![]() Chapter 8 The RiverA Story by Bruce58Chapter 8 the River Eric and Glen each grabbed a handle to the wagon with
Rawd pushing to start them off. “How long do you think it will take for the
river?” Glen asked Eric. “I don’t really know. I think were in We walked all day with the path under our
feet. Now Glen was complaining about how heavy the wagon was getting. “My hands
hurt!” He kept saying. Even though Rawd and Grom were helping us push and pull.
It was hard going up the hills and mountains. Nothing eventful had happened that day. We
crossed creeks and carried the wagon if the water was too high. Any rock to big
we picked the wagon over. Nothing but walking. Trying not to think about how much
farther we needed to go. The sun was going down, when we came to the
top of a steep ridge. Looking down, we could see another Indian camp in the
clearing below. The two scouts that went ahead were standing behind two trees
from the camp. They had there hand up indicating for us to stop. One of then,
pointing his finger towards the camp. We stopped to look, hiding behind trees
growing down the sloop. The camp was like any other. Teepees with men, woman
and children. A big fire built in the middle with men dancing around in a
circle. However, what was different. Each man dancing had a spirit dancing over
his head. If an Indian would jump over the fire, the spirit would raise his
arms towards the heaven. One of the scouts said. “Bad men! They want
to stop you and we will have to go around.” “We will camp for the night out of
sight.” Thor said. Adding. “No meat tonight! We’ll have to eat berries and
roots tonight.” Both scouts shook there heads yes but I could see they were
worried. We started moving before the sun came up.
Getting off the path and seeing a hill to the right. “We can go around and they
might not see us.” Thor said. “I can still hear them dancing.” Eric whispered. “That
scares me.” Glen said. “What’s keeping them up?” Eric said. “Bad spirits.” One
of the scouts said. “Quit and let’s go!” Thor ordered. The sloop was steeper then any we have gone
down. “Widsith, you and your sister Thrud help.” Thor commanded. “We have to
carry the wagon down with the front higher then the back.” Eric said. “Don’t
drop it. Orish will be put out in the wrong spot.” Thor said. We reached the
bottom of the hill without spilling any water from the barrel. “Now all we have
to do is get by the camp.” Eric said to Glen. Quietly moving around the hill opposite the
Indian Stopping in front of us, just ten feet away
then looking at us. The spirit flew over the hill towards the camp. “What will
they do now?” Eric said. One of the scouts said they could do nothing. However,
its man they rule and he will do anything they want. “Everyone grab the wagon, we have to find
cover.” Thor said. Therefore, we all had something to do with pulling or
pushing that wagon. Widsith was pushing. Eric and I were pulling. Thrud up in
the wagon hanging onto the barrel, making sure it did not tip. Even Sif, Thor’s
wife was pushing from the side. We rounded the hill, placing us on the
trail again. We were all running, trying to get away. Zing, an arrow flew past
my head sticking in a tree ahead. Then another and then two more either hitting
trees or going into the woods. The trail went straight now with weeds as high
as six feet or more. Thor yelled, “No cover stop.” The Indians with us got behind and fired
back. This slowed them down a little but the spirits kept them coming. We could
see them in the distance firing there arrows at us. The evil spirits circling
there heads above. Thor knowing if he threw his hammer Zeus would find them. He
then jumped up onto the wagon taking the lid off. Talking down into the water,
he reached in filling his hands, then throwing it high into the air. Glen and I watched the clear water
spreading above turning into millions of black specks against the blue sky.
“Locust, I’ve them before.” Eric said. The bugs flew like a cloud, shading
everything below them. Stopping over the men shooting at us with there arrows. “Watch this.” Thor said. The locusts
lowered themselves to surround each evil spirit in a cocoon, falling to the
ground. As each spirit, captured, a man below lowered his bow, turned back. “Can
we go now?” Glen asked me. “Ya and I hope were near the river.” Eric said.
“What river?” Glen asked again. “The As we started moving, again Eric looked
back. Watching each black cocoon turn gray. “A stone prison for each evil
spirit.” He thought. Not there fault, the men with the arrows. Two and a half day’s heading home, not
stopping but only to eat. Eric was thinking, if we drove, it would only take
eight hours. However, walking times four. “We should be there in four day’s,”
Eric said.
On the third day, it rained all
day with big black clouds, with no lightning or thunder. “Why is there no thunder?”
Eric asked Thor. “No thunder! Because I’ve not made it happen, and if I did,
Zeus would shortly know where we are killing us all.” The fourth day was more promising. The sun
was out and Eric hoping if only he could see the river. Everyone moved a little
faster now that land flattened out. Only small hills to climb now and the trail
was a little wider. Eric wanted to stop and rest, but wanted to get home more. “Stop! Look down this hill. My people and
friends have captured that tribe below.” One scout said. “We have to hurry.” He
added. Running now down the hill, Eric could see the river through the trees.
Turning the last bend out from under the trees, the path tuned to sand. As we
got closer to the river, Eric and Glen could see, the captured had ropes tied
to there hands and feet. Each had a spirit as bright as the sun circling there
heads. They would reach under the arms of the captured, trying to pick them up
to free them. The ropes had stacks in the ground keeping them down. “How are we going to get across?” Glen
asked Eric. Thor went to Eric asking if this was the place of freedom for his
god. “No. It’s not far from her though.” Eric said. “OK, so we must cross this
river to the path on the other side. Rawd and Grom, look for roots and vines
from the trees.” Thor commanded. Rawd and Grom had retuned and braded the
rope as ordered. Thor attached one end to his hammed, throwing it across the
river to the biggest tree he could see. Thor knowing the hammer would return
spun the tree, snapping off. Leaving the rope attached and the hammer retuning
to Thor. “We need a raft!” Thor said. “Everyone cut
down these trees and build one.” He added. “No, you can not cut trees.” One
Indian said. “We have another plan, without harming the land.” He said. Therefore,
the Indians tied three canoes together, putting the wagon atop and placing it
in the water. “Yes that works. We must go now.” Thor said. Crossing the river Eric thinking,” not far
now.” When we arrived at the top of the last hill Eric could see © 2010 Bruce58 |
Added on August 24, 2010 Last Updated on August 26, 2010 Author![]() Bruce58Aboutjust want to write. I have a story and want it out. Rewrote chapter 1. Tell me what you think more..Writing