A Vision While in the Pit of Despair

A Vision While in the Pit of Despair

A Poem by Malcolm J. Watt

I was stoned when I saw This.


A Vision While in the Pit of Despair


I have heard them cheering

In judgement vale

I saw them standing,

All in white: A massive crowd.


Who knows if I

Will join them there,

Only Heaven can tell.

Because I have seen

And heard

My chances are better.


I will give honor

To that power that showed

That those who made it

Are no different than me.

© 2012 Malcolm J. Watt

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Added on May 1, 2012
Last Updated on June 6, 2012
Tags: Vision, Future., Judgement


Malcolm J. Watt
Malcolm J. Watt

Victoria, BRitish Columbia, Canada

I have been dedicated to writing poetry, short stories and plays for the past twenty years. I'm lucky that I've had this time to indulge in the writer thing that has been with me since I was a kid. I .. more..

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A Poem by Malcolm J. Watt