![]() Reverse Psychology?A Poem by xxxrawr_friendxxxI'll put on a smile, And you can pretend. Pretend we're still brosters, Pretend I'm not okay. Now that I think about it, Now that my mind has registered it, We were never actually functional... We were never actually good. Not once was there a "Thank You," You only care about yourself. Is this all my fault? I had to tell you sometime. Isn't this messed up? I wish this never happened. But I know I'm okay... Are you too? I'll retire my smile, And I can pretend. Pretend we won't be brosters, Pretend I'm okay. © 2012 xxxrawr_friendxxx |
StatsAuthor![]() xxxrawr_friendxxxMelancholy Hill, Plastic BeachAboutsabrina // alabama feel what you need to feel to make yourself whole - more..Writing