Zen master of wood

Zen master of wood

A Chapter by C.A.Jordon


Boken: transfer samurai: 3: Zen master of wood

            Boken handed over his jacket so she could cover herself. “Are you going to be okay Rachel? Something like that has to me traumatizing,” she started to cry heavily. He knelt over as he put his jacket over her. There was on pocket in his blazer, he reached in and revealed a handkerchief that resembled the Japanese flag. She grabbed it to wipe away her tears. She looked at his eyes. His expression was the same as when he first introduced himself two weeks ago. The look was that of sincerity. It was different from the look he had earlier which was a look of burning courage. She dove into his arms as she started to cry even more heavily. Boken put one arm on her shoulder. “It is all right now Rachel let it out, on needs to cry to remain sane,” Boken said in a gentle tone. Rachel felt safe in his arms. It was not only because he just saved her it was something more. It was though he was meant go to her aid from the start. She was not sure if it was because he was a Bomaru or a samurai she felt at peace. After she cried she fell asleep in his arms. He held her like an action hero saves the damsel in distress as he took her to her apartment.

He walked up to the door and knocked. A man with a thick smell off brandy coming off of him like the musk of a dead animal answered the door. “What are you doing to my daughter, why is she stripped? You got her drunk and had your way with her didn’t you. I told her if she didn’t put out she would have something like this would happen.” “I am afraid you have me all wrong. She was walking home when a couple of miscreants tried to have their way with her. The trauma drained her I stopped them with little effort,” Boken explained.

“Okay come in and lay her on the couch,” he looked around in the small apartment. What he saw were beer cans all over the floor, both empty and full. He also caught a glimpse of Christian Brother brandy and black velvet whiskey bottles in the sink.  Boken could barely believe that such a level headed young lady was stuck is such a place. “Mr. Carson may I ask you something?” “You can once you introduce yourself boy,” said Mr. Carson vulgarly said. “Very well, I am Bomaru Kenji,” Bomaru Kenji said as he bowed. “You are irritatingly polite boy, I am Vincent Carson.  So what was your question boy?”

“Why do you live in the ghetto? If you can manage to buy, this much liquor?” “Well, I like it this way. It is best for a drunk to be with the low lives.” Something came over the man’s face as he looked in the living room. There was large picture that looked like an older Rachel. The man plopped on his ruined couch.

“Someone you cared deeply for? Is this Rachel’s mother?” asked Boken.

“Yes that is her, she was damn beautiful. She has been gone for three years; she died in a car accident.” Vincent had a look of deep sorrow come over his face.

“I understand you are the cause of her death,” he said flashing back on the blue haired girl.

“What do you know boy? I killed my wife because I was drunk. What do you know of loss? You are only sixteen,” Yelled the drunk.

“My older brother Ryukai killed my love for associating with Me.” Vincent was silenced by the comment.

Boken walked towards the door, he turned back, “I will be back in the morning to pick up Rachel for school.” Then he walked out the door.

          The sun rose into the sky and lit up all of New York. Boken’s alarm went off the same time every morning. Roin would cook breakfast every morning. Roin also laid out another school uniform from school. Boken found out a uniform was not necessary. This did not matter to him. He felt he was representing the kendo training he had gone through.  Boken grabbed his Bokken and wrapped it up in the same cloth every day. If it got a little yellow Roin would wash for when Boken would use it. Boken was leaving earlier than usual. “Young master Kenji you are leaving early today?” Roin said while grabbing a paper bag that had his lunch in it. Roin looked simply like a Japanese butler. Roin was about five foot eight inches, he had the Japanese bowl cut hair style, and he wore a black suit and tie. He was the only man that kept him safe from both Ryukai and Renji. Renji is the same age as Boken but because of the constant abuse of Ryukai he would often think himself weak. Renji and Ryukai would often try a take Boken’s life. Boken had both the emotional and physical scars to prove it. The brothers would justify it by saying he was American and did not deserve their fathers love. Boken has always been the better fighter than Renji. On the other hand he would  barely survive against Ryukai. There was a secret that Boken held dear that was the fact that he is a Zen master. A Zen masters by going to the Ashura school of Zen mastery. This school would teach the students how to make a pact with a deity or Kion. There are many different Kion but they usually fall in one of six categories. The six categories are elemental attributes. The six elements of bushido are: fire, water, earth, wind wood, and steel. Boken is the Zen master of wood. His powers or abilities consist of nature, the life giving element.  Many perceive water as the life giving element which is not so. Water is the life preserving element usually. it will heal and help one survive. wood actually does give life.

          “I am going to meet a friend of mine Roin.” Roin threw the bag at Boken. Caught it and grabbed his backpack from the coat hanger. “I’m off Roin, see you after school.”

          He came up to the door and before he could knock on it Rachel answered. “Hey, Boken let get my stuff I also have your jacket from last night.” “You can keep it I have plenty, how are you holding up Rachel.” I’ll be fine thanks to you. Thank you, Boken you saved me last night I am not sure how to thank you.” “You do not have to Rachel, I have the heart of a samurai I did it because I wanted to. About what you saw last night I’d appreciate it if no one knew about my abilities. It is traditional to make sure the Zen masters are unheard of?” Boken asked. “Of course I won’t tell anyone. I don’t want people to think I’m crazy.” “Thank you, we should head for school.

© 2011 C.A.Jordon

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems, what do you think of the dialogue, etc.

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Ah Boken, He really grows on ya.
Him and Rachel are most deffinatly my favorite characters. Also Boken's Butler, Roin.

I love Boken's story so far!
Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh, so his once love interest was killed by his brother. Will he manage to open his heart once more? By the way, what is the Japanese bowl cut hair style? Is it really what it says? This is getting good.

Posted 13 Years Ago

thanks i wasn't sure how i was doing on this character. it's new for me to make a story like this.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Boken is really growing on me!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on September 29, 2011
Last Updated on November 7, 2011



Barstow, CA

Hey,everyone... i've reading over my stories and jesus my grammer is terrible. I am going to go over them and do lot of editing. so i apologize, i just so into my stories I forget the basics. I am now.. more..

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A Chapter by C.A.Jordon