![]() Shadows In The Fog ( Black Fibers Chapter 2)A Story by CAChristensen![]() This is a tale of a man trying to find his way through a Fog drenched town. Something more dark and sinister hovers over him. A modern ghost story.![]()
I couldn't see s**t. Not diddly squat, I could barely see the orange reflectors on the black road. This damn fog, its so thick; like cotton freshly fluffed and lapsed over itself. My eyes, they felt so heavy. I turned down my heater thinking the cold would wake me, I even opened the windows I could feel the wet stickiness from the mist on my left arm and hand. I drove down a main stretch of road in the small town of Atwater, the road connected the west side of the town to the east, then to the beginning of the highway. The fog was so dark I had to drive slower than usual, the mist blanketed over everything, the land looked grey. It was eerie how the outlines in the fog looked like giant beasts, my mind instantly feel to Stephen King's The Mist, you know the one where the thick white fog covered the town opening up another dimension and creatures came and started eating people. I think it went like that, but it's been a while. A green light flickered in the air in the distance. The closer I get to the light, it changes, from yellow to red. I pull up to the stop light and came to a halt. The radio was playing a Christmas song by Nat King Cole and the defroster hummed softly. An old truck pulled up on the left side of me, there was an old man in the driver seat. The old man wore a heavy flannel jacket and a old battered John deere hat.He stared at me with wide eyes threw the windows. I glanced at the man, and he faced forward. The red light was bright, floating above me in the dark fog. I looked off to the right, and saw an outline. It didn't look like a normal outline of a person in the fog. The figure was like a cloak just a head and shoulders on the sidewalk next to my car. The specter floated there mesmerizingly, out the corner of my eye I could see the old man staring again. I thought to myself, "Why the hell is this red light taking so long to change." It was like time just stopped. I turned from the floating cloak disregarding it as nothing but tricks from the street lights and fog, I faced the staring old man. The man's face was obscure with a some what frightened expression. His eyes seemed like they popped out of his sockets, his mouth was opened and it almost looked like his bottom jaw was extended to his chest. His teeth were a dark yellow with black gunk outlining each tooth. The man seemed to let out a series of high pitch screams, then a higher pitched ringing suddenly happened in my head. The screaming and the ringing were skull splitting I palmed both my ears and squeezed my eyes shut. The ringing had got louder and my teeth started to grinned. I couldn't stand it and I started to scream, my mind keep flashing images of the horrid looking man and the floating specter. Then it all seist, and I opend my eyes. I was at the stop light. Correction, I was coming to a stop at the stop light. A Christmas song was on the radio by Nat King Cole and the cars defroster hummed softly. I shut the radio off. "This all seems really familiar and eerily unnatural." I thought this to myself then an old truck pulled up on the left side of me, coming to a halt at the red light. The Windows of the truck were slightly frosted but I could still see who occupied the drivers seat. It was an old man, this time the old man wore a Christmas hat not an old John deere hat and he wore a khaki colored coat. The man looked over at me, smiled, then waved hello. I shot the man a grin and waved back, then the light changed to green. The truck went forward the rear lights of the truck disappearing into the thick blanket of fog, but .. I could not go forward. It wasn't a relentless force that keep me from going forward behind the old truck, just a little voice in my head saying, " No, no, no. don't, don't, don't. Go, go, go." I turned right and continued on through the fog drenched town, the thick grey abyss. I could finally see houses threw the cake of fog. Every house was dark, lifeless to the eye. It was very eerie, almost like everything was dead. This small town that by day is riddle with traffic, with people of the normal and not so normal variety, and people of the variety that in some places we perceive as normal, has become a phantom village cloaked under the mist. I was staring at the houses as I passed.I couldn't get my eyes off of them, it was almost like the front windows of the houses had morphed into deep dark eyes and as I drove passed, the eyes of the houses followed me, glaring at me with there judgmental dark eyes. I was so focused on the eyes of the house that I almost didn't see the woman walking in the road. I hit my breaks instantly, smoke and the smell of burning rubber rose from my cars tiers. I sat there for a moment wondering to myself if that really just happend, then I saw her standing there. A blank expression was cemented to her face, her eyes were sunken into her skull and they were dark. My conscience spoke to me at that moment," I know what you're thinking Jorge, but no. As your inner voice, as that feeling of butterflies fluttering in your gut, I order you to take your foot off that break. Drive Jorge get out of here, there is something wrong with this place." I decided to exercise my God given gift known as free will and I put the car in park. I then unbuckled my seat belt and stepped out into the fog. The mist was thick, you could see the small droplets of moisture in the air, you could almost feel the thickness of the fog on your face. I called out to the girl, "Are you alright? Do you need me to call you an ambulance?" The girl stared emotionless at me, Then tilted her head to the left like she was curious. Her eyes seemed to widen, it looked as if her eye balls were popping out of their assigned socket. Her head then bent over towards her right shoulder like a questioning animal's. She started to take tiny steps forward slowly as she moved her head side to side, her fingers moved rapidly, and her wrists would twitch every three seconds or so, she stopped about a half a yard from me and her head started to turn to the left, until nothing was visible but the back of her head. Her fingers stopped twitching, her wrists started twisting in a circular motion her left hand went clockwise, her right went counter clockwise. I was in shock, complete shock my sub conscience cried out to me to jump into my car and drive as fast away from here. But my body just couldn't move, I felt paralyzed in the place I stood as she creeped closer to me. It was as if a riot went off inside my head I could hear a thousand different voices all in my head yelling at me. RUN!! I snapped back to my senses and turned to my car just as her hand extended out to grasp my face. I got into my car and and locked my doors, The ghoulish woman walked hunched to me extending one grey arm with navy blue veins. Then I heard it, a deep voice, it sounded broad and raspy. Out of the slinking woman's mouth the voice said, "We want you. We watch you, We thirst for you, and we'll get you Jorge." My hand froze. I was in mid turn of my ignition key when the unknown woman spoke my name, I didn't even process all she declared until I heard it speak my name. " We will take you and rape your soul. We will decimate it and leave your body rotting from the inside out. You are weak, the whole you Jorge. You're weak from your mind down to your worthless prick. We will have you, We will eat you." Tears rolled down my eyes from the horror. I had a numb feeling in my stomach the kind you get while you're on a rollercoaster that has a high drop into an upside down loop. I found myself amongst the fear and rose out of it, I looked down at my right hand as it was turning my ignition key. The car started. I looked up before putting my vehicle in gear and the monstrous woman was at my window. She had both her grey hands on the window then her head rapidly turned itself around and I saw her face. She didn't have any eyebrows, her lips looked cracked and dry. Her eyes were fogged over like the eyes of a blind person, and on the right side of her face from under her eye to her chin it looked deformed like it had been burned. A deep roaring scream came from her mouth, her teeth and gums where black, and a pink tinted ooze leaked from her gums. I threw my car into gear and when I was just about to realise the break and hit the gas she spoke to me again but this time the voice was calm. slightly loud like an amplified whisper. "Run, but we're always around you." I pressed down on the gas unyieldingly, my car took off quick sliding back and forth as the automatic transmission switched into gear. Looking back in my rear veiw I saw her, then as I drove up and she began to become a outline in the mist I noticed in horror that she was one surrounded by hundreds of shadows in the fog. It was all dark, no car lights, no porch lights, not even a street light. It was black around me and light grey in front of me, the fog was holding me tight, I sped through the pitch black streets thinking to myself, ''hopefully a police officer pulls me over I need to see another real face." There was no police officer but I saw a red light in the not so distant sky up ahead. Then I saw the fluorescent sign with a big capital K in the middle, it was a circle K. I was so relieved I sped right into the parking lot, the store had big clear windows in the front I could see a lady inside restocking the coffee and mocha machines. I let out a sigh of relief and started to get out of my car. I took a deep breath of the fresh air and smiled, as I walked into the store. "Hey what's up, be with you in a minute." The store worker said to me when I entered, I gave her a smile and went onto the fountain drinks machine. When I got to the soda fountain I immediately went for a forty four ounce cup and filled it lightly with ice and graciously with Dr. Pepper. After drinking it about half way then filling it up again I put the lid on it, grabbed a straw and approached the counter. "Its spooky foggy out there right now, I could only imagine driving in that cake of mist. You alright out there bud?" Said the store clerk as she rang me up. I replied, "Yea I'm ok, just a bit shaken up by the fog, damn mist has a way of getting to me. As soon as I get on the 99 north I should be good, just need to get through here first." She laughed at this then reached into a small container on the counter and presented me with a bite size snickers. "Chocolate eases the mind from freaky s**t. One hundred percent on the house." The store clerk said this and laughed. I smiled and thanked her then started on out the store popping the chocolate in my mouth before I was even away from the counter. Walking out chewing the chocolate I thought to myself, what a nice girl and I didn't even see her name tag, I didn't give my name to her nether so I guess we're even. I grind at this thought. I got to my car and washed down the tiny snikers with the soda, the store clerk walked outside and waved to me. She then said, "Wow it is colder than a gold diggers heart out here huh." I replied with, "Sheit, it's twice that if you ask me." We both laughed at this. I took another drink of my Dr Pepper Pepper then went to open my door. When my hand was nearly opening the door the store clerk spoke again this time what she said absolutely terrified me,without a doubt I was horrified. " Have a safe ride Jorge." How does she know my name? How the f**k does she know my name. I know I didn't give it to her so how the f**k does she know my name? I keep thinking this to myself. I built my courage up and turned around to confront the store clerk and what I saw horrified me more then the clerk knowing my name. When I turned around the lit up circle K was gone, replaced by an old run down convenient store surround by a tall fence. There was a big hole in the fence leading up to the front door which was gone only showing a black hole. I was scared beyond belief, honestly scared didn't even account up to how I was feeling. The fog began to cover the broke down building I hurried into my car and started it up, all of this in and out of the car started getting too familiar and old. My lights turned on I backed up as fast as I could and saw them again. In front of the old store stood about fifty shadowy figures standing there watching me. I was away from that abandoned place within seconds, but the cold shivers of fear still slowly went up and down my back. I looked to my left and in the visionless, dense fog I saw lights flying by that's when I knew I was close to the freeway. My happiness increased and I drove down the frontage road telling myself, "Not that much farther and we'll be home free with this s**t in our cloudy rearview." My conscience questioned me, "Or will it be stuck on us forever?" I drove down the road with a feeling of excite in my stomach, I knew I was getting closer. I saw a sign it read 99 North and showed an arrow pointing straight I keep driving feeling almost home free the fear, the worry, all that, all the bad feelings felt as if they were washing away. I turned up my heater a little and relaxed, it was great to finally feel comfortable. Then I came to a stop light. I started feeling slow, like I was floating in water. The light changed to green and at that moment I looked to my left, out the window. It all was blank, like a piece of printer paper. Still and blank. Then I faced forward, I put my windshield wipers on because moisture built on my windshield my low beams bounced off the thick whiteness of the fog. I didn't feel right, I felt claustrophobic like my space has been violated. I pass a sign that shown the symbol for stop sign ahead and that's when I seen it. Out the corner of my eye I could see it, it stared at me, breathing deep and fast. I didn't notice before I saw it but now since I seen it I could hear it's breathing. The shoulders went up and down rapidly as it took each breath. My car slowed down and I looked over at it, it was the woman that I almost hit, her clouded eyes glared at me. "We are always around you Jorge. And we will have you" She said this then reached at me as she began screaming. My car swerved side to side on the foggy street, I tried to keep control of the vehicle and push away the ghostly woman. I tried fighting her off with my right arm but she still clawed at my sweater ripping through it and my shirts under. I looked away from the road for a second to face the attacking woman, but when I did she was gone then I heard the loud blare of a big rig truck's horn. I faced forward and there where the giant lights coming right at me. I pictured horns screaming, coming to rip through me and my car leaving me dismembered on the road. Y'all know what I'm talking about. Most of my torso still in the demolished car, head clean off my shoulders probably in some dirty ditch so mangled my own mother can't identify me. An arm and hand in the street mangled by road rash, and my shoe with my foot still in it, pieces of my small gas efficient car everywhere . Yup, pretty gruesome sight. The truck tried stopping but had to swerve to try to avoid me, I went the opposite way as the truck, slightly swerved then gained control again. I came to a sudden stop, me and the trailer of the rig where side to side. After coming to my senses and thanking God for not taking me to that paradise in the sky, I looked over at the truck. The side read, Loaded Trucking Co. Greeley Colorado. I heard a loud squeaking sound, it was the door of the trucks cab opening up. In my side view mirror I saw a man hop out of the cab, he was wearing an Oakland A's hat, some jeans, and a long sleeve plaid shirt. He looked around then ran over to the car. "Hey you alright in there? Do you need me to call for any medical support?" The truck driver asked. He cupped his hands on my window over his eyes and looked inside the car. "You need any help bud?" I put my hand up in a peace sign and started unbuckling my belt, the trucker saw and backed away from my car so I could get out. When I got out of my car the trucker started saying, " Oh my God I'm glad your ok, you came out of no wear swerving all over the road. If I didn't see you when I did we'd both be screwed right now boy." "Yea I know man I'm sorry deeply. Its just, I.. I just closed my eyes for a second , then I lost control of my car. Again I'm sorry man." The trucker took his baseball cap off producing a full head of light brown hair with some greying in it, he wiped his forehead and put his hat back on. The man reached in his pocket and pulled a pack of marlboro reds out. "Its alright bud as long as you're ok. You want a smoke?" The man offered me a cigarette, I took him up on his offer. He gave me a lighter too, I sparked my cancer stick and took a deep drag. I don't really smoke tobacco but with the circumstances I felt it was fine, the light handedness calmed my nerves." Thank you again. My name is Jorge." I put my hand out, the trucker took it with a firm grip and while we began to shake he said, " Todd Malkin my man, truckin out of Greeley Colorado. Great to make your acquaintance because that means I didn't run you down." He laughed at this, took off his cap, and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "So tell me bud, what in the f**k sakes were you doing swerving all crazy like that out here in this thick a*s fog?" Todd asked me. I didn't know what to say, I looked at Todd Malkin, the ground, then at Mr. Malkin again. " I fell asleep I guess, all's I really know is I woke up and panicked a bit then swerved." The trucker looked at me for a second like he was trying to read me. " Well s**t boy I don't know about you but I'm sure your momma ain't trying to have a dead son tonight so how bout you get some coffee or some rest." The trucker Todd Malkin said this, then took a drag of his cig. As he hit his cigarette a loud thumping sound came from the back of his trailer. Todd looked at me, then back at his trailer, and me again. He threw his cigarette and walked up to his cab. He opened it and got a flashlight, " Gotta take a look, you coming with?" I cleared my throat and nodded my head yes. The fog was so dense around us as we walked to the back of the trailer, I felt nervous like someone was watching us. We got to the trailer door, it didn't feel right. As Todd walked up to the latch of the door hundreds of low whispers flooded my ears, all the different voices were saying, " We're coming, we're coming, Jorge, Jorge. We're coming, we're coming, Jorge, jorge. We will get you, we will eat you." Todd started to unlock the door the voices got louder and faster, " We're coming, we're coming, Jorge, Jorge. Its coming, Shes coming, Jorge, jorge." Todd Malkin opens the doors to his trailer then shined his light into the darkness. There were rugs stacked to the back of the trailer with the exception of a trail to maneuver through and inspect the load (witch Todd rarely ever did.) He shined his light down the trail and noticed one of the rugs from the top back fell. He jumped down from the back of the trailer and said, " Must of been rats, damn son's of b*****s come over in them rugs and hide out then while we're driving they start scurrying around the back of the trailer. Musta knocked the damn rugs over." I thought to myself how do rats knock over rugs? But honestly that wasn't the weirdest thing I heard that night so I didn't say anything. "So were you heading anyways bud?" Todd asked me as he lit another cigarette. I yawned and replied, " I've been stressing trying to find the 99 North honestly but I just can't maneuver through this damn fog." "Well tonight's your lucky night my friend because all you need to do is follow this road straight down, then when you get to the light up ahead turn left and you'll be right at the entrance bud." "Aw s**t man, you honestly don't know how happy I am to hear that. You just saved me." I put my hand out and Todd took it, he pulled me into a bro hug you know one a those handshakes, elbow to chest hugs you'd give a friend. He walked over and jumped back into his truck as I walked towards my car. "If you're ever in Greeley Colorado hit me up bud I ain't hard to find." He said this then started up his truck. I heard the roar of the diesel engine and the crank of gears as the Loaded Trucking Co. truck drove away. I got inside of my car and took a quick glimpsed back, I saw the rear end of the truck disappear into the blanket of fog. I leered forward and turned my key in the ignition and started the car. I began driving and felt that familiar feeling of loneliness again. I reflected on everything, on my life, on my family, on this horrible night. I thought of the choices I've made this last year all I should have done, all the great things I put off because of laziness. Its funny some of us need to encounter either close death or a great fear before we get our lives together, did I say funny I meant sad. I pulled up to the stop light, relief fell over me and I started to laugh, "Todd motherfuckin Malkin, for a moment I really started to think you was another one of them ghosts." I stopped laughing after I said this, a cold chill went down my back, I started thinking to myself, "If I said ghosts it would mean that I'm acknowledging them like there were actually ghosts, which there was not, I was just seeing things because I'm tired and stressed. There were no ghosts." I gripped my steering wheel as another thought came to mind. "In a religious book I read before it stated there were no such things as ghosts, but if you were to see a ghostly figure it is a demon trying to fool you so it could enter and possibly harm you." A tear fell down my cheek. I did the sign of the cross on myself and asked God for forgiveness and protection, then I looked at the light. It was green and turning yellow, I hit my gas and turned left like Todd Malkin said and drove towards the entrance to Highway 99 North. Not even 30 seconds after turning the entrance was visible I smiled, but my joy was cut short because of what happened next. There was a young boy walking across the street in front of the exit. He stopped in the middle of the entrance and looked forward then he turned to face me. The left side of his face was gone but not like he was shot, more like the left side of his head was sawed off. He smiled and stared at walk towards my car. "NO YOUR, NOT, REAL.NO, F**K NO!" I yelled this and pressed hard on the gas I didn't think of anything but getting on the freeway and getting out of this fog, and this town. I sped right towards the half faced boy and right before my car was on top of him, it spoke and I heard it . "You have been touched, we will have you." My car went over him. I could feel bumping under my car like I ran over the boy, I swore I hurd a dog yelp, I swore my subconscious caught an image of a german shepherd in the place of the boy as soon as I got infront of him, but my subconscious also hurd the screams, and gurgling as some one took there last breath under my car. I didnt cair though I made it to the freeway I'm driving home now. About six miles from the entrance the fog dissipated and the night was beautiful again, at that moment all felt right to me. But then again there was this melancholy feeling and I just could stop thinking of the last figures words. "You have been touched. We will have you." © 2015 CAChristensenAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() CAChristensenManteca, CA, United States Minor Outlying IslandsAboutI'm just a young man who has a passion for music, literature, and other arts. I hope you enjoy my take on my favorite stories, Horror. The genre when done right is beautiful and brings many emotions .. more..Writing