The Silent One

The Silent One

A Poem by Sira YR

I haven't written a poem in a while and i wanted to see if i could still do it :)


I was there…

When the first star

Pierced the sky

I was there...

When man saw

His first light

I was there...

As kingdom rose


And rose again

I was there...


In perfect silence

I was there…

When wars raged

When death took men

And women

And babes

I was there…

When brief peace

Visited the land

Setting hearts at ease

I was there...


In perfect silence

I was there…

When man was born

I’ll still be here…

When man has died

And when all has passed

Due to my cruel touch

I’ll still be here…


In perfect silence

© 2017 Sira YR

Author's Note

Sira YR
I probably will go back and edit later but still criticism is both encouraged and requested :)

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Ah, I love poems that speak as dialogue and tell a story! This felt like something from a videogame or a prologue to a book. I can't even describe how beautiful this is! You're such an amazing writer! ^ ^

Posted 7 Years Ago

Sira YR

7 Years Ago

Thank you soo much sapientiam!! You are right, it does feel like something from a game or a prologue.. read more
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This could be the spoken intro to a science fiction or fantasy movie... When I read this I had this whisper-like women's voice in my head.
I really love this poem; It's mysterious, it makes you want to believe it. The lay out is just the perfect finishing touch, so well done :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

Sira YR

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your review :). That's what I thought about it as well :)
Quite good! I liked it very much!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Sira YR

7 Years Ago

Thank you very much for your review :). It means so much to me!

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 10, 2017
Last Updated on March 15, 2017
Tags: Ominous


Sira YR
Sira YR

Lorman, MS

I'm just the lonely writer expressing her thoughts through the art of the written word. I find that writing and art to be a special way to express myself in a forum with people who are like mysel.. more..

Phoenix Phoenix

A Poem by Sira YR