Lira assisted Elega towards one of the lecture room for infants. 

Elega is feeling restless with the blood rushing through her veins as she finally opened the door in the lecture room where she sees her child on the center handled by three witches.

Elega looked at Lira with a puzzled eyes "Why is she being handled by three?"

"Oh yes. My queen, the princess is having a hard time learning the first spell. As you know, the "la la" spell is very important for us to know the witch name." Lira answered while looking towards the sleeping princess.

Elega walked slowly towards the center and stand beside one of the three witches who is closing her eyes. 

Elega looked closely at her sleeping daughter's face. Her beating almost stopped as she looked at her in great awe. She marveled at how angelic her child looks. The child has lips as red as blood and lashes long, thick and dark. The child's breathing is deep and relaxed. The innocence showed on the child's face. The body is totally at rest. 

It is as if Elega's first time to see wonder. She slowly extend her hand towards the child to touch the beauty but she remembered something that she is supposed to do. She slowly pull back and touched the shoulder of the witch standing beside her instead.

The witch standing beside her opened it's eyes and was surprised to see the one touching her. The witch instantly kneel down and say "My queen, my heart is full of joy to see you standing and breathing in front of me. I apologize for not knowing your presence as you go near. My mind and soul is focused being in the princess dream and teaching her the la la spell."

"It's okay. No reason for apologies. I truly understand that you are having a hard time teaching my daughter the la la spell. Can I please replace you in her dream. I might be able to help." Elega said while trying to help the witch stand up.

"Oh yes of course my queen. I always acknowledge your great teaching skill which is higher and better than all the teachers like us." The witch made to step backwards to let Elega replace her.

"Thank you." Elega said with a smile on the teacher and out her face back to her daughter as she closed her eyes.


"My queen, it is our pleasure to see you here" One of the witches in the child's dream said while the two of them kneeling down.

"May we please ask the reason for your presence?" the other witch also said while the both of them slowly stand up.

"Lira told me you are having a hard time teaching my daughter the la la spell." Elega answered.

"We beg for your forgiveness my queen but that is true. We are trying to teach her the spell but she just keeps on running around and playing with the butterflies we made to keep her happy and she only sometimes say "ra ra" or "na na" instead of la la." One of the teacher's reasoned out.

"She is really my daughter." Elega said with a chuckle the made the two teacher look at each other in a puzzled way. "When I was a child, my mother told me I had a hard time learning the la la spell also. My mother also replaced one of the teacher and intervene in my dream. She said she sang me a song until I was able say the la la spell and then the necklace came out with a name "Elega" on it. That is how I learned the first spell." Elega said with a smile.

"I want to try it to my child and see if it would work." Elega said to the two teachers as she asks a permission.

"Of course. You have all the authority in the Kingdom my queen. It would be an honor to let us see you teach." One of the teacher who is a witch also answered.

Elega turned her back to the two witches and walk slowly towards where her daughter is running and chasing butterflies.

Elega looked so radiant and fair as always but her face is much brighter than ever as her smile shines with eyes solely attached to the movement of her child. As she walked slowly towards her she gave a deep sigh and breast moving forward as if grasping an air to start singing a song that made up her entire life which came from her mother.

Sweet flower
Listen to me

Elega started singing and the child tuned around to look at her as if the voice of Elega is pulling the child towards her presence.

Sweet flower
I want to know your name

Elega sing another line of song and the child came running towards her with happiness on its face. Elega opened her arms so wide to accept the beautiful creation knitted from her womb.

The child hugged Elega as Elega kneel down on one knee to reach for her daughter.

Sweet flower
Say La la
La la la la la

"La -" The child tries to utter the words but she failed to say the next set of letters. The child just smiled more.

Sweet flower
I love you
Say La la
La la la la la

"La la!" The child uttered the spell with happiness in her face.

After saying the spell a light shines in the child's neck and a black necklace appeared with a written name on it.

Elega tried to read the written name. "BLIANITA. Your name is BLIANITA!" Elega was so happy to finally know the name of her daughter. She carried her up and look at the two teachers with excitement to tell them her child's name.

But before Elega could utter a word a strong wind blew towards them. A vast amount of light shined in them as they try to cover. Elega hugged her child in an act to protect her.

There was a sound of voice that is too familiar which came out from the light.

"For the last curse". Elega breathe heavily. "I regret having this child on my womb. I regret having Blinto's blood on this child. I regret of following the command yet end in despair. This child is cursed to be banished in this land!"




Author's Note

The " la la" spell is the first spell that all the witches should know. The babies are being put in their first lecture room where teachers who are also witches teach them while they are sleeping and go inside their dream. They should be able to say the la la spell because then they would know the name of the witch. They cannot give the witch the name they wanted to but it should came out from the lala spell. After the baby knows how to say the la la spell, the spell will produced a black necklace with a name on it and that would be the name for the baby witch. They do not get to decide on their own. All the witches has a black necklace with their name on it.

My Review

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I did like this chapter. Happy child and some poetry. My kind of chapter. I enjoyed the chapter. Gave some hope to the tale. Thank you my friend for sharing the amazing chapter,

Posted 7 Years Ago

The second sentence needs to be shortnened,try this -
Elega felt restless, blood rushed through her veins. She opened up the lecture room door, only to be met with her child being handled by three witches.

Paragraph 6 - Change the word 'stand' to 'stood'.
Atthe startof paragraph 6, the word 'Elga' needs to be replace with the word 'She'

She slowly extend her hand towards - replace 'extend'with 'extended'
The witch instantly kneel down - Change 'kneel' with 'knelt'
There are other errors,but I am not going to go on and on as I am sureyou will pick them up.

Ok, so,putting aside the grammar error, what I really liked about this piece was being dragged back into this fantasy land of the wiches and Elega.There was a part in this piece which made me chuckle,and that part was 'ra ra' 'na na' - It was cute,yet funnyto have read. The witches I am most intrested it and I do hope toread more about them. What would be great to add was some descriptions about them and what types of different voices they speak with. Also add in colours to the story which feel will add so much more to your already intresting story and will add depth to it too. You have a great imagination and I sure as hell couldn't produce a fantasy piece, but with the vast amount of things going on in past,present and future chapters you should be proud of your work and long may it continue.

Another enjoyable read.


Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

I am always waiting for your say on this Mark. Thank you so much. I would always love how you try to.. read more

7 Years Ago

Glad i could help.

Outstanding Continuation And Explanation Ready To Read Next Chapter Upload Fast.........

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you so so much SK. I will try to finish this fast. :)
Sikandar Khan

7 Years Ago

ok Me Waiting
The story continues to facinate in its journey as you paint us a fantasy world and all its customs. Some edits needed.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Yes, I do admit. :) Sorry for that. I am just lazy sometimes. Thank you so much for following though.. read more
i can see you now sitting in that pent house office writing books,novels and plays

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

eating words and putting them on paper !
you`re welcome

7 Years Ago

Okay, why are you so good at turning the tables around. :p

7 Years Ago

i am the wordman
This was another interesting and intriguing read for me. I like the fantasy world you've created with your words, making it sound real.
Apart from some grammatical errors at some places, I liked this chapter very much. I wouldn't have believed myself to be reading fantasy lol but I am which means yours is a good work to follow. Great work, and keep writing :)

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you so much. :) it gives me courage to write more.
Dr. YumnaKay

7 Years Ago

You're welcome! Hopefully you would consider on making this a full length book :)
That's beauty, your world of fantasy is something that could turn me towards fantasy.....

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you so much for always following this one. :) You give me joy to write more.

7 Years Ago

That's my pleasure then, go on with next chapter good luck...:)

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7 Reviews
Added on March 25, 2017
Last Updated on March 25, 2017
Tags: #adventure, #magic, #witch, #story, #fantasy



Cebu, 7, Philippines

My life is average. My heart is average. My pulse is average. My mind is average. You might think I am an average girl then? My hopes are supreme My dreams are extreme My writes are creativ.. more..



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