wood vs steel.

wood vs steel.

A Chapter by C.A.Jordon

  Ethan vanished and appeared in front of him performing a horizontal slash. Boken does a back flip to avoid the blow. when he landed he felt a pain on his chest when he looked his shirt was cut. he was bleeding a little bit. "so you avoided but barely, good that is what i would expect from the grand zen master of wood. he held a firm stance. Etan charged at him, Boken parried the blow. he than kicked him but Ethan dissipated. Boken looked up and a silver flash came down he rolled out of the way. when the flash dissipated and only a multitude of daggers appeared. but when he looked around a Kunai had struck Rachel in the shoulder. 
     when he saw the kunai memories of the school of zen mastery flooded to him. he  remembered the smell of bamboo, the coolness on his feet as he walked on the wood floors, the sound of Bokken clashing, the insecure feeling  he felt walking in a room full of potential assailants. his life has been sought many times. each one of his muscles would tens up in fear. he felt a hand strike his back. he swung his Bokken around and his target barely dodged. 

     "Yeesh, you are one scary dude. if that was a metal sword i might have been toast,"said the young man dressed in the school's attire. he had parted lime green hair and jade eyes. "you really shouldn't sneak up on someone like that, it can get you killed," Boken said. "Guess you got a point there, Names' Kazejin Aeroku but you can call me Kaze. i'm training to become a zen master," Kaze explained. Boken was puzzled," don't tell me you don't know what a zen master is." Kaze stated.
     "i am afraid not Kaze... by the way my name is Bomaru Kenji, " Boken offered. "oh, my dad represents your dad as his lawyer and handles his stocks. now i get why you are so jumpy. your own brothers attempting at your life just because you're american, that  must take its toll. alright then i think you and i should be buddies. my brother doesn't try to take my life but he does go on and on about honoring the family all that other traditionalist nonsense that traditionalists go on about," he said with an irritated expression on his face. "so how old are you Kenji?" he asked." i am fifteen, will be sixteen in three months, so we are friends... how strange i have always been alone in a sense," he said. "i just want to be surrounded by women, not being lectured about honor," kaze complained.
     "so waht is your dream kenji?" kaze asked. "my dream... it is to honor the bomaru family," he said with pride. "wait really?" kaze laughed than sighed. "iwas just complining about that stuff and you didn't stop me," kaze continued to laugh. "you should be entitled to your own beliefs. i will not lecture you about something that you do not believe in. honor is a traditionalist idea... but still." Boken said staring at the ground. "i knew i'd like you. you are a pretty cool guy... but, if you dihonor your family... then i will be forced to kill you. i am a lover not a fighter... but lets say you beat me in the future. then i will be duty bound to seve you by your side. in the mean time i just wanna be buddies," kaze held out his fist and kenji di the same and connected there knuckles.  three months have past and the head master decided to put him up against another great student, another american... etan steele. kenji has sparred aginst him before. his eyes were always cold as steel.
     Kenji headed toards the arena where the finals would be held. he rushed towards the arena. and right in the middle was Ethan steele.  there was an anouncer, "come one come all it is a fight to the death today first the top student of the wargod school ethan 'the quicksilver' steel. he is cold as still and quick as light. he has aslo benn raised by the yakuza so he has a ruthless since of battle. than , there is bomaru 'boken' kenji. he is the bomarus b*****d and is ready to fight. firts he must defeat Ethan and will most likely fail than he must make a pact with the kion of his chooseing." the anouncer than walked to the side. boken was frozen in fear... but not because he might be killed but because he may have to kill. he chose wood as his weapon because it can protect nature not because it can kill. a master than brought out a rack with weapons, there was a a wood sword, a steel  regalar japanese sword, a steel japanese long sword, japanese great sword(thing zangetsu the first form, the one that Byakuya broke),a naginata, and a japanese dagger.
     "These weapons resemble the zen from first to last wood, steel, fire,earth, wind,and water. not only that each one was created by the master smith of to day, Masataka Muneichii  masamune. "kenji pull it together.  it may be a fight to the death but you do not have to sully your hands. just in capasatate him," he told himself. they both made there way to the rack. kenji pulled his hand out trembling. etan noticed it right away. "nervous are we?"ethan asked rhetoricly. the confidence this man had was terifying. it only make worry more. "stop kenji, he's a mortal not a god." kenji thought to himself. the shaking stopped, "no just excited to fight one so worthy,"kenji responded easing his nervs. "the feeling is mutual, you and i are the tp students. honor versus might, wood versus steel, america versus japanese." he reached an ethey shaked each others hand. "japanes... are you refering to me?" Kenji asked. "of course i am," he answered. the put there hand on there weaopns of choice.  "but i am american... an americqn b*****d.  "kenji said grabbing the wood sword out of the rack."i am not talking about ypur appearnce Boken, i am speaking of your soul, your spirit." ethan grabbed the steel regular japanese sword. finally some one told exactly waht he has been waiting to hear. the Zen of wood resonated of of him in a jade light with energy   leaves swirling around him like a wirlwind.  a silver light was resonating off of Ethan steele. Boken was now facing steele with his eyes full of confidence. 
     the master had proud eyes for both of the students. he loolked to the judges, 'the one you call b*****d has teh acient sword drasil fang forged from thr bark call ygggdrasill it self it was gift giveing to the matse rsmith to give life to the dead plants around him, and ethan has the originla masa mune that excedes even the sengoku period. these symbolize wood and steel. counter part elemants wood ist te elemnt that gaves life and steel is the one that ends it. hw turned back to ethan and boken, begin!" n a flassh that colided ethan was the one to kneel first. boken began to walk away. the judgeds yelled "finish the job batsrd samurai.he looked at them. "no, I will become the zen-matser of wood i have made my decision. wood gives life it does not take it, this is why i am called boken. my weapon is th wooden saword that was forged from the sacrad tree yggdrasil. i  am a samurai, i am no assasin." he then moved on to the kion chamber.
"Rachel! you go to far Ethan," he called out. "why are you blaming me she got in the way.  what do you care Boken? you are going to offer your life  to Umiko for your weakness anyway." he said with an arrogant tone. "why, Boken. why are you going to give up?" she asked. "i thought we were hitting it off well." she looked at him with tears. "i gave up on others love before o met you. i would just sleep with men because i felt empty the loneliness would over come me. i finally found someone who just wanted to be around me."he removed the kunai and it vanished along with the others. Boken had a look of passion on his eyes. Ethan sheathed his sword and started to walk away. he looked back and smiled. "don't ever give up again Boken.  if you give up again she won't just be leaving with a puncture wound. i am not talking about Rachel either i will give Umiko the most painful of death's she will be begging me to end her agony. not to mention do you remeber waht you sad that day. how can you preserve life, if you die fool. plus i still wnt to fight you to the death. that day was an insult... but also a good goal. one day i will be so much for you... you will have no other choice but to kill me." h elooked at him with that same cold look he alaways had back in the day. h began to laugh and vanished in the shadows.
     he went to rachal and when he tried to help her up she rejected him. "i am sorry Boken but i need some time... to think. if you end your life i will have to... well i think you know. i will see you at school. oh an don't bother picking me up... i think it would be best if we kept pur distances. she went off on her own.
     he wandered home to roin. "is something worng young master kenji?" he asked. it's nothing..." he lied. "master roin havn't you lerned you cannot lie to me sir. is the plan we discussed when n we got here. if that young lady were to come to claim your life... that you would give it to her," he asked. "yes and i wil stand by that decision Roin. i must atone fore not protecting her, protecting Ryoko," Boken responded. "tis a ashame you were jsut becoming happy here. then judging by your reaction... lady rachel must have found out," roin deducted."yes..." he said. "if i amy... lady ryoko woukld not want this... or are you forgeting that ryoko loved you so much, she wanted you to live so much... that she gave her life to protect you from Ryuukai." he scolded.  boken slammed his fist making a hole in the wall, "I know! i know... but how am I going to repay that debt?" Boken cried out. "you must live as she wanted as she loved. you must fight and never give in. that is why she loved you. he looked at roin he was begining to cry. "your right, this has been rough on you hasn't it, knowing my resolve." he rhetoricly asked. "of course, you are like a son to me," he said. "what an idiot i have been, please forgive me Roin?" he asdked. if you finish the dinner i made you a shal consider it.



© 2012 C.A.Jordon

Author's Note

can't believe this is my ninth chapter, you know the drill; review me please

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O.O This. Was AMAZING! Oh my goodness! It's so good! What happens next?! I wanna know! Well, if you ever do put up chapter 10, I'll be looking forward to reading it.

Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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when he landed he felt a pain on his chest when he looked his shirt was cut. he was bleeding a little bit

ME: Oh s*it!

Boken looked up and a silver flash came down he rolled out of the way. when the flash dissipated and only a multitude of daggers appeared


but when he looked around a Kunai had struck Rachel in the shoulder.

ME: Hellz no!

"These weapons resemble the zen from first to last wood, steel, fire,earth, wind,and water


finish the job batsrd samurai.he looked at them. "

ME: WHat the hell? What'd you call me! *turns to Storm from X-man*

"i am sorry Boken but i need some time... to think. if you end your life i will have to... well i think you know

ME: that's so romeo and juliet *starry eyed*

you must live as she wanted as she loved. you must fight and never give in. that is why she loved you.

ME: *standing ovation*

if you finish the dinner i made you a shal consider it.

ME: no problem I got this Boken! *takes plate away and licks it clean*

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 10, 2012
Last Updated on June 25, 2012



Barstow, CA

Hey,everyone... i've reading over my stories and jesus my grammer is terrible. I am going to go over them and do lot of editing. so i apologize, i just so into my stories I forget the basics. I am now.. more..

prologue prologue

A Chapter by C.A.Jordon