We all have been through times when we are angry, being bullied, or fear holding you back. Today, I want you to read Gods Revelation, HUNGER for it! Your mouth is a weapon, and SHOULD be used for God. Look fear in the face and say, "SATAN AND YOUR DEMONS! You will NOT control my life ANYMORE! I belong to JESUS,GOD, AND EVERYTHING HOLY! God, I give you permission to STRIKE DOWN AT THE ENEMY! GET OUT SATAN AND YOUR DEMONS!" You might not be able to see it, but they are tumbling over each other trying to escape. Evil fears God and all who speaks Holy. KICK THEM OUT! Satan and his Demons do not belong in YOUR HOME, your friends home, your families home, NO WHERE! We are Gods children, and Gods words and revelations is powerful beyond imagination. Do NOT let the enemy win by using your mouth and actions wrongly. Kick out EVERYTHING WICKED! You belong to God and should not have anything 'Dirty' on you. Cleanse your souls in Gods words and DECREE that no evil is allowed and will NEVER be allowed in Gods children!