke. He did once tell her the whole part about garlic hurting the undead came from him because he couldn’t stand the stuff, not that it actually hurt them. “You okay?” She asked. “I will be once Paladin has me somewhere safe,” She grunted back. “Dad, when are we moving?” Gabriel asked turning to face the metal body of her father. “I need some time,” He said. “The gunfight and the dead bodies have brought the police, and they are moving out to check the area. “Why don’t we use them as cover?” Crystal asked. “There is a high chance some Goliath's agents are with them,” he said. “We can’t get into a fight with them only to have every cop in London after us.” “So, we sit tight?” “For now,” Gabriel said walking back over to her friend who was resting against the wall. “You sure you are fine?” She asked in a low tone sitting next to him. “Oh yeah,” he said, “I'm just getting old is all. It takes a little more time for me to heal.” “A little old,” she grinned and asked, “how old is a little old?” “Let’s see,” he said thinking for a moment, “I became a child of the dark right after the Boston Tea Party.” “Wow,” she said. “Yeah, man, let me tell you age can catch up to you,” he said laughing at himself. “Did you fight in the war?” She asked him. “Oh love, I fought in all wars,” he said. “In the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, I fought for my home state.” “Which was?” “South Caroline.” “Did you have slaves?” She asked him, not sure if she should but her mouth spoke before she could stop it. “A few,” he said with a shrug, “but I free them once I became what I am.” Gabriel glanced away not sure what to say about the matter. “It was a different time,” he said. “You couldn’t really make a living without slaves, but I never liked the practice. I try my best to be as kind to my slaves as I could.” He rolled his eyes over to her. “But it never made it right, and I never said I was a saint.” “A vampire saint would be kind of cool.” He chuckled. “Let’s write to the pope about it.” They talked a little more about Virgil past, and she found out the first man he killed was a farmhand who was trying to rape a black slave, this was before he became a vampire. The first person killed as a Master of the Dark was a black slave named Elisha, who try to kill him. Either one of them at the time knew Elisha soul would follow him for the rest of Virgil’s long life. “Have you ever tried to free him?” She asked wondering if the man was around now. Virgil glanced to his side and said, “A couple of times but no one seems to understand the magic which made my people or the magic which bends him to me. The first ritual and the magic which birth us has been lost in the pages of time.” “How many are there?” She asked. “Of your people?” “Not a lot,” he smiled and said, “But we like it like that. We tend to keep the herd small and kill off some if it gets too big.” “Why?” “Because they like to keep the power close to their chest,” Crystal said. “That is one of the reasons,” he said nodding at her. “Chats over,” Alexander said. “Let’s move.” © 2019 CLCurrieAuthor's Note
Added on March 13, 2019 Last Updated on March 13, 2019 Author |