B&S Prologue - Part 3: Finale

B&S Prologue - Part 3: Finale

A Story by Bull1128

Final part of the prologue to my series, I will begin posting the main stories themselves soon.

...and so it was, on an ethereal battlefield that two mortal enemies would become lovers as they complimented each other's abilities and fighting prowess. The archangel Mial, otherwise known as Michael, had never seen a warrior such as Lei-tei-ieth, the demon queen who would later become known as Lillith. Both were considered amongst the most elite of their kin, and never had Mial seen such berserker aggression, speed, and brutality, whilst the many angels defeated by Lei-tei had never possessed such gracefulness, yet still harbored extreme defensive capability and power. Yet, it was only after the two realized they had lost the will to fight would they both learn that the opposite sides were not all hell-bent on their ways, that angels were not all dogmatic zealots, nor were all demons entirely power-hungry and depraved. However, as they quieted down, and as they finished speaking of their ways, they had realized that their peoples would not allow such communication between one of both kinds, and one of three decisions had to be made; for one to kill the other, so as to remove all evidence of their talking to one another, to return to their respective kin and pretend the other had fled, but in doing this risk facing eachother yet again upon the battlefield, or to find somewhere out of sight of angel and demon eyes so that they may live together. And so, they made their decision, to hide from the eyes of angel and demon. They had searched for days, months, and even years, but they eventually found a world much like earth. They needed such a world, as, during their flight, the two had realized their love and they realized that such a child born of angel and demon would want somewhere of his own to live. The child, or, to their surprise, children, were born. There were four, two born of light, two born of dark, two of them born of order, and two born of chaos. Mial and Lei-tei knew something was truly special about their children, almost as though they were meant to be born, as when they came to be, the universe itself felt different to the two lovers. As well, their children were far stronger than any mere angel, far more powerful than any demon, making both races seem like ants, despite their ancient, never-ending power. The four took traits after both the mother and father, and as such, all were given names with bits of both races' languages. They were named Valun (Val-un), Maluu (May-loo), Illiaa (Ill-I-Ah), and Griea (Gr-eye-uh). Unfortunately, something about the birthing of these four had an odd effect upon the two, as Mial and Lei-tei soon found that, like the mortal race their brothers and sisters once fight over, and still do, albeit more discreetly, they could now age, they could now bleed, and, most importantly of all, they could die. But that begs the question, was it worth it to them? They had lost the eternal life, the immortality they once had, the inability to truly die, yes, but they did many things no angel nor demon had done, they had seen beyond all dogmatism and vilification, they dared the cosmos for their love, they hid from the sight of all, they birthed children of angelic and demon heritage, but most importantly, even in light of all these and more, they found the link, the binding between light and darkness, and while the two can certainly never be one, that is not to say they cannot be together, but rather that they can still stand, side-by-side, as one in some ways, and as their own in others.

© 2017 Bull1128

Author's Note

Let me know what you think about the imagination behind this and other parts to my prologue, also, if you're curious of as to why I have not given a full wording of the title is because I am bad at titles, and a lot of people tend to judge by title first, so I was holding back in the hopes that people wouldn't immediately think they're reading something intentionally cheesy. Anyways, please be honest, let me know what I may want to add, but please remember, I accept and even openly welcome criticism, but I don't tolerate insults.

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Added on April 11, 2017
Last Updated on April 11, 2017



Hello. I have been creating stories for a long time now, but have had few opportunities to share them. Many of them are much darker than others, but overall, it's an interesting universe I've made usi.. more..
