![]() A Creative 2014, a splendid 2015!A Story by Charles E.J. Moulton![]() Twenty pieces of mine were published in 2014, I gathered over a hundred thousand followers in the web, I sold a painting, directed a musical, became a chorus master, worked as a guitar teacher. 2014!!![]()
Blessed Holidays & A Creative 2015
by CHARLES E.J. MOULTON "From the heart sprung, the inner wish to express emotion in a creative form turns into eternal beauty." - Creative Credo Dear friends, This quote sort of sums up what it is to be creative. Basically, it is your own inner thoughts that lead the way. What do you feel? What do you love? How do you want to express that love? With a canvas, paint and an easel? With your voice, an instrument or a conductor's baton? With your voice as an actor? With your fingers on a PC or with a pencil and a paper? This year, I have been very lucky to be able to successfully do all of that. The year started in a slow and bad way, I must add. Last Christmas saw me breaking my back, literally, during a hypoglyceamic fit of low blood sugar. I broke two vertebrae in my spine and was operated. God bless God, I must say. He was with me all the way. After a reaally good operation and a fantastic rehabilitation, I was back to work. In April of 2014, my first major job as creative director got off the ground. The Unitune Musical Chorus, produced by the Music School of Herten, launched my successful prouduction of MAMMA MIA! with rave reviews from the local press. Since then I have been tutoring the students from that school in the preparations for their academy auditons. My new chorus, KLINGT GUT!, is also underway. We have our second concert in March of 2015. I am right now playing Mr. MacGrave in the operetta DIE CZARDASFÜRSTIN, which isn't a big role persay (besides it being the 61st role I have played in 106 productions in 13 theatres in my career), but it is a fun one: a punchline was created for me here by director Dietrich Hilsdorf. "Well, roll me over and call me grandpa. Hot damn it, baby! I knew it was you. This girl is the best damn singer this side of the Atlantic!" It always gives the audience and the colleagues a chuckle. I had my first exhibition this year. I am really lucky, actually, only having painted art for three years. I've given lots of art away as presents. This year I actually sold a painting. The event was in the Ateliergalerie in Bochum, where 25 of my paintings were on display now in December. I have also had quite a few successful gigs this year as a swing soloist with my big band THE JR SWING CONNECTION, among others singing in JAZZ BY THE LAKESIDE in the Baldeneysee Yachtclub, in the Bochum Music Festival and now on Friday at the Dortmund Opera House. My gala concert CHRISTMAS GOES BROADWAY was a giant success last Sunday. We had a fully packed concert hall in Castle Horst and a lot of local press coverage. Last but not least, this year's published pieces include many fine magazines. 1. THE WOVEN TALE PRESS, U.S.A. April 9, 2014. Professional Advice: “Vocal Technique” http://thewoventalepress.net/2014/04/09/latest-press-now-e-stand/2. SOCRATES Academic Journal. India. June 2014. Historical Research Paper: “Catherine " the Faithful Queen Dowager” http://de.slideshare.net/Socratesjournal/cathrine-36517487 3. TWJ Magazine, Aztec, NM, U.S.A. August, 2014 Inspirational Biographical Fiction: “A Match Made In Heaven” http://twjmag.com/fiction-nonfic-poetry/a-match-made-in-heaven 4. APHELION, U.S.A. August, 2014. Science-Fiction: “The Next Turtle” http://www.aphelion-webzine.com/shorts/2014/08/NextTurtle.html 5. APHELION, U.S.A. August, 2014. Science-Fiction: “Crack of Doom” http://www.aphelion-webzine.com/newforum/viewtopic.php? f=129&t=13239&sid=974a2683071d960f4400e5870bab71aa 6. APHELION, U.S.A. October, 2014. Horror/Sci-Fi/Western: “Coffin Varnish” http://www.aphelion-webzine.com/shorts/2014/10/CoffinVarnish.html 7. 365 TOMORROWS, U.S.A. Science Fiction: “The African Mystery” http://365tomorrows.com/09/09/the-african-mystery/8. THE SCREECH OWL, England, October, 2014. Romantic Drama: “Torn Apart” http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-forbidden-fruit.html 9. THE SCREECH OWL, England. October 2014. Creative Non-Fiction (with Herbert Eyre Moulton): “Defender of the Faith” http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-sea-cave.html 10. THE SCREECH OWL, England. October, 2014. Creative Non-Fiction (with Herbert Eyre Moulton): “Vienna’s International Theatre " Living the Dream” http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-sea-cave.html 11. THE SCREECH OWL, England. November, 2014. Historical Science Fiction: “Triana’s Salvation” http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-forbidden-fruit.html 12. THE SCREECH OWL, England. November, 2014. Mystery: “Jewel of the Apocalypse” http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-forbidden-fruit.html 13. THE SCREECH OWL, England. November, 2014. Science Fiction: “Antarctic Itch” http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-forbidden-fruit.html 14. THE SCREECH OWL, England. November, 2014. Horror: “The Pigeon Goddess of Room 3327” http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-forbidden-fruit.html 15. THE SCREECH OWL, England. December 4 th , 2014. Book Review: “Could King Have Saved Kennedy?” http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-forbidden-fruit.html 16. APHELION, U.S.A. December 7 th , 2014. Horror: “Voodoo Judgment” http://www.aphelion-webzine.com/17. THE SCREECH OWL, England: December 11 th , 2014, Biographical article about Anna Kronzell (1900 "1996): “Anna’s Noble Heart” http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-sea-cave.html 18. THE SCREECH OWL, England. December 11 th , 2014, Article by Herbert Eyre Moulton: “Waiting for Callas”, http://www.thescreechowl.com/the-forbidden-fruit.html 19. ASYLUM INK, U.S.A. December 11th, 2014. Horror: “Coffin Varnish” (in an alternate version to the one published in Aphelion) http://asylumink.net/?p=442 20. ASYLUM INK, U.S.A. December 23rd, 2014. Horror: "Gruesome Mud" http://asylumink.net/?p=442 I have had a blessed family Christmas this year with great music, good food, lots of laughs. My sweet daughter and wonderful wife are my greatest strength and od is my savior. I have the luck of having a great family life and being loved and liked professionally. That's pretty cool. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2015! The more happiness for everyone, the better it is for all of us! Best regards, Charles E.J. Moulton "You are a true Renaissance man, Charles." Laurie Notch, IdeaGems Publications © 2014 Charles E.J. MoultonAuthor's Note
Added on December 31, 2014 Last Updated on December 31, 2014 Tags: art, music, opera, celebrity, classical music, creativity, new year Author