You came into my life
And took the pain away,
You told me that you loved me
And that you would always stay.
I believed your every word,
As you had hoped I would do;
The biggest mistake I ever made
Was falling in love with you.
Slowly you gained my trust,
And then you stole my heart,
And thanks to the pain you caused,
I have completely fallen apart.
Everyday your perfect smile,
Shines brightly on my mind;
The strong feelings I have for you,
Are so very rare to find.
I see you at school sometimes,
Hanging with your mates,
You never notice me watching you,
So full of love, yet full of hate.
You were everything I wanted,
You fulfilled my every dream.
We were meant to be together,
Well, that's the way it seemed.
I thought you were different from everyone else,
You said you wouldn't lie,
But it's taken me so long to realize,
That you're just a typical guy.
This one had a very nice flow. Its hard the pains we have to endure until we find that one that will not hurt us. It took me 35 yrs. Just remember that yes, this was a typical guy but he does not by any means define all guys. There are those of us out there that are true MEN. We rise above all the little boys out there that never find themselves. Don't give up hope. Another nice poem. Keep them coming.
Ah! Incredible! You've got a lot of talent. I love your rhyme scheme, because it's very similar to mine. ABCB, really.
It's also a very good poem, to me, because I've been trying to find words to say to my ex, to tell him that he's just like every other douchebag guy in the world, and this was perfect! Wonderful job!!! :]]]
HeHe...sorry, I don't mean to laugh but based on the title I new by this line "You told me that you loved me" exactly how it was going to end. I hate to stereotype, but that does happen alot...doesn't it?
Thanks for a great read!
I'm 17. I live in Sioux Falls, sd.I'm a junior in high school. I'm easy going and an overall fun person to be around. Anything else you want to know just ask... more..