![]() First TimeA Poem by CK_85The
first time I feel in love was, not as glamorous as romance movies make it out
to be I
met the girl online in a chatroom, and I lied about my age because she was
literate, a quality that I didn’t want to lose because of the amount of times I’ve
been alive while the earth revolved around the sun A
few months later, we developed feelings for each other And
with those feelings, comes the need to express them past words, but rather
actions and, more private actions, catch my drift? However,
by the time that this conversation rolled around, I hadn’t let the cat out of
the bag about my dirty secret To
prepare for the night that we planned, I was taking a lukewarm shower, though I
remember none of it All
I could remember is the devil and the angel on my shoulder arguing back and
forth whether I should tell her that I wasn’t 17 but rather 15 Would
it be better for me to go through with it, guilt eating me alive during
everything Or
would it be better for me to come clean, and let her decide I
settled on the latter The
hours leading up to the call where we planned to first make virtual love
dragged heavily, like the lead ball strapped to a prisoner’s ankle who was
jailed for stealing a heart Finally,
the time came around, and I had a typed admission for her When
we first exchanged our meaningless chitchat, she could tell with the waver in
my voice, and the dread in my eyes, that something was off So
I began reciting what I had written Though
it was forced, like the key to her heart being ripped from my throat I
could feel the burning sensation, and I can still feel it at this very moment I
couldn’t read, this was something that had to come naturally So
I told her that I was 15, and that I love her That
was all I could lay on the table before I cried hysterically over the belief
that she, the only person that gave me a reason to live, the only thing that
made me happy in life, would leave me She
lied; She was 16, not 18 The
feeling that came over me could only be described as that same prisoner being
released from the prison that they spent so long in I
couldn’t push out anything before I cried hysterically again Not
from sadness, but from happiness Happiness
that I had no more secrets Happiness
that WE had no more secrets Happiness
that we had cleared the air of the smog of loving deceit That
was when I first fell in love For
reference, we started dating in June of 2015 On
March 14, 2016, she ripped my heart to shreds and stomped upon the remains when
she broke up with me Saying
it was for the better Saying
it was better for me Saying
it was better for her Saying
nothing because she was too busy crying about it while breaking up with me Saying
that she will always love me Saying
that she’s not with another guy Saying
that she’s not dating her best friend that she got drunk with one night and
kissed So
whenever somebody asks me if I have ever fallen in love: I
tell them no Rewind
to December 29, 2015 About
that same girl It
was with that long distance girlfriend whom I had met in person for the first
time after 9 months of dating And
I don’t know how much you all know about being unable to touch someone whom
you’ve loved and cared about so deeply for 9 whole months, but let me try to
describe it to you Every
single day away from her was like a spring being pushed down The
fall of the slick black sky capped off a Skype call and put a cap on that
compressed spring Repeat
the process for 274 days, and there’s a lot of tension, frustration, and lust
between both of us The
only issue was: my mother and two sisters were in the other room of the hotel and
the only thing that separated my now ex-lover and I from them was a tall pair
of saloon-like, non-locking doors We
were getting intimate Not
in a sexual way, but exchanging meaningless sentiments that have been rallied
back and forth for such a long time period Touching
each other’s thighs, just hinting that we both wanted to ravish each other’s
bodies as quietly as we could as to not let my family become aware of the sins
that they were fully aware were to happen The
details of the image, now months out of focus, are quite fuzzy All
I remember is me lying down on my back while she sucked so harshly on my neck
that I thought she was a vampire about to suck the blood of passion from my
jugular Soon
thereafter her lips rose up like a magician’s act, because the moment was
magical That
was the moment that I got my first kiss Immediately
followed by my first sloppy make-out session It
was a sensation that I never felt, and I haven’t felt since It
wasn’t lust, it was love coming together, no pun intended, so vividly and so
naturally It
was completing me The
lip work soon became handwork Her
hand laced with a numbing agent, I will swear that to this day, to prevent me
from feeling her touch So
much so that I had to check to see that she was actually giving me a French
Handshake My
hand was much purer than hers, without the wax that would prevent her from
experiencing pleasure So
she didn’t have to wait 3 whole days to relieve the burning pain from being
turned on like a car, and breaking down in the middle of the race So
now my life is a perpetual stop sign because no woman, I am convinced, can give
me any type of pleasure Fast
forward a few months It’s
the day before I get off of break and start school up again The
work load, I’ve been told, will get much harder I’m
beyond stressed and I can’t sleep Then
I remember, my mom bought me a pack of double-edged razor blades for a magic
trick a long while back I
take one out of its sheath “I
can’t do this I’m
not like this This
isn’t me” I
tell myself, all while teasing my arm with the tickling of the sharp corner During
that foreplay, the metal square decides to show me what happens when you play
with fire The
small, intentional cut sent shivers throughout my entire body And
during those five seconds, I felt nothing other than a physical pain It
was the entire ocean evaporating when I’ve been drowning my entire life But,
very soon after, that feeling faded So
“one more” didn’t turn into the dozens as it had in the future It
was, however, more than a few Each
one gave me a release from the bleak reality that I faced every single waking
second of my entire life So
go ahead, tell me that if the only escape from the hell that burns your flesh alive
every moment of every day was a quick flick of a razor, that you wouldn’t do
the same thing Fast
forward a few more months I
was buying marijuana for my older sister as a pain killer for her constant
chest pain that she’s had for the past year and a half The
people I was with, I hold my tongue with the word “friends”, had some They
offered me to smoke it The
light in my eyes was brighter than the red embers in the abused bowl that my
shaky hand pressed to my lips 4 times exactly I
felt nothing I
get driven back to my house, still waiting for it to kick in I
find myself running rampant through my closet, trying to find clothes that take
the stench of the herb away from them I
find myself frantically running through my bathroom, trying to freshen up before
my 2 and a half political service hours that I needed to leave for in 25
minutes I
go to my sister’s room I
give her her supply and I tell her, and I quote, “I’m so high right now” Little
did I know that I was lying Because
the next moment I remember was when I slapped my right cheek with my right hand A
gesture that will wake you out of a horrifying nightmare or used as a way to
tell someone that something is like a dream It’s
never used as an emergency call And
I was put to voicemail I
was being dragged away from the reality that I needed to be in so desperately
by a demon that didn’t give a damn Every
3 seconds I yanked myself away from its grasp, returning to my original place,
no clue as to what happened before that time Had
I known that the weed that I put into my trachea would turn my life into a
living nightmare for the next four and a half hours I
would’ve still done it
it was a hell of a lot better than what my reality is © 2017 CK_85Author's Note
5 Reviews Added on February 18, 2017 Last Updated on February 18, 2017 Tags: Poem, Poetry, Love, Heartbreak, Drugs, Self-harm, Depression Author![]() CK_85Buffalo, NYAboutI write stories, unorthodox snippets of prose, as well as hip-hop lyrics. more..Writing
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