

A Chapter by brutalman69

I could almost hear the police sirens screaming my name as I bolted down the alleyway, those other gangs are going to be so mad. As I reached the end of the ally way I shoved the nearby garbage dumpster into the road in front of several cars, stopping rush hour. This gave me enough time to bolt across the street as several police men chased me down. Sliding over a car hood, I stopped for just a second to make sure the police weren't on my trail. I gave a smirk when I saw my offenders standing idol on the otherside of the road. He he, I fled into another near by allyway and into a dead zone with a fence. They may be at a haunt for a moment but they have been after me for awhile. Light bulb going off in my head I Whipped my backpack around and pulled out a pipe bomb. I proceeded to pull out my zippo and lit it. Then I hauled back and chucked it at the fence. The explosion went off and I had already cleared through the smoke on my way to the hideout. When I made it inside my fellow friends had welcomed me back and patted my back. The hideout was dark and kinda shady but I've come to enjoy it, especially with all my hood rat buddies, fact of the matter they feed me, but I hate them all. And it's not just them I mean I really can't stand people in general. Except andy, ohh Andy, she was an angel in my eyes. Ironically she was a former hells angel member until someone Tried to off her around a Corner. But I found her and saved her life, she had no where to go so we brought her into our little clan of sorts. But ever sense the get go we were closer then family. The cool part was she was a weapon expert, whether it was pipe bombs to a simple switchblade she knew it all. She actually helped me build my hidden blade knife which rests on my lower under arm behind my black hoodie. After we had finished making it we both engraved our names into it. I started to climb the ladder leading to the top office where our boss works, you see the way it works we do odd jobs to keep up gang activity, like for example if I find an opposite gang tag I'm supposed to tag over it with our own, or just lifting wallets works too, and by the End of the day he puts on a huge meal for us all so were all fed well here. As I reach the second floor the door opens and I step through with my backpack full of various random 'goodies'. He smiles that greedy smile and points to my bag "what'd you do today?" He says with that smug look, man if I ever drop out I'm so coming after this little sh- ahem anyways. "I tagged some local rivals, and I 'found' a few wallets." I reached into my backpack and handed him four wallets and my digital camera of which I also 'found'. "Great work domino" he said and tried to shake my hand. Suddenly I popped my hidden blade out and drove it through his neck.....atleast that's what I imagined. What I really did was pat him on his big bald head and walked out of his office. When I reached the first floor again I found where Andy was working on a few pipe bombs so I slyly snuck over behind her and grabbed the pistol which was hanging by her side holster. I pulled it out then with my other hand I tapped her shoulder, her right hand almost instantly reached for the now empty holster. I spun her around and held the gun as if you would a crummy tissue "looking for something?" I said with a cocky smirk. Without warning she knocked my foot out from under me, catching her gun in the air, she spun to meet me face to face with the gun barrel. The mad gunslinger holstered her weapon and crouched down to meet me. "Never underestimate me dom" every one calls me domino or dom because I have a birthmark around my eye that looks like a bruise. Even when I wear my sunglasses you can still blatantly see it. That's why I almost always wear my hoodie with shades and bandanna on my face. Partially to hide my identity but really I could care less I just don't want my birthmark noticed. I sat up and placed myself back to the wall. Andy walked over and sat next to me just the same. She pulled the slide off her gun and proceeded to clean it with a silk cloth. She saw me staring and playfully punched me in the arm. "Haha your getting better at that, you actually gave me quite the scare". I just shook my head and reached into my jacket for a pack of gum. Taking out two sticks I put one in my mouth and started to chew, then I stuck the other in the bullet chamber of her gun. She took the piece from the gun and started to chew with me. "So how did you earn your meal today?" She said drumming up a conversation. "Ehh I tagged some local gangs and 'found' a few wallets" I said with my trademark smirk. "what about you?". She looked down at this, she nervously started to rub her arm. "I stole some more weapons from hells angels". I facepalmed and spoke up, "Andy, if you keep doing this your going to get your self hurt! Or worse!" I said concerned. "I know but the thrill is just so invigorating, and I love it!" She replyed. "Ok" I said "tell you what, the next run you go on, I'll go with you, how does that sound?" She seemed to beam at me with that amazing smile of hers, oh that smile. She nodded furiously at the question. "Alright, tomorrow then?" I asked happily. "Sure" she said, happy to know I'll be coming with her. "Ok, we'll I'm going to go catch some z's, we'll talk in the morning" she nodded at me and went to putting her gun back together. I gave her one last stare before I turned around and pulled out my grappling hook, I lashed it upwards at the ceiling beam and started to pull myself up. When I reached the top I slid myself to the far end and tied myself in place,so I wouldn't turn and fall off.

© 2013 brutalman69

Author's Note

this chapter was short but i have like 4 more whole pages left that i can upload

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Added on November 3, 2013
Last Updated on November 3, 2013
Tags: action, suspense, western, humor, street life, ghetto, gangs, bikers, family, friends



Houlton, ME

Im a 14 year old teen who has always had a good life. im obsessed with action movies and cartoons. also, i collect knives and other weapons as a side hobbie. its a pleasure to find a website like thi.. more..
