

A Chapter by Sira YR

Zariah’s heart palpitated violently as her vivid violet eyes strained in the darkness to scan the very dim surroundings.  Eventually her pupils discerned the scarcely occupied room with only the single bed on which she sat bound by thick nylon ropes.  Besides her and the bed, there was nothing else occupying the room. No doors, no windows, no way out.   Who am I, she thought as she blue her lengthy vibrant hair- a mix of stunning blues and awesome purples that matched her eyes- out of her smooth creme-colored face.  She tried to wiggle her wrists to free herself from the rope’s tight grip, but after she grew weary of the stinging pain of her wrists rubbing violently against the rough rope, she realized it was an effort in futility.   She let out a defeated sigh, and (scowling) she scanned the room calmly, though she didn’t know what else she’d find.   The room itself felt cold, so cold that she could see the white fumes of her breath whenever she exhaled.  She sighed once more and looked down at the plain clothes she just threw on.  A plain white cotton t-shirt;  old and faded blue jeans;  and old, worn-out, and squeaky blue and white tennis shoes.  She hadn’t bothered to get dressed or even comb her messy bed-head.  In fact, the only thing she remembered was waking up that morning happy that she didn’t have to go to her stupid high-school which had might as well be jail.  No.  Now was not the time to be getting lost in thought as she had a bad habit of doing.  She needed to find a way out of this room.  But first things first: she needed to break free from these ropes.  Heck, if she could hack security cameras, sneak out of her house and get into trouble without getting caught, then she could easily escape stupid ropes.  She shut out all emotions and focused.  She no longer felt the shivering cold or the weird, unsettling feeling the dim room envoked.  She moved her arms- which were tied around her back- and lifted them over her head so she could examine the knot.  She found that her wrists were indeed bruised and still bleeding from the rope, but she could no longer feel it. She lifted the rope to her mouth and started knawing at it.  If she couldn’t untie the knot, she would just chew through it.  After a short while of violent chewing, she succeeded in freeing her hands and was now able to untie the rope around her legs.  She swung them around and placed them on the cold, hard, concrete floor and stood.  She wandered around the room knocking on walls, hoping to find a means of escape.  Nothing.  Alone.  Isolated.  She hated it with a perfect hatred.  She couldn’t even begin to imagine what her poor mother would do if she found that she wasn’t home.  She’d probably go nuts.  Just then, her head began to pound as a semi-masculine voice resonated throughout the small room, addressing her.

“My, my you certainly got out of those ropes faster than I thought you would, little mouse.” he spoke amusingly.  

Though the pain was great, she managed to form a deep scowl of both anger and indignation.  However, she said nothing.

“Aww,” he whined, “what’s the matter? Not feeling talkative right now?”

He was teasing her.  But why?  What the heck is going on?  Where was she?  A bunch of questions raced through her head like racecars going at a hundred miles an hour.  She couldn’t take anymore.  Her head was going to explode if this continued.  She violently rubbed her temples in an effort to relieve the grinding pressure.  Through her teeth she managed to form the question,

“Who the hell are you, and where the hell am I?”

A sadistic chuckle bounced throughout the room and echoed even louder in her head.

“Who am I, darling? Well you will find that out in time.  But, let’s just say I will be watching your every move.  The board has been set up and the players ready.  Let the games begin.” he chuckled once more and almost instantaneously, the headache intensified.   Trying to bite back a scream, she slid to the floor and took deep breaths in and out, shivering in the cold.  The pain was just too much for her to bear.  She couldn’t think.  Couldn’t move.  Almost couldn’t breathe because of the intense pain.  Her eyes grew glassy and the sound of her short, spastic breathing rang in her ears.

“The game has begun my dear, and failure… isn’t an option.  Of course, you will fail and I will catch you… and when I do…”  he chuckled once more.  

“You sick sadist!” she exclaimed, her violet glassy eyes turning red and seemingly bulging out of their sockets.  

“Run, daughter of Azanon, run...for I will catch you…”

Those words echoed louder and louder in her head until everything went black.

© 2016 Sira YR

Author's Note

Sira YR
Okay here is my prelude :)

My Review

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This is super intriguing, I liked the description of the main character and the hints of what's happening to her. Will be reading more!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Sira YR

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this :)

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1 Review
Added on December 28, 2016
Last Updated on December 30, 2016
Tags: Fiction, mysterious, Dark


Sira YR
Sira YR

Lorman, MS

I'm just the lonely writer expressing her thoughts through the art of the written word. I find that writing and art to be a special way to express myself in a forum with people who are like mysel.. more..

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