Ch. 6 :Phantoms Ambition

Ch. 6 :Phantoms Ambition

A Chapter by C.A.Jordon

he tells Cheryl about his true mission. an assassin is hired by the Galea government.

                                            Ch. 6: Phantoms Ambition
     Phantom looks to Cheryl as the Deva melted in the shadows. the shadow cleared up like clouds after after a big storm. "I believe I should entrust you to the true details of my ambition. You have watched my back, so it is the least I can do. "Tis is true, I seek Wraith's head fro taking something precious to me, but that is not the only reason I seek is head, It is simply the reward for doing what must be done. 
     "Reward for doing what must be done?" she thought to herself. "for the past century he would take a virgin born on hallows eve. Wraith currently has sacrificed ninety-nine virgin woman born on this day. It has been eighteen years since he has sought out the hundredth. this hundredth maiden will not be a virgin, but something far more powerful... the priestess of light and shadow. she will have a pure heart but not a pure body. Hence; the title 'priestess of light and shadow," he explained.
     She was in awe at this story. "how do you know it will be a maiden Mr. know it all?" she asked skeptically. "The person he seeks is a priestess not a priest. you should learn to use common since if you want to survive," he said coldly. "Hey i could still cremate you if you piss me off!"she said  with anger and a hint of street in her voice. "please don't... it was only a suggestion," he said shaken. "Calm down i was only kidding." Phantom let out a sigh of relief.
     She started laughing at the thought of Phantom being so serious. He just stood there with the same scowl he seen on him at all times. she just couldn't help but gaze in his rose colored eyes. he was always serious, at all hours of the day. every time she would get lost in his eyes. they were sad and wished to know the whole story... the whole story he had no interest in telling her. she wanted to sooth his eyes. his eyes always reminded her of his great despair. she wanted to put one glimmer of hope or happiness in these rose colored eyes. 
     "why won't you tell me the whole story homie. you obviously have a lot of sadness in your past. We will be traveling with each other for a while." She suggested to Phantom. "It matters not. will me telling you bring her back? i think not." he said. "everyone has things they rather keep to themselves. Even you miss Gauntlet." His words cut in to her soul like a razor to the skin or a knife in her chest. "'you don't gotta be a dick about it...than forget it don't tell me nothin," she said while storming off. 
     After a couple hours of walking with out a peep from either party. she begun to remember something that she thought she blocked out ages ago. It started to bring a tear to her eye. but Cheryl likes think her self a tough girl and holds back with all her might. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry, but she could hold them back no longer.
     Phantom looked back and caught glimpse of it. "Your a real jerk, you know that Phantom.  Why did you have to say those things. I was just tryen' to be your friend." he said wiping her tears away. The sorrow she felt from the past turned into sorrow for Phantom. whatever Wraith did to this man had evaporated any faith that Phantom had in people.
     "why? why do you cry? I said nothing but what rings true in the hearts of man,"  he said coldly once again. "I am crying because I feel bad for you Phantom. you do not trust anyone. Not even me,the one who decided to become the enemy of Gallea so I could try to become your Conrad. I wanted to levitate some of your sadness that is the real reason i joined you."
     Phantom was shocked it even showed on his face. "Why would...? you do not even know me," he responded. "Just because I wanted to. plus your not bad on the yes either." Phantom could of sworn he could not blush... but this indeed made heat rise to his face.  "well..." he could say nothing. he was rendered speechless. "we should go," he stormed off in the direction of the castles shadow. 
     The council was gathered to discuss the death of a small faction of their knights. there were six council stands around something that almost seem like a stage where the king would suggest laws. each of the stands had a different symbol  octagon shaped plate. one had a tulip carved in it to represent the Fae, another had a tree to resemble the elves, another had a cave to represent the Dwarves,another had a dragon to resemble the dragoon and finally on had a waves to represent the Nereid.
    For each stand, a Representative of each clan would sit and meet once a month to discuss issues.  "Welcome councilmen, it seems an inhuman creature that resembles a human has taken out a scout unit. The culprit was impaled and magic was cast through the magi-tech... but to no avail. I suggest that lead the strongest of each clan to slay this man-demon." he suggested. 
     Before the council could speak the representative of the humans stepped fourth,"Wraith." they said in sequence. "forgive me gentle men for being late. Wraith always had  the same snide look upon his face, his eyes the color of blood, his hair had white banes and everything else was black. he had pail skin,a long black trench coat that had four  off-white skulls. that were always buttoned, he had black leather pants and black dress boots, he had full black gloves. and he had a belt with a black horned skull with ruby eyes. clipped to it was  a eastern samurai handle made of black bones, but bore no blade, the hilt was a black demon skull with its mouth open.
     "May I enlist the help of a professional that can handle this type of problem. he said sending chills down everyone spine but the kings. No one was sure why, but no matter what Wraith would say. it always sounded so...diabolic. the council men nodded yes and left. 
     They stood in the war room, the king and Wraith. "What is the meaning of this Wraith?" the king asked ferociously. "It is simple King Lynus Vincent Gallea. Their is a freelancer that will gladly do this for the right price. It would be far cheaper than getting the champions of the clans. a chill went down The kings spine. as turned... he was startled and fell. "I see you have come, Jiro Ichinose. "Who is the target Ambassador. Said a strange man with dark brown eyes, he wore dark blue sleeveless shirt,had spiked-short brown hair, leggings, bracers, greaves and a belt. He had three lines with ninja stars,another with throwing kunai' and a another with needles, he had a scythe strapped to the back of this belt, and finally a gatana strapped to his back with many sutra's tying the guard an sheath together. 
     "I thought you would never ask. it is a man known as Phantom if my sources are correct. he has silver medium-long shaggy hair that rides to his shoulders, red eyes, pale skin, brown tunic, slacks, boots, and has a black cloak with a single off-whit skull button, and finally a leather belt with a blade-less hilt strapped to his left hilt made of what looks like human bones, and at the end of the hilt has a human-like skull. You should also be warned of a woman that left and travels with him. she is about seventeen, five-ten. she has a jean jacket,pants, and white tennis shoes, she also wears a whit tank top under neath the jacket, she has red hair and blue eyes. make sure you do not harm her. i Need not the village  of Araela to revolt when one of their own is found dead. not to mention needless blood shed." Wraith said. Jiro backed to the shadows and vanished. "are you sure about this Wraith... he could be a problem. "I am sure. i have other plans fro the girl... but she must come on her own freewill. for my plan to be a success. i will be in my Quarters your Highness," he said while walking off. "I really don't trust that man. he is always plotting something.," the king thought to himself.

© 2013 C.A.Jordon

Author's Note

You know what to do. Gatana is a ninja sword.

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I flipping knew it! I know my weapons!!!! OHMYGAWD!!! I feel proud ^^ This was a great write I looooved :D you know how to make the underworld such a lovely playground. Awesome job woot woot.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

nice man,great way to leave someone in suspense you meany lol

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 3, 2013
Last Updated on September 15, 2013



Barstow, CA

Hey,everyone... i've reading over my stories and jesus my grammer is terrible. I am going to go over them and do lot of editing. so i apologize, i just so into my stories I forget the basics. I am now.. more..

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A Chapter by C.A.Jordon