![]() The Talon Family The Assassination of Two Part 8A Chapter by CLCurrieThere were two men Helbis had to take out before getting on the ship and they had no idea what hit them. She moved up behind them like a cat moving to take out a mouse. By the time they turn around they were both on the floor out cold. She quickly tied their hands with zip ties and rushed to move into the rest of the ship. “I’m moving in,” she whispered into her earpiece. “Got it,” Gabriel said back. Helbis darted into the hallway of the ship with her rifle at the read racing to the cargo area where the meeting was taking place. Her magical tattoos allowing her the agility and abilities of a cat made the darkness of the ship seem like nothing. She checked each room as she rushed by remembering why she loved this life. Any mission gave her purpose for her life. She was made to save the world like an artist was made to paint, or a poet made to write. It was the very reason God put her in this life and gave her these tattoos. It was to save people and to make the world a better place one mission at a time. But the real reason she loved it was the adrenaline of being on a mission, a mission she fully knew she could die on, was where all her problems of life were pushed away. She couldn’t think about how her family felt about her now. She couldn’t question why her love life always seems to end in flames. She didn’t have time to recall how she didn’t want to be doing the very thing she was doing right now. Her heavy boots moved with ease as her dark brown eyes brighten the dark before her. She only had time to think of the mission and of stopping the Voice from getting those weapons. Suddenly, a door opens a few feet in front of her, and a man talking to his friend stepped out. Their weapons at their sides, they didn’t think anyone would be on the ship other than their people. The first man, a tall black man with a Mohawk much like her brother Michaels, looked dead at her. He was a giant of a man and more than likely an ex-special force of some kind but size matter little when your technique was perfect. Helbis ducked quickly sidestepping and planting her foot behind his while dropping all her weight into his chest. The man fell backward out of shock and disbelief at how fast he was taken down. He hit the floor giving Helbis the clear aim to shoot his friend swiftly followed by him. The stun bolt left them both shaking on the floor not truly understanding what had happened to them. She didn’t have time to tie them up she had to get into position. She opens the hatch to the large cargo area slowly stepping out onto the walkway and keeping low, very low. She glanced around making sure she was safe and then looked upwards. Above her were smaller walkways where tow man were sitting with their guns across their laps. They were tied to the small walkways for safer. She jumped up like a cat trying to get onto the top of a dresser and landed just as smoothly, not making a sound. “I do not like this,” Kirk said as Helbis moved closer to the men. “You killed a politician.” “What I do with my affairs is little of your concern,” a well-built English man said smoking a black cigar with a nasty scar on his neck and an odd-looking device behind his ear. The device almost looked like a hearing aid but was black and had three blinking lights. “It’s my business when you bring heat down on us,” Kirk told him. Helbis stopped moving for a moment to hear more about what was going on below. She glanced over to see a man on the far side of the cargo area fall from nothing behind some boxes. Gabriel was in the room, and she was invisible. “They will not trace anything back to you,” The Voice said. “I have made sure of it.” “Were you using any of my weapons?” Kirk asked standing at the edge of the light above them with his hands in his pockets. Most of the room was shadowed in blackness so Kirk couldn’t see any of the guards, but he must have trusted the man because he came alone. He must have been around the Voice enough times that he didn’t question his lack of guards. “Not this time,” The Voice said with a puff of smoke. “Well, that is good.” Kirk nodded and then said, “Let’s move the next shipment as soon as we can, I would like this to be over.” “Over? Do we not pay you well?” “Oh, you do,” He agreed, “but I can’t afford to get catch helping you guys out.” “Are you saying you are not going to sell to us anymore?” The man asked, and there was something different about his voice. It was as if he was repeating lines given to him by someone. His words ring with fake emotions. “For a while,” Kirk told him, “just for a while.” Helbis didn’t see her sister take another man out but the man when down. She did feel the walkway under her move a little like one of the snipers raise his gun at his fallen friend. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but something didn’t seem right. She couldn’t focus on the conversation below anymore and had to get ready. She fired taking out the first man making his partner jumped from surprise, but he didn’t have much time to react before he was dangling from the walkway. She tossed her weapon around her back and then hooked herself to the walkway readying herself to drop below and help when needed. “I’m ready,” she said. “Me too,” Gabriel said. “Then start the show,” Ironblood told them both. “Don’t forget to active the earpieces.” © 2018 CLCurrie |
Added on September 19, 2018 Last Updated on September 19, 2018 Author |