Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Michael E Dust

The dark Knight accepts his patrons,


The night wore on heartlessly with the pitter patter of the rain smacking across the hood of his care.  The glossy finish on the BMW glistened up against the lights down the street.  The luminescence almost had a florescent green too it giving the streets an eerie feeling.  It was cold, dark and reeked of death.  Alex took a deep drag on his cigarette before flicking it out the window.  Exhale.  He took another breath in feeling the thick air outside crisp and chill.  “Smells like one of those nights” Alex muttered to himself.  Alex unlocked the car door and swung it open before stepping out into the rain.  The rain rolled off of the fabric on his suit like the rain didn’t want to make a bad impression.  Alex stood there letting the rain drip down his hair.  He thought about how his mother had protested about his hair being too long past his ears.  Alex didn’t really care too much about it anymore, it had been a few centuries since being home, or seeing his family nonetheless.  “Time to get to work” he said.  Alex moved onto the sidewalk and began walking along the buildings.  At this time of night many families would be tucking their children down to bed telling them story’s about the heroes that scared off the boogie man at night.  Telling them about how monster didn’t exist in the world, and they would wonder if this was true.  It’s forthcoming that anyone would believe that demons, ghosts, and vampires were real because it wasn’t a myth it was a real thing to be believed.  “All the children warm in their beds, comfy with the stories their parents tell them.  Cattle being herded to believe that they are the dominant form of life” Alex muttered.  Alex continued down the path for a few more feet and brought out what appeared to be a miniature severed head.  He pushed back his glasses for a moment to make sure that they wouldn’t fall off.  The head was shriveled and shrunken like a prune that gets left out in the sun too long.  Surely there would have been fly’s buzzing off as head was clearly decaying.  “Time to do your job head creeper” Alex said.  Suddenly the head sprang to life, and its eyes moved left to right rapidly.  Searching to see who had summoned the spirits presence to the real world.  The mouth of the creeper was sewn shut as it tried to make some guttural sounds, lips moving but not opening.  “Sorry about that Franky” Alex said.  Alex took a knife and cut the sewn part of the creepers mouth open.  Instantly the creeper took a deep breath and coughed out dust.  “God damn Alex, every f*****g time you sew my mouth shut.  You know I can’t breathe when it’s shut!  Why you got to do that to me?!” Frank said.  Alex pressed his hand against his face in a long deep sigh.  “Franky, you’re an a*****e with a bad temper and no manners” Alex said.  Alex moved Franky up to his face, and looked at him in the eye.  “Remember, that time my expertise located that gang of vampires stealing young children, or that group of werewolves that were eating all the ranchers cattle or maybe that time you went head to head against that necromancer and I helped you locate his trail of dead bodies” Franky said.  “See Alex, you need me” Alex didn’t seem the slightest bit impressed but moved a little closer.  “Remember that time you tracked that necromancer into the crypt and started screaming because you are afraid of zombies and the necromancer summoned an undead horde against me?” Alex said whilst smirking.  Franky veered his eyes away.  “You win sir, I’ll be good” Franky said.  “Glad to hear it” Alex said.  Alex turned Franky to face the sidewalk and spoke in an ancient language.  Franky’s eyes glowed like car headlights.  “Find his footprints Franky” Alex said.  In an eerie green glow of footprints illuminated across the sidewalk.  “Good job Franky.  Now show me were that group of vampires have been hiding.  I’m looking forward to illuminating their point of view” Alex said.  Alex brought a flask up to his pursed lips and drank from it.  “Alex, you have to stop drinking that s**t.  I know what it does to increase your power and sustainability.  But it’s dangerous, and your vengefulness isn’t going to get you very far if you keep it up.  What would your brother think if he knew what you were doing?” Franky said.  “It’s ok Franky, I have it under control.  I’m going to need most of my power to take this pack out, they have been a nuisance and should give me some vital information in locating Maliketh” Alex said with a smile on his face. 

Alex followed the footsteps on the ground all the way to a doorway that had a triangular symbol with three integrated circles.  The door was painted red, and led down into what appeared to be a basement level of a stone building.  Alex looked back and forth to check to see if anyone was following behind him.  Alex moved down the steps and knocked on the door three times.  A section of the door opened enough for two piercing eyes to come through the peering holes.  The eyes appeared to be catlike and the deepest darkest green.  Alex knew immediately that the creature was a Cait Sith, a creature that was a hybrid between a fairy and a cat.  Generally they were fairy like in disposition, but maintained the fur of a cat and the eyes.  Not to mention the deep claws on their hands.  It was rare to this type of creature working for vampires, which would have led Alex to believe that it wasn’t Vampires who owned the club, but Cait’s instead.  It seemed a bit odd to Alex.  It looked back and forth at the head next to me and my water drenched face.  “What’s the password?” The cat said.  Alex smiled.  “Meow Meow” I said.  The Cait blinked and let me through the doorway and into the entrance of the club.  As the door shut behind Alex he looked back at the Cait.  The Cait walked up to Alex his chest to Alex forehead.  “Watch yourself Reaver, and put your voo doo away before I step you down a level” The Cait said.  Alex held his footing.  Alex wasn’t about to back down to a Cait in this club, there was a larger mission.  But at the same time he wasn’t intending on starting a fight.  “I’ll oblige that” Alex said.  Alex put Franky inside of his coat jacket and it didn’t even bulge.  Something about Alex’s coat made him disappear completely and there was no hint that the bodiless creeper even existed.  Alex nodded to the guard at the door and proceeded through red velvet curtains into the club.  Alex walked into the club and some of the eyes stopped to look at him for a moment before another creature came up to him.  A burley dwarf walked up to him shaking his hand for a moment.  “My apologies sir may I ask that you deposit all of your weapons in the repository?” The Dwarf said.  Alex looked down at the Dwarf.  “I prefer to keep them on me just in case” Alex said.  The Dwarf held his hand out and smiled.  “Please sir, I will tell you on my honor that you are not at risk here.  We have placed a secure spell dispelling magic’s in the room.  This is a safe place for all creatures alike.  I would ask that we have your weapons” The Dwarf persistently said.  Alex opened up his jacket and displayed a numerous number of weapons.  Ranging from daggers to pistols, to chained scythes.  Alex willingly deposited the items on the table for the Dwarf as he began depositing them into a box filled with other weapons of a similar sort.  The Dwarf noticed a large book on the inside of Alex’s jacket.  Alex took a quick look at the book.  “I’ll need the book too if you don’t mind?” The Dwarf said.  “This is just some light reading in case I get bored.  I would hate to part with it.  I’m actually waiting for a friend, not really here for the show if you don’t mind?” Alex said.  The Dwarf was adamantly stubborn and continually persisted.  “I don’t care what it’s for, but you cannot pass with that book” The Dwarf said.  Alex shrugged.  He handed the Dwarf the book.  The moment the Dwarf touched the book his eyes turned green in a small flash.  The Dwarf slowly handed the book back as if a mindless zombie.  Alex put the book back into his jacket.  Shortly after the Dwarf came back to and gestured to Alex.  “Enjoy your time in the club Alex” The Dwarf Said.  “I’ll make sure to enjoy myself Al.  Have a great rest of the evening” Alex said.  Alex walked over to the bar and looked at the bar tender gesturing for a drink.  Alex couldn’t help but notice the large breasts on the bartender.  She was dressed in a tight laced one piece outfit the screamed f**k me.  Alex knew better than to fall for a Cait Sith, but he always found them particularly beautiful.  Part cat part fairy seemed fairly hard to resist.  But it was resistible.  Alex looked around left to right.  The bartender came up to Alex in a sprightly manner.  “What can I get for ya mister?” She said.  Alex turned his head up to look at her.  Again starring at her breasts practically in his face.  It hadn’t occurred to him that this was practically a strip club.  “I’ll take a black Russian” Alex said.  The Cait girl cheerily grabbed a bottle of Vodka and Coffee Liqueur.  She had a fair amount of skill in her mixing skills.  The drink looked smooth as silk by the time she finished.  She placed the glass in front of Alex and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  “Enjoy Alex!” She said.  Alex quickly grabbed her outfit from between the cleavage of her breasts and pulled her ear to his face.  “I haven’t even told you my name yet” Alex said.  The girl looked at him for a second with large eyes, and a stern face.  “I have a talent for telepathy and I know exactly why you’re here Alex” She said.  Alex didn’t trust it, and a muffled shout from inside his jacket screamed.  “Don’t trust her Alex!” Franky said muffled.  Alex took a drink enjoying the flavor in his mouth while he closed his eyes.  He gestured her forward so her ear met his mouth.  “Why should I trust you?” Alex whispered.  She looked at him with a deep sadness in her eyes that begged for help.  It longed for attention and love.  Alex hated to admit it but he was a sucker when it came to women.  His heart was stuck in an open position and he couldn’t help but fall for the wrong girl.  She turned Alex’s head so his ear faced her lips.  “I know how to get to Maliketh.  Meet me outback in an hour, my name is Veronica.  I knew your fiancé before she died and I want these a******s to burn” Veronica said.  Her cat ears almost stood on end when she spoke to him, and he knew that this all meant trouble.  Veronica licked his ear before walking off to serve another customer.  Alex took a swig of the last of his drink before moving for the outside.  

© 2015 Michael E Dust

Author's Note

Michael E Dust
Rough draft, looking for ideas and concepts

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Added on August 20, 2015
Last Updated on August 21, 2015
Tags: fantasy, adventure, mythological, romance, cool


Michael E Dust
Michael E Dust

Springfield, MO

Created an account to meet new people and explore a new hobby. I did a lot of writing in high school and I'm looking to just write for my own personal exploration. I have always had different concep.. more..
