5 years update

5 years update

A Story by CC Faye

Hello guys.
Omg, I have completely forgotten about this site. I was cleaning up my emails, and was going to unsubscribe, but I found out about this.

I am completely blown away from the massive support, and lot of messages and reviews from Blind Tails.

To be honest, unfortunately I didn't continued my writing journey. But rest assured that Blind Tails is completed. A long time ago. 

I also remembered that I posted the chapters before, but the site was pulled down. I am completely sorry.

I also can't remember what happened to Blind Tails, haha I only remembered that I changed the name.

Currently now 5, I am a start up graphic designer and a social media manager for online coaches.

I remembered that I left the writing world, and didn't realized it's been 5 years! As I was not active on using this site anymore.

Let's stay in touch.

My facebook page is: www.facebook.com/ccfaye17
IG: www.instagram.com/ccfayedigital

I am really blown away, like totally. I felt so bad for leaving you guys hanging and not active. And looking back 4-5 years ago, I realized a lot of flashbacks in my life and how I grew to this situation today.

For Blind Tails, I'll look for a wattpad site, and post it there since I'm really not active on writing stories anymore T-T I promise I'll send another update here about the link to the website.

Love ya all :D

© 2020 CC Faye

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Added on December 30, 2020
Last Updated on December 30, 2020


CC Faye
CC Faye


CC Faye is living in the Philippines. She is a manga visual artist, a freelance writer and a self-studied baker. When she was six years old, drawing was the main purpose of her life. She self-learned .. more..


A Poem by CC Faye