A penny for your life

A penny for your life


In support of ANTI MENDICANCY LAW...

A coin in his hand can kill his being;
The man who put the coin is free of guilt
A child ways of using still, unseeing
The man paid for the child's life to be wilt

O empathy, Where art thou at this time?
Children, elderly begging for their life
The man permit them to do the same crime----
Rob, beg, lie, idle, act, jobless, with strife

The coin in his hand was used for smoking
The coin in her hand was used to buy drugs
The coin in his hand the syndicate took
The coin in her hand was used to play games

Shame, the awful shame of indolence lame
Street, made the street their chance to play a game
Slave, still a slave of poverty and flame
Seed, this seed of laziness has no name

Know not how to put penny on one's life
Know more how to help a good help despite---
The guilt, pity, sympathy and the like
Will lead nowhere but a neck on a knife

Gather wisdom, gather thoughts on this time
Hear ye, hear ye! not a penny on hand
See poverty arising do not climb
This act must, should and certainly be banned!


Author's Note

This is in support of anti mendicancy law we have. If there is a way to lessen if not eradicate street families then let us start it from not putting a penny in a beggar's hand in the street or food even. I mean I get it, you are on guilt, God said to give something or your superego says this is the right thing to do. I hate to burst your bubble but it is definitely not! You think to give a coin their hand could help them? It is just another way of saying there's a coin, do not work anymore, do not go to school anymore, just stay here on the street. To tell you the real scenario some children beg on the streets in order to buy drugs, to play some freakin' computer games they are addicted into and do not go to school. Some parents do not work anymore and just live on the streets even if they are capable f working because of "easy money". Surprisingly, a beggar could earn as much as an average person working in an office just by opening the palm of his or her hand. Rediculous! Why don't just people donate the money to the right organisation. Refer these individuals to the right organisation or centre that could help them. Some children who are in the center ran away simply because they do not like going to school and learn how to do chores. They can just easily beg because of people who keep on putting money on their hands. The problem of some people is we only do a shortcut and we call it help. That is never a HELP! That's a penny in exchange for a LIFE.

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Morning, so I saw this law originated in the Philippines and within some countries, they have constituted something similar, in which they forbid religious and or non profit organizations, to go out on the streets and solicit donations. And or for professional beggars and or pan handlers that are actually collecting money for drug lords and such to not do so as well.
Now, here is my own point of view in this regards. If we look back to when man begin settling and expanding into all nations and such, during before and after the biblical period, if you believe in such thing, or simply when we begin to exist, if you believe in evolution. I am not going to argue this point. But if we look back into history, it seems, that the poor have pretty much been part of many societies, and depending on the culture and or background, of each country, there were different reasons, as to why they were so. And beggars even existed during the period of Jesus.
So, there are street children, and families, that someway or the other end up being born, on the streets or migrating to the streets. This in itself is another topic. In countries that are well developed and such, have a better chance to offer, shelter, and or housing arrangements, in order to assist those, that either have lost their jobs, and or a house or car, due to financial issues, and are needing a place to work on getting back onto their feet, verses going straight to the streets.
In the case of the U.S, we see shelters and lodgings for such, in most state and within each county. Social Services plays a major part in this, aside from screening people that are looking to getting Food stamps and Medicaid, and or the EBT Card, that allows them to buy clothes and medicines.
Sadly, in third world countries, that are severely under developed, it is rare, for them to have shelters or lodgings to get people off the streets. And in some cases, what the government does, is collect the people from the street, and put them in jail, and the children are exposed to criminals and end up being raped repeatedly and abused and nothing can be done to prevent this, as they are moved from jail to jail, mixed with real delinquent teens or adults that have no care about them.
So what ends up happening in these countries, is that the people are already suffering due to the government taking up finances for other things, and do not invest in the people, so farmers and such, end up putting up their children, for sale, mainly, girls, or look for rich, older men, to take over their daughters to raise, and get them off their own back. In other cases, they can band together, and decide to take back what they think should be theirs, and try to rob from banks or government officials and even though the action in itself is wrong, for them its the only means for survival. In other instances, they send their children out to the streets to beg and once the day ends, the children have to go and give the money to their fathers whom take the money and do not even offer the children food or drink and they are beaten if they even try to ask for a cup of water.
Now, in the USA, and perhaps even the UK, I could see, there being programs and such, to assist those facing difficulties that do not allow them to have their own home, car, and or even clothes. So they screen families, and set up certain standards into what and whom they would accept into the program, and how they would help each one.
And yes, I even saw a video posted about two weeks ago, of a woman, begging on a highway, and someone found out, that she would park her car, daily at a McDonald near the street. When approached, the woman acted mad and angry, of being harassed, as she was videoed. And she tried getting help. As they asked her why she was begging, she blurted that she had a discapacity, but never stated if physical or mental. I am not sure but I think she has been arrested on charges of soliciting, and tricking people into believing she was homeless. So I know some people that actually are better off than those that do live on the streets, if and when they simply do not want to have a regular job, go and dress themselves up and or just make a sign and go off to a place where they are not well known and ask for money.
And it sucks, cause, the ones that would be in more dire need for some type of help, lose that chance do to others.
Now, I must say, that I know in most cases, kids, and adults, tend to use the money they collect, when they can, to buy more drugs and or liquor, and not food or medication. I have seen them, and my dad has given money to a guy and saw him go straight to the liquor store for a drink.
Yet others do it because they are threatened to either be killed or be targeted by gangs and or drug lords for not doing as they say. And its happened.
The non profit organizations, that go and build homes and or shelters within these third world countries, have to go through the government to get permission and then lay out for whom they are building the shelters or homes. In most cases, they target children and infants. A few offer help for entire families, but even then the resources are limited, so then they have to find ways to get some income.
Now, in regards to missionaries, from religious organizations, these go and find out first, what needs to be done, and then inform their local church, so the pastor, or clergy can inform the board of directors, and they then ask the congregation to help put money towards the needs of that missionary and mention the project they are working on. In most places, they are not allowed to go out and beg on the streets but in the third world countries, this is not really taken as anything, so they are free to move from bus to bus or simply pick a place to ask for help.
And people, if touched give and if not they do not.
I myself, became homeless back in 2013, when, I lost my steady income and could no longer pay car insurance for my 1995 toyota camry and then could not find anyone that would be willing to rent a room to me and my daughter who at that time was 12 years old, and a cousin that tried taking me in, did so without telling her landlady and lied to me. So the landlady came by and asked who I was and she was like, your cousin never said a thing, get out of here today, right now! Believe me, between 2012'-2013, my world was upside down, and I do admit that the church I was attending at that time, would help with paying for my gas, and or letting me go every Wednesday and get food from the pantry they had for the poor and clothing. I was approved for Food Stamps, and Medicaid, which was a huge blessing. Now in regards to the Food stamp, I really did not use it much, while moving around, and was limited to what I could store in my car... And once I got to my cousins place, I had moved 10 times already, and had to let go of furniture and our beds and even clothes so I could fit everything in my car. At times, we would try and sleep in the car, and I never could. It was a daunting experience in itself. I was so ashamed and full of guilt, and the few relatives around me, did not want to help me even....so the first time I approached a homeless shelter, we were turned away, cause they had no room. And someone payed us a whole week stay at a little motel. It was not the best place, but it was better than sleeping inside the car. My daughter would stay in the room, during her summer break, waiting for me to get home from work, and I hated leaving her there...So when the landlady kicked us out that time, around, I went to the school and told the counselor, the situation and thank God they directed me to the same shelter, and I was again told we have no room and as we were about to go, the lady said, Wait, let me check again, and just at that moment a room had been cleared and that same day we moved into this shelter and stayed there for 3 months and a half. Now, I admit the shelter was not bad, in the sense of structure but it was small. They got fund from churches and other organizations that would show up weekly to see how we were being treated and salvation army would send in clothes once a month, and you would have to fight to grab anything at all.
I never begged on the streets, but after I lost my job, I thought what if, yet never did. I went around from church to church asking for help, and even doing that, I would feel so ashamed and so vulnerable and hated myself for doing so. Yet, God was with us during this time, and would always lead me to someone whom would either buy us a meal, or take us shopping for clothes.
Thing, is the shelters that do exist, have rules and some are basic, we adults must get a job and keep the job, to stay at the shelter longer than a month. If we do not find a job in a months time we get kicked out.
Children from 0-14 years of age are not allowed to be alone at anytime, and if the parent is not at the shelter when they get there from school, they can send the kids off to Foster or Social Services if they deem it so. From my experience, Shelters should be made more adaptable to the needs of everyone, and for those that sadly are addicted to drugs and alcohol, they should have centers in which they can go, and not just be taken off these but get the support needed to get a decent job, that can cover their basic needs month to month.
Now in regards to the children we see on the streets, some of them are actually victims of human trafficking that have been taken from their homes and moved place to place so they can forget everything from their past, and when someone tries to rescue these kids, the ones that have them, take them away, and are constantly on the move. For well developed countries, they could do more to improve the programs, and also, if local businesses, and or fast food chains, could be more opened to giving out more flexible schedules, these people would be able to work in these establisments, thing is with fast food franchises, they need you to be opened 12 to 24 hours a day, and get your schedule changed without any notice, and this puts parents on a bind, cause schools have a time in which kids need to be picked up. So then we must look for childcare services and that is expensive too. If you are lucky to find a Boys and Girls Club, in your area, they can take in the child for free and or paying a minimal charge. Yet they also have a time limit as in how late the child can remain with them.
I never was able to find a home to rent or even an apartment as everything in Fairfax and Prince William County was very expensive...and eventually lost my car when I got pulled over for a broken tail light, as my license had been suspended for not being able to pay the uninsured fee.
Change is attainable, and I agree on what you have stated for the most part, yet, the reality in other parts of the world is one, in which, they depend on missionaries and such to get some minimal help but even that is not enough at times. For the developed countries, people do have more of a chance to get some help and more, and sadly some do get lazy and decide to no longer work, but others as myself, in spite of the help given, never gave up and would move from job to job, in order to get some type of income and use it on my daughter, even if it meant, that I would not eat a day or two. Outside of that I understand what you are getting at, yet sometimes other circumstances make it harder on some than others.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Really such a great thanks to your review Maria. Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of your .. read more

7 Years Ago

WOW! I simply must give you tons of kudos for taking the time to explain so carefully, Maria! Your a.. read more

7 Years Ago

Wow, thanks, I was not sure about using this as a post in all honesty. I have been going through s.. read more


interesting writing....
you are right in saying that let us give donations to the right organisations than to the beggars on roads...
but recently most of the organisations and NGOs are just there hogging up money...
i too do not know what could be done....
maybe we can just start helping the ones around us...the helpers,garbage man, milkman etc who are not that rich etc......

very well written poem on a topic which needs attention.....Congratulations for your work..keep it up.. :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

Interesting poem expressing an interesting point of view. In my city, I never give to beggars simply because our society have a comprehensive system to help those in need - so those who are staying on the street are either "working" as a beggar out of greed, or slaves that are forced to beg when they're kind of sold to my city. While God taught me to love, I guess paying to either of these groups is not an act of love - it is either just an act of satisfying people's greed, or just an act of encouraging modern slavery. Thank you for sharing such a thought provoking piece, and the background story.

Posted 7 Years Ago

I'm not sure I agree with your arguments here, but to make a long story short, I know you've already read Maria's excellent explanation, which expresses many of my own views on this topic. Even tho we can agree to disagree, I do appreciate that you care & you made it into a good poem with interesting rhyming. These are the kinds of pieces that really matter, becuz it teaches us about other cultures & other standards of living & encourages discussion.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Change can always buy some time,
if you want my two cents. :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

how often can you read a poem look at your Rolex and wonder where the time has gone because you have become so lost in the piece in the poetry! great poem!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you so much W.C. Your words are such music to my ear. Thank you for the time. I believe your w.. read more
Very good write.. i enjoyed it

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you so much Farhan. :) Glad you enjoyed it.
Its a sad world when so much aid goes overseas and not into helping those in need at home, the homeless, the forgotten people. nice work.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you so much for reading Andrew. I do believe so too. :)

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you so much A.S. Thank you for reading. :)

7 Years Ago

most welcome to such an outstanding writer
I agree with your words a 100% and loved your writing, people would do anything for money or for a spare of change, some would even do something so demeaning thats not really who they are but what can they do right? as long as they have something to eat, something to wear, and some waste it on the things with no meaning like drugs when their kids are crying from hunger.

Thank you for sharing this :)

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you so much too Joey. Oh yes indeed. Parents should take full responsibility over their childr.. read more
Joey Nizz

7 Years Ago

Your welcome, and yeah they should, if they dont then the children are lost!
you have a kind heart,no idea why the world is like this

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

You do have! silly.

7 Years Ago

isn't it about time for that prom ? bought me some dancing shoes

7 Years Ago

Naah.. I'm tired. :)

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21 Reviews
Added on May 7, 2017
Last Updated on June 10, 2017
Tags: #help



Cebu, 7, Philippines

My life is average. My heart is average. My pulse is average. My mind is average. You might think I am an average girl then? My hopes are supreme My dreams are extreme My writes are creativ.. more..



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