![]() revelationsA Chapter by C.A.JordonIt was a saturday, boken was wandering around not really sure how to kill time. since Rachel found out waht he was going to do, she wasn't speaking to him. normally on the weekends they would go shopping for new manga. "i really messed things up between us...i will accept the consequences of my actions," he thought to himself. he bumped into someone. "hey! watch... Yo, Boken what it do man?" said a familiar voice; It was Kazejin Aeroku. he held out his hand to help boken up. "man are you alright? it's not very easy to knock on your hide. boken got up with Kaze's help, he dusted off his school uniform. "sorry... got a lot things on my mind is all,"boken responded. Boken looked up and saw three ladies. not any normal girls, they were they vice captain, captain, and the new girl of the cheerleaders. "oh, sorry i will be on my way... i can tell your busy here. Boken began to walk away. Kaze grabbed his shoulder,"it's about Rach isn't it. just give me a minute alright bro." Kaze rhetoricly asked.
kaze turned around and to talk to the girls, "sorry but my home boy here needs a friend. you know the saying bro's before... well you know the rest. i ll catch you girls on monday alright?" Kaze said charismaticly. "all right Kaze see you on monday.
kaze turned to Boken. "alright homeboy, there is a sushi place near here. they began to walk for a bit and a sushi place was there. it was called Takeda sushi. it had a aglowing sign with sushi rolls glowing on the sign wasn't big but good enough for a small group of people to eat there. he walked in and a clerc called out,"welcome to takeda sushi.Boken orderd some crab rolls,they wer pink and rapped in sea weed and smelled delicious. Kaze got some wasabi sushi rolls that would sting if it was anybody other than kaze who would drink this stuff like water. he always said he liked to spice things up... boy was that a understatement. they found a foutan by the wndow and across teh way was a car wash were three endowed women wer wasshing a car in there two-pice bikinis'"it's my favorite spot on thursdays. boken couldn't help but think"yeah i bet". the light shone through just enough. "so you and rachel through or something? she was chillin' with that jock strap-rich boy Luke again," kaze stated. "yeah... she found out my plan on how to repent. she kinda hates me now," Boken explained. "wait are you still spouting out the emo nonsence about 'I must die to atone for what happenned to ryoko'...what a fine piece of..." Kaze was was iterupted by boken. "hey! do not talk about her in such a way!"
"Calm down i was playing, needed to get some response out of you." kaze said. "dude, you need to learn to let go of the past. if you don't it is gonna eat at you from the roots. she wanted you to live, to be happy..." kaze was interupted again. "i know, but i cannot help it, i felt like i failed her. now i have also failed Rachel,"he began to tear up."you still feel respnsible don't you? dude, she is dead that is a solid fact. but rachel isn't you can still atone to her. she cares for you man. i can see in her eyes. i also saw today in her eyes that she feels inferior to the girl you want her to be. no one was and will ever be like ryoko. you need to come to terms with that. if you don't you will end up alone... you will become and empty shell like me. i can't even commit to a single girl for the simple fact that i lost someone i csrewed things up with, too. so i do know what it is like. my girl didn't die but she is never coming back. think about it," Kaze than looked at the waiter. ceck please. kaze than flashed back at a beutiful japanese woman. that was walking away. "than kaze whispered to him self,"yoshino."
"well gotta go; see you around," Kaze paid the check than walked out. Boken began to take what Kaze said to heart. then finally came to a revelation. "i must defeat Umiko than i will appoligize to rachel."then he walked to the gearbage can and dumped the crumps in the trash can. he walked out. as he bagan to had home he felt a sharp pain in his lag. when he looked down, a japanese throwing knife made of water was in his leg. then he looked up. a beutiful japanes ewooman with silver hair tied up in a pony tail, she hsd eys like sapphires but with a deep look of lonelyness, had blue ninja gi tied around her waist was a black belt, her gi was slethless and kind of low cut, unlike other japanes she was endowed with the curves that can make a man weak in his knees, she covered her mouth with a azure armored mask and he legs ad arms were wrapped up, she wore sandles that ar tied up to her knees. she di a multi front flip off the neon sushi sign. water began to for arond both hands froming a scythe with a long chain made of water. "hello umiko meusuchi come to claim my hair i see. he dropped his duffle bage and removed the school uniform jacket and then the shirt. he had many scars for when both renji and ryuukai tried to claim his life when he was younger. he unzipped the dufflr bag and with a flashe of green the whit bangage flew of and wrapped around his torso like a bullet proof vest. japanes designs tha tralated to water sheild appeard on the bandage and vanished symbols that translated t wood sword appeard on his bokken and the sword resonated a enerald color. "so you aren't going to ofeer your head to me... for failing to protect my sister?" she asked cyncly. "i cannot do that umiko there is someone i must stay alive for," boken said proudly. "so be it i will avenge my sisters... Ryokos death!" umiko cried out. "let us see you trie at least," boken said. © 2012 C.A.Jordon |
3 Reviews Added on July 14, 2012 Last Updated on October 4, 2012 Author![]() C.A.JordonBarstow, CAAboutHey,everyone... i've reading over my stories and jesus my grammer is terrible. I am going to go over them and do lot of editing. so i apologize, i just so into my stories I forget the basics. I am now.. more..Writing