B&S: Prologue -Part 1

B&S: Prologue -Part 1

A Story by Bull1128

An introduction of sorts to my story series. This explains the sort of formation of the universe in the story.

The beginning, a vast, empty void. Through it all, the empty space, the timeless nothingness, are four, timeless beings, each a powerful fragment of something that once was, something more. Each of these four beings were formless, save for a heart within each. The hearts, a reflection of what they are, fragments of four forces, four concepts. The first had a heart that shone bright as a billion stars, and it's warmth could be felt by the other beings, empowering them even beyond their own celestial, infinite power. However, what this being gave to the others in warmth it lacked for itself, and relied upon the warmth of the others to avoid dying out. The second, across from the first, however, had a shadowed silhouette for a heart, and gave no warmth, neither for itself or the others. Instead, it exuded cold, yet, oddly enough, this soothed the others. Often, unlike two of the others who were always still, it would trade places with them, almost as though it was too cold and the others were too hot from the warmth of the first. The third was a solid heart, indestructible and unwavering, hot or cold, but would never move, could not. The fourth, however, would move often, as it couldn't seem to feel comfortable with a spot for long. It was made of a flesh-like, soft substance that moved like liquid, constantly shifting. Together the four were, alone, until the day a terrible force came, one that was possibly what shattered the four beings, the entities, who would later be known as Naxim, into the shards they were now. It knew not heat nor cold, not light nor dark. It knew not security nor freedom, not order nor chaos.  This was a force of pure destruction. The Naxim, knowing they could not defeat this foe, even with their power, decided, possibly out of selflessness or selfishness, to scatter themselves into even further fragments so that they, and time, space, and all in between may survive, so that all that they were may still live. And so, with a moment of utter silence, and then an unparalleled sound that shook this new universe, all was made. From the fire of the bright Naxim came light a force of togetherness and conformity, and a source of warmth, both in the forms of the heart and flame, while from the shadowed Naxim came dark, a force of individuality and self-focus, a source of cold, in the forms of the mind and ice. From the solid Naxim came order, a force of unity and security, and from the depths of its' heart came rock and ore, while from the flesh Naxim came chaos, a force of freedom and self-determination, and from underneath the surface came water and blood. Throughout time, the forces, would form into two races, one of light and one of dark, both capable of order and chaos, but both incapable of their opposite. For a time, there was peace, that was until a third race was found, one begotten of light and dark, capable of both...

© 2017 Bull1128

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Added on April 6, 2017
Last Updated on April 6, 2017



Hello. I have been creating stories for a long time now, but have had few opportunities to share them. Many of them are much darker than others, but overall, it's an interesting universe I've made usi.. more..
