![]() Part 3A Chapter by Burr the Story Sorceress![]() Part 3 of Jimmy Nore![]()
Gordan was there at 6 o’clock to pick me up for the party. I tried to cancel, but Gordan and Wayate both decided I was either ill enough to go to the hospital or well enough to go. I had seriously had my fill of those sickly white walls and the endless coughs. So I was dressed and ready, waiting downstairs for the limo Gordan’s parents had sent to pick us all up. Freaky dreams or not I had to make nice with the higher end of London society. Maybe if I was lucky I’d meet a nice rich fellow with a vacation home on some tropical island. At worst I’d have another cat fight under my belt to brag about.
The slim black limo pulled up and Wayate opened the door. He looked nice in his dark blue suit and dirty blond hair. Gordan was behind him in a sleek and simple black tux that looked good with his light brown hair and tan. While Wayate was the kind to blend anywhere as anyone Gordan was a memorable face, a face that got women to talk and makes people not really listen to him. As for me, I was versatile, but they never let me do any of the more dangerous cases anyway. “Ready to have fun?” Gordan asked with a grin. “I still remember the argument you got in last year. You sure can win a classy cat fight.” “The last thing I want to do is make another political enemy. At this rate I’ll end up penniless in some alley somewhere.” I laughed with them and looked out the window. “I was serious about not feeling 100% a-okay.” “Don’t worry just get me when you think you need to go home. I’ve already told Mother you have been under the weather lately.” He smiled reassuringly at me and I smiled back. Gordan was a good guy, and had always let his interest in me be known, but dating my boss just seemed like very bad form. “I will promise. I’ll even remember to get you before I upchuck.” We laughed as the limo stopped and a valet opened the door for us. Wayate climbed out first, and turned to help me out. Gordan followed and the boys flanked me, protecting me from the paparazzi crawling all over themselves shouting questions and taking pictures. We made it in just fine and a foreman showed us to the ballroom the party was being held in. The room was amazingly done in pinks, reds, and whites. Hearts and little fat cupids hung everywhere and the buffet tables were stretched along the far wall. Ice sculptures where everywhere of animal couples and cherubs, surrounded by roses and every kind of food you could want. Tables done in the same colors as the buffet dotted around the outer edges of the room, leaving the center open for dancing couples. The place was jumping, filled with the best and brightest and most famous people in the nation and some not from the neighborhood. Gordan’s mother, Amelia Alsiter-Daniels, was a dream in a soft pink dress and little white cupid wings. The woman wasn’t exactly stable, but she was a riot. Her light brown hair looked like bronze and everything about her was perfect. “Gordan! My sweet baby boy it’s so nice to have you around again!” “Mother, it is good to be around.” He hugged her and kissed both her cheeks. “And I brought Wayate Kane and Jimmy Nore with me.” “Of course Wayate I am so sorry to hear about you’re struggle with your wife. If you would like, I can introduce you to Judge Lorrus. I believe he is the one who will be seeing your case in court.” She winked at him shooing both Gordan and Wayate away. “Gordan knows the good judge. Go and do introductions, my dear boy, while I show Jimmy around. I got a new artist for the ice this year and I simply must have an artist’s eye give me an opinion of them.” I laughed and patted her hand. “I'll look at them with you. I can tell the difference in technique from here. This year's sculptor is far better than the one last year.” I went with the adorably flighty Mrs. Alister-Daniels while Gordan and Wayate went to suck up to the honorable judge. She was cute, like a little kid telling you about their exciting day in school. Thankfully, the collection of ice sculptures were actually good art pieces, very detailed and well made. We were by a pair of swans taking flight when she clapped excitedly and waved someone over. “Jimmy, dear, this is a very old friend of mine. Our families go way back, all the way to the reign of Queen Victoria. Miss Jimmy Nore, this is Duke Dominic Puremount. Duke Puremount, this is Jimmy Nore, she is a private investigator with my son, Gordan.” The name alone told me I was going to have a very, very bad night. When I turned and saw Mr. Stormy Eyes, the Duke Puremount from my horrible dreams, I thought my world had just imploded in on my frontal lobe. He wore a tux much like Gordan's, but on him it looked ten times better. His hair was long and jet black, pulled back with some loose stands falling around his storm gray eyes as if he planned it that way. He smiled, eyes flashing, as he kissed her knuckles formally. I thought I was trapped in a dream again, but none of the dreams filled me with this much terror. “Hello, Miss Nore. It is a pleasure.” He frowned, a well-practiced gesture. It was as if he was a well-trained actor in a play. “My dear, you look pale. Are you well?” “No. I don't think I am. I must be overextending myself.” I pulled away and smiled weakly at Amelia. “I'm sorry but I'm afraid I have to go home.” “So right you are, dear, you need your rest.” She patted her hand. “We'll just go down and have one of the drivers take you home.” “Amelia, don't make the girl walk all over the place. She'll get worse. Why don't you go ahead and have a driver get ready and I'll take the lady to her car.” “Perfect! I'll also tell Gordan and Wayate so they don't worry. You are so clever, my dear duke. I'll be back soon. Tata!” Amelia hurried off, leaving me with the ultimate stalker. He took my hand and starting leading me away. “Oh, no, sir, that is unnecessary. I don't want to be a bother. I'll have Gordan show me out he's right over there.” I pointed at Gordan, trying to pull my hand away. “No, my dear, you slipped away from me once. It will not happen again.” I looked at him like he had grown another head. If he was trying to freak me out he was doing a damn good job. “Tell me how is your cousin Miss Goodall doing?” The only thing keeping me going forward was his hand dragging me along. I thought my heart had stopped, that I couldn't breathe. It was him, the guy from the alley, the one that had bit me. He had me out in the foyer before I came to my senses and started struggling. Now, I know how to fight, but self-defense classes do not teach you how to fight in a full length ballgown. He growled and grabbed me by the back of the neck. “Now, Elanore do not fight me. I will hurt you. It has been twenty years since our last interaction and this time I will not hesitate to kill you.” He shook me, hard, and I whimpered and stilled. “Sadly, you are far more useful to me alive, my dear. I will visit your office tomorrow with a very special assignment, just for you, Elanore. If you are not in I will visit your cozy little apartment. And after you are no longer useful, why, that will be when our struggle comes to an end. You have hid very well thus far, but I have tasted your blood in this life, and you cannot hide from me.” He leaned in closer, his lips brushing my ear as he whispered, “Not even in your dreams, my Elanore. Or is it Jeemyma now?” He released me and left, going back to the party. A moment later a foreman rounded the corner, all smiles, and guided me to the waiting car. It wasn't a limo, but it was almost nicer inside than one. He drove me home; made sure I got up to my apartment, and left me alone. I managed to hold off my hysteric tears until I was alone. It was like my brain had shut down; like I couldn't process the information Puremount had given me. It was either ignore it or break and I couldn't afford to break. I had to survive and broken people don't do so well at that. © 2013 Burr the Story SorceressAuthor's Note
Added on April 6, 2013 Last Updated on April 6, 2013 AuthorBurr the Story SorceressA Really Cold Place, OHAboutI am a kinda loud person who is very blunt. I tend to talk before I think. I go with the flow, most of the time. When I get excited, my stutter comes back with a vengence. I do the best I can and that.. more..Writing