Chapter 11

Chapter 11

A Chapter by Broken Hearted Faux

     “I hate your plans!” Lin screams as the Gatling gun ripples through the house once more.

“Just get to the garage!” I shout back.

I aim behind what’s left of the TV, and manage to bring down two of the seven men. It’s to my surprise a woman’s handling the Gatling fun. She must feel awfully powerful right now with such a big gun.

Lin rushes by me, fleeing to the garage where our new Honda jeep rests. Pryors pulled some strings and equipped it with bulletproof glass and special tires.

“Lizzy!” She calls from the garage door.

I duck as the bullets move to split me in half. Lin’s eyes are plates as she watches in horror of the bullets just inches from my head.

“Kinda busy at the moment, Lin!” I stare at her, and read her expression.

She’s terrified of losing me.

I lift up the TV, and use it as a shield, moving closer to the window. Tossing pieces of what’s left of the new coffee table, the girl goes trigger-happy shooting them.

“Mali…” I feel Lin join me, her arms wrap around me protectively as she fires a gun at the enemy.

To my surprise, she nails the female in the head. She collapses like a dead weight, and her security is amazed, stunned.

She takes my gun, and takes three more guys out. Leaving my side, she leaps out the window and rushes into the vehicle.

My blood spikes as guns fire in the back. And then the vehicle stops moving and painful silence drawls in.

I try to slow my heartbeats, eyes frantically searching for a sign of Lindsay. I drop my other gun and, as time ticks by, whimper, crying.

“M-Mali…” Lindsay limps out of the van; skin torn off her robotic arm and her blonde hair is stained with red. There’s an open cut over her left eye, dripping blood down her face.

“Gemini.” I join her, holding her to me. I take her chin, noticing a cut lip, which will swell soon. “A-are you alright?”

She nods and brings her head under my chin as we walk back to the house. I listen to our surroundings, hand taking her gun.

“We need to get out of here.” She murmurs.

“Not until you get better.” I speed dial our man.

“Pryors.” He answers. “Whatcha need, Liz?”

“Lin’s damaged, the house has been grated, and we need a place. ASAP.” I hiss, holding Lin tight. “I don’t want an apartment either. We’d be putting too many innocents at risk.”

Lin becomes heavier in my arms.

“Lin…” I lift her chin up, and her eyes flutter open. “Damn, don’t you dare die on me.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Pryors replies and the line dies.

I pocket my phone and lift Lindsay into my arms. She’s heavier than usual, but I still manage to get us into the garage. I lay her in the backseat of the Jeep and caress her cheek.

She smiles slightly. “How do I look? I’m gorgeous right?”

Her small pinch of humor touches my heart. “You’re beautiful, Lin.”

She closes her eyes and sighs. “I love you, Mali.”

“I know, Gemini. I love you too.” I slip the keys into the ignition. “You’re not allowed to die, okay?”

She smiles slightly. “Yes, ma’am.”

I open the garage door and pull into the street, eyes focused on any more threats. I speed through traffic towards the hospital.

Once there, I call a nurse. Several come and rush Lindsay to the E.R. as fast as they can. I can only sit back and watch in horror as they take her away. One nurse holds me back, and tells me to relax.

She pulls me to a seat and pats my leg.

“What happened?” She asks.

“Mob.” I half lie. “They attacked our home.”

“Oh dear. What about her arm?”

I squeeze me fist and glare. “Don’t you have someone to check on?”

She gasps at my harsh tone and arises, giving me a look before she leaves.  I watch her go and dig my nails into the chair.

“Ma’am, would you please come with me?” I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I look up to see a young nurse. “Where are you taking me?”

“To wash you up. You’re covered in a large amount of blood. The doctor says he will let you see your friend once she’s been operated on and you’re clean.” She smiles.

“A-alright.” I rise and follow her down a plain white corridor.

We move down a few more. The nurse moves at a warm pace, glancing over to smile at me every so often. I notice her nametag says Adria. She has curly brown hair and a warm smile with chocolate eyes.

Adria opens a door and removes my clothes, then guides me to a shower.

“Don’t worry about your clothes, we’ll wash them. For now, you can borrow a pair that we’ll bring in.” She smiles again.

“Okay.” I nod and watch as she leaves with my clothes.

I crank the shower on, and yelp when hot water pours down on me. It’s too hot to bear, and steam quickly fills the shower.

I feel as if in a corner but with no gun. In my stage of panic, I grab the shower curtain and faint.

© 2013 Broken Hearted Faux

Author's Note

Broken Hearted Faux
Another chapter up ^^

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Added on March 17, 2013
Last Updated on March 17, 2013


Broken Hearted Faux
Broken Hearted Faux

Salt Lake City, UT

Hello, the name's Lexy I've been on and off from Writerscafe between life and inspiration. I was once a dedicated writer, always with a pencil in my hand and a notebook by my side no matter whe.. more..
