![]() The Fifth DimensionA Story by BryceGoodwin1![]() A story where a kid experiences life or death situations which put him in a position where he soon achieves a greater knowledge of the world itself.![]() The Fifth Dimension “Shelton, get ready man, we're about to leave for the bonfire.” Shelton is always late to something, whether it's school or church, he never fails to be late. It was just hitting 7 o’clock and the bonfire started at 7:30. Shelton finally got ready at around 7:22. I knew we were going to be late because of Shelton and my mom. My mom was not the type to of person to speed when she needed to get somewhere. She took her precious little time when she got on the road, and she never pulled off until everybody in the car had their seat belts on. Shelton is a very good friend of mine, but he doesn’t know my mom very well, or should I say, at all. He didn’t know that my mom wouldn’t pull off until all seat belts were on, and he didn’t buckle his in. My mom sat there in dead silence for at least 3 minutes until I realized Shelton didn’t have his seat belt on, so I yelled, “Shelton, put your freaking seat belt on!” He replied back saying, “Okay i'll put in on, but you don’t have to yell at me.” We finally get moving, and the bonfire already started so I accepted the fact that we were going to be late. When we got to the bonfire we expected it to be really crowded and loud, it was neither. “Yo this party is lame let's go home and do something else.” Shelton said. I agreed with him, so we left, but my mom had already dropped us off a couple of minutes ago and she was going out tonight too so I knew she wasn’t turning around just to come get us. Shelton and I were debating on whether we would make a troop home or go roam the school. I knew the walk was long and if we did walk home we wouldn’t have food, because my mom was going to order pizza when she picked us up after the bonfire. And if we roamed the school we would either get caught or end up breaking something. “Oh, we should go get snacks across the street and then walk to the movie theater near my neighborhood.” I actually thought that was a good idea so we started walking to Walmart near our school. “Man my head really hurts all of a sudden again”. “Just come on Xay your head is always doing that, you should be used to it by now right?” “What? No, it doesn’t work like that”. My head would start pounding out of nowhere. It was every day, no specific time. I had random headaches and headaches that would occur right after a dream. There was something really weird about my dreams too. They felt extremely real. You know those nightmares where you wake up panting because it was so terrifying it felt real? Well my dreams felt even more real than that, nightmare or not. “It’ll go away soon right though?” Said Shelton. “Yea, it will, I hope.” I said. We made it to the store and went inside, the old man standing at the door greeted us, but stopped us to tell us that we needed parental supervision because of pass incidents. Me and Shelton looked at each other and ran right by him into the bathroom. “Phew, that was close right Xay?” “Yea it was close, hey and my migraine went away too.” We waited in the bathroom for a good 7 minutes probably, we had to get out of that bathroom because it smelled as if they haven’t cleaned it in years. I opened the door carefully and we both walked real fast towards the dairy section. “Why are we in this section Xay, it's cold and i'm lactose intolerant.” “Don’t worry, we're going to the snacks now, gees.” We got our snacks and headed towards the register and bought our stuff and left. “Shelton, how much money do you have left?” “I have 6 dollars left why?” “The movie tickets idiot!” “Oh I’ll pay for most of mines and you can pay the rest.” I said that was fine, he would only have to pay me back. We had to run past the Walmart greeter because I don't think he liked us that much. After we left we got to a very busy crosswalk on the road, and the sign would never turn to walk, so Shelton ran when he saw a small opening. I tried the same, I ran right behind him but there was so much traffic it wasn’t enough time for me to across with him. By the time of me thinking of all that, I was in the middle of the road continuing to run behind Shelton, and out of nowhere, BOOM a car going about 45 miles an hour hit me. It was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt in my whole entire life. I felt every little thing until everything got so dark and it felt like time itself slowed down, but only for me. Sound was distorted, cars looked as if they were going 10 miles an hour, and my heart beat felt ten times slower. And suddenly i blacked out, losing all of my grip on reality. It was all black and dark when I lost consciousness. When I woke up i heard sirens and lots of voices all around. One distinct, but faint voice I heard sounded like my mom saying, “hey that's my baby”. I felt a slight jolt and i opened my eyes to find me right outside the local hospital in Orlando. As soon as they got me to the door i blacked out once more. This time it was so weird, it wasn't just blackness and darkness this time. It was like i was in a tunnel with a bright light at the end, the only thing i could think of was to just go to the light, and so i did. I ran, and ran, and ran until i finally got out of the extremely long tunnel. As soon as i got out of the tunnel i saw myself. I stopped and stared in awe, because I've never seen anything like it. I started moving around and he started moving around too, it was like a mirror. I jumped, he jumped then I waved, he waved, he was mirroring me, everything I did he did. I waited for like 30 seconds to see if he, or I was going to do something and he finally moved on his own. It kind of scared me because I didn't expect it, i thought he was just some kind of mirror reflection in my imagination when i was unconscious. But he wasn't just that, he started talking to me and he said, “Hey me, aren't you gonna’ say something, I mean we are thinking of the same thing all the time.” “What, how are we thinking, wait no that's a dumb question, I mean we are the same person.” “Yea idiot, we are, I just said that.” “Shut up you're just jealous i'm the real version of us… Wow, we really are the same.” “Yup, I am your fifth dimension which means i'm you in a whole other dimension, but my dimension is the one where everyone in yours lives here too. We are the ones that make your dreams… All of them. Have you ever wondered Xay what, or who the voice in your head is when you're reading a book or doing something else?” “Actually, I have wondered, i just thought it was a voice my brain was making.” “Well, that's not what it is, i'm the voices you hear in your head. We can communicate by inter dimensional wormholes.” He then goes on to tell me all the things that he regrets that he made me say because of others people reaction. He said one important thing and that was the fact that it is literally impossible to speak or interact with your fifth dimension unless you meditate and try to find your self for over a hundred years. And it only took me a couple of hours to do it. It was an extraordinary thing that i didn't know i had the potential to achieve. My fifth dimension wanted me to know how to tap into this dimension whenever i wanted. I was so eager to see how to do this because I could do so much stuff in the dimension and with the dimension. So he told me exactly how to get back to him when i awaken from this weird coma I was in. He said all I had to do was nothing, since I already opened it on accident. He said it will be open for the rest of my life until i die, but if I didn't access it right I could get stuck in between two dimensions forever. He said that when I die he also dies because our dimensions intertwine with each other. So he will die the same time I do. He says if he dies in his dimension which is very unlikely I will either die or have memory loss. Doctors have been stuck on Alzheimer's for a while now ,but I finally figured out what Alzheimer really is, and it's exactly what my fifth dimension me said. When anyone's fifth dimension dies that person in my dimension automatically loses their memory which is considered Alzheimer's. “ But, why do our dimensions connect?” “ Because it just does, I have no explanation for that.” I was surprised he didn't have an explanation to every question I had since he already knew so much. “Wait, doctor look, he's waking up” I heard someone saying this to me but it was muffled so i really couldn't hear them well, until a couple seconds later when I started to see things. When I saw the doctor I knew I was back to my dimension. I was somewhat sad that I came back you know, because in my fifth dimension its all quiet and peaceful. And in my regular life I obviously had other injuries such as a concussion, fractured rib and a broken collarbone, so yea I was mad. “Honey can you hear me?” “Yes mom I can hear you loud and clear but can you not talk too loud because I have a huge headache.” “Oh i'm sorry baby i didn't mean to hurt you…” And so the life of regular old Xay begins again. so I think. About two months later i'm almost all the way healed up, I just had to recover from my concussion fully. After I finally recovered from the concussion all the way. I went to the doctor for my last checkup for all the madness that happened, and it was a successful checkup. “Are you happy that we're all done with everything?” Said my Mom. “I'm actually so glad that we're done, but mom I have to tell you something.” Said Xay. “You know you can tell me anything Xay, so what do you have to tell me?” Said Mom. “So when I got hit by the car I lost consciousness. After I lost consciousness I went to a place called a fifth dimension, it's something that everybody has, but the average person just can't get to it.” Said Xay. “Son you sound absolutely ridiculous.” Said Mom. “But you have to believe me! I'm serious!” Said Xay. “OK explain more about it and I might believe you because I have heard of this fifth dimension.” Said Mom “Okay, the fifth dimension is an alternate dimension that is almost exactly like ours. The only difference is that there's no structures their at all, it's just flat and white. In the fifth dimension, the people there are the same people that are in this dimension already, and the ones that are just born in this dimension. We are all the same people in both dimensions, and some people that have access to this dimension is me and about two others around the world. So now do you kind of believe me?” Said xay. “Yes honey I do believe you, but how does it look on the outside when you're talking to your... Basically, doppelganger?” Said Mom. “I don't actually know that because when I communicate with him, i'm literally in that dimension.” I was so glad my mom finally believed me, but I felt it was going to be harder for the people that haven’t heard of the fifth dimension. I was finally done recovering from my injury and I could finally test going back to my fifth dimension. I remembered that my fifth dimension self told me all I had to do was nothing because when it's open, it's open forever. I went to my living room and turned off all of the lights and lit two candles to try and kind of set the mood for my departure for the fifth dimension. Everything was all good and I finally began to close my eyes and think deeply about the dimension and me inside of it. Poof, I feel my body disengage with my dimension and it felt this time as if I was going the speed of light across the widespread galaxy. It only took about fifteen seconds for me to end up With black smoke around me. I waited for a while for the smoke to clear, but it didn't. I started to get kind of dubious because I expected to have to travel through the long tunnel again to get all the way through to fifth dimension. The black smoke never went away and i’ve been waiting on it for about ten minutes or so. I made up my mind to try and run through, but it was so thick and heavy all over my body, it felt as if gravity was ten times stronger than gravity on earth. I had to come to an abrupt halt do to how hard it was to run. “ Hey is anyone there!” I yelled, in fear. “Come on if you can hear me please, just come out.” I thought about what my fifth dimension self was telling me after I first met him, and I remembered he told me that if I didn't access the dimension correctly I could get stuck, and I thought to myself asking what I had done. Confused and scared of the fact that I might be stuck in this dimension forever baffled me. I looked at my hands and prayed that I would be saved by someone who knows how to get here. Until then I would be trapped here forever. It felt like i was trapped forever. I had my eyes closed the whole time hoping that someone would save me. And suddenly someone grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out. It was a girls hand because of the way it felt. She tugged, and tugged, and tugged to the point where it felt as if she was going to tear my arm off. She let go of my hand and her hand disappeared on to the other side of the black smoke. I was silent to see if she was going to say anything, but i waited for almost 10 minutes so i was convinced she gave up completely. I went back and closed my eyes, but this time not in fear, but with anger because I wasn't saved. It was only a couple of minutes later where I heard a very faint voice. I really couldn't make out what she… Or he was saying, even though I was listening with all my might. The black smoke finally started to dissipate and so I heard the person's voice more clearly. I started to finally make what she was saying and it sounded like a girl. I was sure it was the same girl that tried to save me the first time. In fact I was right, the girl told me it was her. “Hey its me, the girl who tried to save you earlier.” “Hey! I can hear you, what do I have to do to get out of here?” “You have to help me help you.” “What do you mean?” “I can't just pull you out myself, you have to put some effort in as well.” “Well OK then. I'm ready.” “Okay. I'm going to pull you on three and you're going to lunge forward on three. Got it?” “Yea. Okay.” And so the plan worked, she pulled me and I lunged towards her. It felt like a form of rebirth. I was so relieved knowing I didn't have to stay in something that could be compared to the hyperbolic time chamber. When I got out of whatever that mess was I saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life. She had long black, luscious hair. She had freckles over her cheeks. She had hazel colored eyes. And she had the best body a woman could ever have. “Something wrong?” Said the girl. “No, it's just... your so freaking beautiful.” “Well I get that a lot, but thanks…” Well I was there and I was so happy she helped me escape. But the atmosphere was different from the last time I was there. “Girl, what happened?” I said. “Uh, first let me tell you my name. Because just calling me girl is not gonna’ work. So you can call me Jade.” “Jade? Ok that's fine.” “Yea I know it is. But listen, I know you asked why it looked so different from when you first came and that's because we’ve currently been at war for a while now.” “War?! That's ridiculous nobody in this dimension would ever betray one another.” I said. “Well that's where you have it wrong. There has been 3 people just like you that infiltrated the system without taking the time to learn how to naturally travel here.” Jade said “So their like me then right?” “Well I wouldn't say that. They got here using technology.” “What? How could you use technology to travel to this dimension?” She went on to explain to me That there is a way to get to the fifth dimension without trying to rip a hole in the space time continuum. This way was to force their own brains to use a hundred percent of its power, but only while their asleep. I was glad she said they can only use it when their asleep because they could be doing worse. She then told their whole scheme. And it was to over power all the forces of this dimension and take control. Then eventually be able to put bad people in place to keep control over the society while traveling in and out of the dimension. “Where is my fifth dimension self?” I asked. “Well, he’s most likely at one of our scouts shacks, where he plans a way to fight and defeat the invaders.” “Wow that's a big job I have in this dimension.” I said. “Yes, You do have a big job here. You and I are actually going to save this dimension.” Said Jade. When she said that I looked at her and she gave me this look back as if she was saying, “this isn't a joke.” I believed her. And i wasn't going to question her until I remembered she said, “YOU, and I.” I quickly asked what I had to do. “Well you have to train first, I have a regiment for you i thought of when I found you.” Jade said. She told me the regiment and everything she said was really overwhelming. The training I had to do was crucial for me to do and gain skill from it in such a short amount of time. I had a little cheat code though. Jade told me in this dimension a day is equal to one hour in the real. “OK i'm ready for my first lesson Master Jade.” I said as I chuckled and bowed towards her. “Yes it is time. The first thing we will be doing is you will be learning basic fighting lessons from a martial art named Taekwondo.” Said Jade. “I took taekwondo when i was 6 and 7 so i'm good on the basics.” I said. “ No! You are nowhere near okay with the basics of taekwondo yet. The master you had before probably wasn't even teaching concept behind lessons.” Said Jade. I had to agree with Jade unless I wanted to get beat up right on the spot. Once we started training, for some odd reason i didn't have to take a break, not one. I made us stop to discuss why i'm not tired and i asked, “Jade, why am I not tired yet, is my body supposed to be like this? I asked. “Yes your body is fine. The reason why your not tired now is because of the large amount of reishi that's in the air of this spirit realm.” Said Jade. I played back what she said in my head and remembered she said, “right now.” So i asked, “What if you use up a lot of reishi at once and their isn't enough around you at the moment to re-consume?” I asked. “Well you’ll be extremely exhausted, and depending on how exhausted you are, you might just pass out.” Said Jade. We then continue to train for the next 3 days. After the training i went back to the real world. I'm lucky because it was a weekend so i could train and not be interrupted by school and homework. When i got back to the real world. It was only 8 pm. I was surprised at first, but then I remembered what Jade told me. I went downstairs to get some food. I was so lucky because my mom had just went to the grocery store to get food, so when i looked in the pantry I saw heaven on earth. It was definitely a sight for sore eyes. I started out small because I was so hungry I didn't feel hungry, but I was craving some things. I was craving ruffles potato chips, but unfortunately we didn't have any, we did have lightly salted regular potato chips. I quickly engulfed those chips, and I started to feel even more hungry for some reason. So i went on to the next thing I saw in the pantry. It was a box of honey buns. I absolutely devoured them. I was finally full of junk. I didn't think whether eating good in this dimension would effect me when i'm in the other dimension. I really didn't pay it much mind though. I had just realized i had school tomorrow, and i was somewhat happy. I feel like i was happy because i get to see my friends, and i'm sure they’ve been worried nuts about me. I looked at the time and it was only 9 o’clock, but i was mad tired even though i have to already be asleep when i'm in the other dimension. I went upstairs and went to sleep. When I woke up it felt like it was the first day of school. I was so excited for it, well not the work part of it at least. When i got to school i got the best warm welcome I could ask for. Everyone was coming up to me and saying they missed me, I was getting all the hugs and comfort. Even my teachers were glad to have me back. After all the welcoming and what not, it was strictly school. Lots of work and boring things. I couldn't wait until lunch time. Finally lunch time came. I met up with Shelton like we used to, and we started talking about girls and other things like school drama that I missed out on when i was in the hospital recovering. He said the drama was really juicy while I was out and only recently calmed down. “What happened when I wasn't here?” I asked. “Well, when you were out it was literally world war three at school. Their were like 8 fights in total and almost all of them were group fights.” Said Shelton. “Do you have any videos?” I asked. “Yea i have like four of them, most of the others were not recorded, they just happened.” He then showed me the videos of all the fights he had. I looked at them carefully to see if I knew anyone, luckily I didn't. With me going back and forth to the fifth dimension and doing all this hard work and training I realized that people really can't fight. I was somewhat mad at the fact that i wasn't that amused because of their lack in fighting skill, but also had remorse from their lack of knowledge. “Shelton I hope you know they can’t really fight bro.” I said. “Bro yes they can, did you not see the way john knocked Antonio out. It was ridiculous!” Shelton said with a high pitched voice. “Never mind man you just wouldn't understand.” We kept talking about the drama as we were going to class, and I remembered that there was always this one kid that would always try to bully me when we got off the bus in the neighborhood. I mentioned it to Shelton and he said not to pay it any mind because the bully almost got expelled from fighting so if he gets caught by the bus driver then he’ll really get it this time. “And when you get off the bus just walk really fast on the way home.” Shelton said. Back in the beginning of the year, when I didn't know how to fight and defend myself I would always get pushed around by this one guy that was a senior, and we’re only sophomores. I said to Shelton that I would do exactly what he said to do and walk fast home after getting off the bus. I didn't tell him the real reason why I was going to actually do it. It wasn't because I was afraid to get hurt or beat up. It was because I was scared for his safety. From all the Taekwondo training I’ve done I knew that I was a really dangerous person and I knew what I was capable of. I wasn't able to focus for the rest of the day knowing I had to get off the bus with the bully. Finally the clock struck 3:33 pm and everybody was dismissed. I did my usual routine of going to the Chick-fil-A across the street from my school before the bus arrived. When I was walking there I was trying to avoid everybody coming up to me trying to ask what happened to me and asking where I had been. There were at least nine people that came up to me on the way to Chick-fil-A. I wasn’t really known around the school for things, but when I got back, oh boy was I the most popular kid in school. I finally made it to Chick-fil-A, where I happened to see a very short guy. What is his importance you might ask? Well the short little guy is a friend of my big bad bully. I really didn't pay him any mind, until he looked at me funny. I stared right back at him. He oddly smiled at me and then blew a kiss at me. I didn't know whether or not to take that as a threat or an insult. Either way I knew I was in a very bad situation knowing the short guy and the bully are always with each other. I got in line to order and I knew it was only a matter of time before I would run into my old friend, the big bad bully. I waited and waited, but I never saw him. It was a relief knowing I didn't have to deal with him, especially inside of Chick-fil-a. I finally get up to one of the registers and begin to order my food and I suddenly hear out the corner of my ear, “Meet you outside dweeb.” I looked to my right where the entrance was and saw the little short guy and the bully standing right next to him. I stayed completely calm and turned back to order my food. After everything at the register was sorted out I made my way to the entrance. I just knew that they were going to try and harass me. As I was walking out I thought to myself, “When I get out here i'm going to walk right by them and go back to the school to catch my bus.” Unfortunately I didn't even get past the door without them harassing me. When I tried leaving the bully put his foot on the bottom of the door which stopped me from being able to open it. I looked at him like he was dumb and went to other door because every Chick-fil-a has double doors. As soon as I go to push open the door his short little friend did the same thing to the other door. I stopped abruptly again and had to have a little woosa moment. I looked at both of them and chuckled while letting my head drop. I decided to go back to the door the bully was holding with his foot. And grabbed the bar to push the door. I then slowly push the door open while pushing back my bully with the door. As I was doing it, him and his short friend were baffled beyond belief. I finally open the door all the way they just stared at me. Me being the type of person I am, I stared right back at before sucking my teeth and walking back to the school. Or at least I thought I was going to walk back to the school. The bully ran up to me and pulled my shoulder from behind which made me turn around and face him. “What do you want?” I said, with an annoyed face. “What's your name kid?” Said the bully. “My name is Xay, why do you care to know anyway?” I said. “Because it would have been disrespectful if I didn't get to know the person who’s a*s i'm about to kick.” The bully said with a chuckle. I didn't pay it any mind at all and turned around and continued walking.Then all of a sudden he came running up behind me and through a hay-maker punch right at the back of my head. I didn't see it but i felt his presence get closer so with instinct I side stepped his punch and watched him lose his balance and almost tripped. I used this opportunity to grab the back of his shirt and sweep his legs from under his feet. He fell right below me and I looked right into his eyes and smiled, let go of his shirt and started to walk away again. You would think his pride wouldn't get him hurt but unfortunately he decided to get back up and yell, “Hey, Xay i'm not done with you yet dweeb.” As he was getting up off the ground. Surprisingly that whole scuffle I had kept a hold of my food, but when he got back up I knew I would have to put my food down and get serious. And so that's what I did. He started walking towards me, and I started walking towards him. We were only about 8 steps away from each other so it wasn't going to take a long time for us to meet. Out of the corner of my eye his little short friend came running around the corner of the building that was behind me. I couldn't react fast enough so he tackled me right into the street.The short guy was on top of me at this point and began to swing right at my face, luckily he didn't get any good hits in on my face, but he did get a good hit in on my body. That shot did it, I was fed up. So I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to me and headbutted him while he was still on top mount. I knew I had broken his nose because he grabbed his face and yelled in agony. I used this time to throw him off of me and quickly get up. The bully looked at me really hard, probably contemplating on whether or not he should attack me again. For some reason he convinced himself he should. He ran at me super fast thinking he was going to tackle me like his buddy did. I grinned right before he got close and swiftly moved to the side and left my foot for him to trip over. He was running so fast that when I tripped him he did a forward roll into a bunch of prickly bushes. He got up with this stare that terrified us both in the moment. He looked at me as if I was not human. It made me realize that I shouldn’t be using my newly found skills and ability for these types of things. It could get me into some big trouble. And It could also raise suspicion of someone with inhuman abilities. At the time I wasn't progressed enough to say I had inhuman abilities, but I was thinking of the future in a very analytical way. Back then I knew what kind of potential I had, and that I had only just scraped the surface of my abilities. After the event with my bully I headed back to the school for my bus. As I crossed the street to get back on campus I heard one of the administrators call out my bus number. The only reason I heard it was because they use a megaphone to make sure everyone who is a bus rider and is waiting can hear when their bus is called. I was a good two and half minute walk away from the bus loop, and about a 45 second sprint to the bus loop. Me being the lazy person I am decided to walk and see If I could make it. Unfortunately I didn't make it to the bus in time. It left as soon as I got there. I didn't feel like running because I had all the food in my hand. I didn't mind it though because after the fight there was only one thing I couldn't stop thinking about, and that was the fact that I couldn't tell whether my endurance was good in the fight, because it all happened so quickly. So I developed a plan. My plan was to eat my food at the school and afterwards race my bus back home. It might sound a bit naive, but if you were my shoes you would want to test the same, especially with all training I went through. I wanted to see clear progress in my endurance. I already saw the clear progress of the combat training in itself. Finally I finished my delicious food from the best fast food place in all history, and began to run. I wanted to start off slow to try and conserve energy because it was a long run home. On a regular bus ride it usually take around 15 minutes for me to get home because i'm the third stop, and that's on vehicle. Don't forget I was on foot. For me to jog to my house it would take at least 30 minutes with a slight jog. But if I sprint full speed the whole time I could get there just as fast as the bus, or even faster. And so that's what I started doing. I picked up the pace exponentially. As I was running I actually noticed how fast I was. I was sprinting so fast that I kept up with the cars that were going the same direction at about 30 miles an hour. I was running really, really fast. When about 10 minutes went by of me just sprinting I noticed I was 3 turns away from home. At this point of my run I should’ve been destroyed, yet I was joyful and having fun. I finally made it back to my house and the run took about 13 minutes in total. I ran a 30 minute jog in 13 minutes while sprinting and I wasn't a lick of tired. I was amazed by my own performance. © 2019 BryceGoodwin1Author's Note
Added on March 1, 2018 Last Updated on February 28, 2019 |