![]() Blaine's findA Story by CJ Tyrone![]() After a forgotten scifi disaster, a boy finds something that will undermine his community.![]() Dappled in
the evening sun, The forest sank into a gloomy
twilight, and the xenoform was nowhere within shooting range. The thermal image
on his shades showed an anomaly three hundred feet ahead, maybe further. Quite
likely, he had lost the prey long ago, and the anomaly was only a small animal,
not worth the effort hunting. He stood for a while in the forest.
The air was damp and still, the thick vegetation swamped him. He inhaled
deeply, but claustrophobia choked him up. He was about to turn back, when the
thermal anomaly moved in an odd pattern. Characteristic motion of the xenoform,
when excited. Without hesitation, he sprinted
forward. That was one hell of an excited alien. He could nab this xenoform, no
problem, with some nice extras. Closer,
closer, closer…WHUMP! He got to his knees with
excruciating effort. Nothing seemed to be broken, except his shades, which
meant no communications. His weapon was nowhere nearby. He looked up. The
canopy seemed miles away, and the gibbous moon was distant. Deep s**t, indeed. He stood up and ran his hands over
the surrounding walls. Smooth earth, hardly a crack or crevice. Someone had dug
this pit by mechanical means. There was a stake portruding from the top of the
pit, probably for the rope ladder. Soils crumbled under his fingers and
boots as he tried to climb the wall. He attempted several other sites, but the
soil could not hold his weight. Frustrated, he sat down, considering his
options. His eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness.Up
ahead, the pit extended into some kind of tunnel. He couldn’t get out until
someone passed by the pit, and there was no saying when that would happen. He
might as well get into the tunnel and find another way out. He took a few tentative steps forward. The
ground was soft with moisture, but firm. His boots sank into irregularities at
intervals�"probably footprints. Someone had taken this route previously, and the
fact gave him confidence. As he walked, the tunnel grew narrower and
lower, forcing him to crouch, and then to crawl. In the absence of moonlight,
the tunnel was pitch black. The darkness and stale air closed in on He crawled for an indefinite period of time,
nauseated from the sensation of being trapped. The tunnel widened again, and he
stood up on cramped legs. There was a
faint yellow light in the distance. It was a circular light on a metal surface, set
into the soil. The metal was rusted and mossy, but he could make out a single
door, large enough for one person. He pulled on the latch. The door opened
reluctantly, its hinges moving like arthritic joints. A warm, dry smell washed over him.
He gasped in surprise. A lived-in room, illuminated by a
naked bulb, complete with a battered desk, a chair and an old sofa. Posters
lined the walls, and video discs were stacked on the desk and floors. There was
even a small fridge tucked in one corner. Several kitchen appliances stood on
an upturned crate. Most surprising of all, a computer sat on the desk. It was
an ugly contraption assembled from salvaged parts, but if it worked, it was
incredibly valuable. The shape and material of the room
reminded him of a photo he had seen: a train carriage. Freight train, probably.
Still intact in its underground station. Someone had taken pains to hide his
private dungeon from the turf. Water in a glass evian bottle; a
collection of decade-old candies; vintage wine; fresh fruit, berries and
tubers; a hunk of roasted meat. He took out the meat in its tupperware
container. Where the hell did this guy find tupperware? Either he was one hell
of a salvager, or he had come across an intact supermarket. No one in the turf
had ever found a fully stocked supermarket, or even a convenience store. Maybe
the xenoforms had beat them to it long ago. Xenoforms did consume human food and use human
tools, and they often stole valuables from the turf. The storage facilities had
to be guarded twenty four hours a day. Even then, thefts still occurred. He looked amongst the appliances until he found
a microwave. There was a socket-like contraption of some kind, and he switched
it on. The microwave worked perfectly. He wondered where the power supply was
coming from. Rabbit, he decided, as he bit into the meat. As he sat chewing, he mentally rehearsed
telling This was worth way more than the stupid
xenoform he had been chasing all day. Maybe the xenoform was some kind of
spiritual guide. This was his destiny, his moment of glory. Something in the posters disturbed him. He
wiped his mouth, stood up, and walked right up to the wall. At first glance, the pictures were
garden-variety pornography. No doubt looted, but carefully cleaned and tacked
onto the walls. On closer look, he realized that the women were not adults at
all, but children and young teenagers. He sneered. So this is how the jackass gets his
kicks. A righteous anger rose in him, only to be nudged aside by a crafty idea. He rummaged through the piles of videos, opened
drawers, overturned crates, looked under the battered sofa. Finally, a haircomb
fell out of a magazine. It was the only personal article in the entire room. Fortunately, there were hair strands caught in
the teeth. Despite his meticulous housekeeping, the owner had completely
forgotten about one small thing. That was enough to blow his silly hideout. “Knew you were trouble, you creepy b*****d,” he
muttered, with some pride at his detective skills. That was all he needed to get everything he
wanted. Almost everything. He shoved the comb into his belt compartment. In his mind, a different plan formed. Now he
wouldn’t need to report to Ira. He just needed to see the comb’s owner. Only
the two of them, a private negotiation. The end result was the same�"making
himself irresistible to Delaney. What a fantastic, fantastic find, he thought,
smiling to himself. A warm glow spread from his body to his fingertips. He opened a bottle of wine and drank to his own
success. He hated the taste of wine, but he thought the gesture would be
appropriate. The liquid was noxious stuff. He slammed down
the bottle in disgust. He walked quickly across the carriage,
impatient to leave. His foot caught on something, and he nearly fell. Cursing, he crouched down to find the object. A
semicircular ring rising vertically from the ground, a handle for some sort of
trapdoor. Hooking his finger in the ring, he pulled. A stench hit him, sending him reeling. Rot and
decay filled his nostrils. He doubled over and retched. He had never smelled anything so awful in his
entire life. This was worse than rancid meat left in abandoned camps. Much,
much worse. When he recovered himself, he crawled back
reluctantly to the trapdoor. Even as he held his breath and covered his nose,
the odor seeped through his fingers. He peered over the edge, and immediately
regretted it. Even with the pallor and disfigurement, the
body was unmistakable. The corpse laid naked, legs splayed, arms thrown apart.
The eyes had been stitched shut, and the mouth was parted in anguish. Injuries
mottled the child’s body. “Kasumi,” he rasped. Something in his chest twisted, and tears
filled his eyes. “My god, oh my god, Kasumi…what
happened to you? What happened here? What did he do?…” [[Cut scene to reiko and noel
peacefully conversing back at the community. Indication of time passed.]] Cold, humid air washed over He looked straight ahead, where a patch of
sunlight marked the other end of the tunnel. Standing at the doorway, his mind went blank.
For a second he was puzzled at his situation. Then his knees buckled, and he
crumpled to the ground, sobbing. He counted to ten. At nine and a
half, he stood up. Like a wound-up toy, he began to walk down the tunnel. The sunlight was blinding. Heat burned his skin
and parched his throat. He had left the forest behind him long ago, and
now shuffled his way down the clearing. The derelict hotel loomed ahead. Chunks of
mossy plaster littered the surrounding area. Even stripped of its rotting
façade, the hotel was one hell of a fleabag. At the entrance, He parted his chapped lips to speak into the
intercom. No words came, and he tried again. “Blaine Bridgewater,” he rasped. “Did anyone
miss me?” A hiss of static, and then a cheerful voice:
“Hey, B.B.! Been out all night? Hope your girl was as fine as mine!” “I need to see “Hey, hey, what’s the rush? It’s Sunday
afternoon! ” “Regan. Open the gate. I need to see “Whatever you say. Let me get dressed first.
Unless you would rather I didn’t.” The gates opened with a clang and squeal. “My god, B.B., you look like hell,” Regan said. “He’s underage right? So cute, but illegal.”
The woman crooned. “It’s illegal for you to be here,” “It’s ok, B, we were just in my room.” Regan
put a finger to his lips. “Don’t tell “I’m fine. Just go back to your room. I need to
see Tyne alone,” “I’ll be there if you need anything,” Regan
said, his eyes dark with concern. [TBC....] © 2010 CJ TyroneReviews
1 Review Added on December 30, 2010 Last Updated on December 30, 2010 |