The Talon Family The Spy of London Part 5

The Talon Family The Spy of London Part 5

A Chapter by CLCurrie

“Package obtain,” Gabriel said into the radio being led by the bodyguard down the hallway, who was following Virgil, and Crystal was beside her. “Heading for extraction point B.”

                “Roger, tracking,” Alexander said back.           

                  Gabriel checked the rail-pistol in her hand given to her by Virgil who held it within in his coat pocket. The guards had their small machine gun at the ready scanning the doorways and the small hallways making sure no foe was following them. They moved like one unit as if they were all trained to do so. Crystal gives them the order to protect her and them once they got out of the room.

                “Are you Talon?” Crystal asked.

                Gabriel glanced at her and said, “Yes, but now is not the time.”

                “Hm,” Crystal said, “you have your mother your eyes.”

                Gabriel stared at her for a moment not sure what to say, but the question was written on her face. “She was a spy for us,” Crystal told her, “just for a while.”

                Gabriel went to say something along the line of disbelief, but the gunshots from the other side of the doorway stopped her. She shot back against the wall garb Crystal holding her by her stomach. “Don’t move,” she ordered turning them invisible while watching all their allies be cut down by gunfire.

                They stood still against the wall watching a few men in black suits with small machine gun walk over the bodies popping each of the men in the head. They quickly turn down the hall trying to find their target which was Crystal or anyone helping them. They started to move to waited to take out anyone who moves. Gabriel and Crystal watched them cut the corner out of their sight.

                Gabriel removed her hand rushing over to the bodies of the fallen. All the men who weren’t Virgil were dead. The men who fried against them were well-trained killers their shots were kill shots. Crystal stood behind her not shock nor caring about the men trying to save her.

                “Who is after you?” Gabriel asked. “Goliath?”

                “Yes, they found out I was trying to flip sides,” Crystal coolly said. “These men died well.”

                “That’s one way of looking at it,” Gabriel said.

                “What about your friend?”

                “Bullets only hurt,” Virgil said standing up pushing the bullets out of his body. “Although, as of lately I’m getting use the pain.”

                “Welcome to the life of a hero,” Gabriel said making sure no one was coming behind them.

                “Like you guys are the heroes,” Crystal said with a low huff.

                Virgil creaked a grin and said, “Now wouldn’t be the time to test that.”

                “You need to move guys,” Alexander said over the radios. “More coming your way.”

                “Roger,” Gabriel said with a nod. “Let’s move.”

                They started heading down the path they were going in the first place with Crystal snatching a gun up from her fallen friends. Gabriel glanced back at it but said nothing. It was better now for her to be an arm then have nothing to fight with. They might need help soon.

                Virgil was leading the way once against a little upset his suit was ruined, but there was nothing he could about it. Gabriel, on the other hand, was more than glad her dress was still holding up. He broke the lock to the door heading down inside the underground tunnels where they would meet with Alexander. It was quick flies down some stairs then out the tunnel Alexander had made a hole to an old train tunnel, but when they reach the bottom of the stairs a man was waiting for them.

                “Hello,” the man said with his dark purple eyes and black leather coat. “I will give one chance to hand over the traitor, and I’ll let you live.”

                Crystal opens fire on the man as he rolled out of the way before the bullets hit him. He hid against the wall letting the stone eat the bullets. “This won’t save you, Crystal,” he said.

                “I will not let you get me Bonenight,” She yelled over the firing.

                The moment she had to reload was a moment too long, and Bonenight dashed out from his hiding spot grabbing Virgil arm as he tries to punch him. Bonenight’s eyes started to glow along with hands, and a loud creaked followed by a scream from Virgil. The energy Bonenight shot into the vampire’s arm shatter his bones like a pencil under the tire of a car. The purple glowing energy around Boenight’s hand smashed into Virgil doing the same thing to his face, shattering the bone which in his jaw. He wanted to scream in agony, but all his jaw would do was hang open. He dropped to the ground in unbelievable agony.

                Bonenight turns to face Crystal who had no choice but drops the gun backing away from the assassin. She pulled two knives out readying herself for a fight. The assassin looked around for a moment asking, “Where is the oth---”

                Gabriel blinked back into sight near him and opening fure with the electric bolts impacted into his chest knocking him back a little, but the armor he wore under his suits stopped the bolts from putting him down. He grins and said, “That’s not good for you.”

                He moved with superhuman speed at Gabriel reaching for her arms to break them but stopped inches from her pale skin by the foot of Virgil kicking the man in the side of the head. He hit the wall taking a second to let the force of the hit fade and then turning to face the vampire. He was shocked to see Virgil’s body starting to heal.

                He popped his jaw back in place smiling and saying, “Oh, wow, man that hurts but now it’s my turn to bring the pain.”

                Gabriel blinked back beside Crystal watching both of them fight. “He won’t win,” she told Gabriel. “He is too fast,” and for the most part, she was right. Bonenight was moving faster than the vampire but not by much. Either way each time he landed a hit it was breaking Virgil’s bones and yet, it wasn’t stopping the smiling bloodsucker. He no longer cried out from the pain but bite back the scream trying to kill his foe.

                “We can’t keep this up,” Crystal said, “More men are coming.” Bullets started to rain down from the stairs causing Gabriel to return fire hitting her enemies better than they were shooting at her, mostly due to their poor position and not their weapons. They ducked under the stairs with the lead blasting into the floor around them like small meteors. “Do something,” Crystal yelled at Gabriel.

                “Working on it,” she yelled back. “Dad, I need some help.”


© 2019 CLCurrie

Author's Note

I’ll try to make this short for the both of us, but I feel, I need to add a little context to my stories on here. All the stories I post on this website are what I call “break stories.” They are either stories I go to when I get stuck in long from novel or stories, I write to explore a world. So, what does this mean? It means I enjoy these stories, but I don’t put everything into them. So, why am I posting them? A fair question and the reason I’m posting my stories on this website is to have fun, to show you my growth but most of all to give you a little taste of the worlds I work in. What does this mean for you? It means you can judge the work as you wish and by all means help me with plot, characters, and building the world, but I ask you to ignore grammar problems as best as you can and the style in which these stories are written. My page on here is my sketchbook and you guys get to see all the rough, nasty parts of my writing.

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Added on February 25, 2019
Last Updated on February 25, 2019

Adventures of the Talon family



Harrisburg, NC

I am a storyteller who comes from a long line of storytellers. I literally trace my heritage back to some Bards (poets and storytellers) of England. My family, in the tradition of our heritage, would .. more..

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