Chapter 4  Lost

Chapter 4 Lost

A Story by Bruce58

Eric & Glen get turned around



Chapter 4

        written by Bruce58   7-31-2010



    Eric and Glen were standing against the pond bank. "Glen" it's to steep and muddy here to get down there from here. Let's try going the same way Widsith climbed out. As we started walking around to the other side, Eric was shining his light into the center of the pond. "Look", there's rocks placed in the mud like steps going to the other side.             Eric was shining his flashlight, moving it from the center hole to the bank where Widsith had walked out. Let’s go over there. It’s the way down. Eric said. I don’t know. Glen was repeating over and over. Owe. Come on. It will be fun.

     Anyway, what else is there to do? Schools starting soon and are parents will make us go to bed early. Eric commented. Glen still objecting said ok but I still don’t like it.

    Eric went first saying how the rocks were slippery. When reaching the ladder. He looked up and Glen was running back to the sleeping bags. “Where are you going?” Eric yelled. “I’m getting my backpack”. It’s got more batteries and my chips and drinks. Glen answered. “Ok I’ll wait here,” Eric said.

    Eric had already started down when Glen reached the rock steps. “Wait for me” Glen said. “All right, but I’m going now.” Eric started going down the ladder. He was shining his light down into the cave-telling saying to Glen. “This ladder is muddy yuk.” Eric waited at the bottom watching Glen climb down. He was shining his light up so Glen could see where he was placing his hands. Glen and Eric we are standing on the floor looking up out a round hole in the ceiling. “I can see the small dipper.” Eric laughed.    

     “Look let’s follow Widsith’s tracks and find out where he lives.” Eric said. Ok but as soon as we do, let’s get out. “Is that ok?” Glen was shining his light in Eric’s face hoping he would say yes. Eric raised his shoulder and said, “Ok”.

    The walls were dark brown to black with rocks sticking out. Water was still dripping down from the ceiling making a splat noise when the drops hit the floor. It was round and made your voice echo when you spoke.

    They followed the steps made by Widsith walking in what little mud there was. Passing other caves openings going in all directions. “This is scary,” Glen said now. Its ok “we are” still following the steps. Eric said assuring Glen. “No there gone!” Glen said loudly now, making his voice echo from one cave to the other. You could here it " Gone " Gone- Gone- Gone.

    “Ok let’s go back,” Eric said. Good, let’s just turn around and go. Glen now saying angrily. Eric looked at his watch and said “it’s only been three hours now” and maybe we should use one flashlight at a time. Therefore, we walked in the other direction. Back where we thought, we had come. “That way” I said to Glen. No, we came from the left. “I’m sure of it,” Glen said. He was shining his light to the right cave opening.

    “Now I’m not sure.” Wondering Eric. How long has it been now Eric? Asked, Glen. “It’s eleven in the morning.” Eric commented looking at his watch again. Glen wanted to know if anyone would be looking for them. No, not yet. They’ll think we’re messing around in town somewhere.

    “How many batteries do you have left.” Eric asked. So Glen felt around in his backpack. None! Why? “My lights getting dim.” Eric said. When Glen heard that, he put his back against the wall and slid down to the floor. Eric shined what little light he had left and could see tears forming in Glen’s eyes. Glen was saying, “I didn’t think I would die yet.”

    He looked up and in a low whisper and said. “Do you here that?” No, I told him. Glen said he could here a squeaking noise. It is coming from that cave to the right. I stopped moving and now I could here it. “Ha, maybe someone came down to rescue us!” Glen said.

    There was a light coming from the cave where the sound was getting closer now. A lantern wired to the front of a wheel barrel. It was Widsith pushing his supplies to where ever he was going. We did not say a word. We just watched him getting closer. Stopping in front of us now, looking down still talking to himself. We were in his way! “Let’s let him get by,” Eric said. We separated and as he was walking, threw; he said only one word we understood. “Water.”

    “What water?” Glen said. I had not enough battery life left to see, but could hear splashing in the direction he had come from. “Let’s follow him.” Eric said.

    He was moving quickly now, then turned left threw a small cave opening. It was single file and we were walking up hill. It was getting larger now with light ahead. We walked into a light cavern; there were small caves around one big open area.

    The walls and ceiling were lit, “like glowing moving clouds.”  “This is where Widsith lives?” Eric was questioning. “There’s trees, bushes and even a garden over there.” He was pointing past a picnic table in the middle.

    Widsith went on doing his own business. He was putting everything away he had brought. Going down the cave we came from he returned with two buckets of water and started watering his garden. The whole time still talking to himself.

    We sat down at the picnic table. “What are we going to do Eric? Asked Glen. “Don’t know.” I said. “Ha look” that carving in the middle board. I did that when I was seven. I carved it with a knife dad had given me. Put it on the shed we knocked down years ago.  

    Eric was looking at Widsith saying, “He’s happy” he’s raking his garden singing. “Never heard that before”. Eric said he was going over to help. Widsith was humming when Eric got to him. Then he started singing. “I know these words”. Eric said.



                       Kept my story on kept it close

                       Will keep my life through all time

                       Your time is my time

                       So why change things now

                       When we kept it so close


                       Give you my story you stay mine

                       Not the same but not to far

                       My life starts with you

                       Your life starts with me

                       Old with my story new with you


                       Different and have no choosing

                       New with your story but yours most

                       Old with my story new with new host


    I started singing with him and he turned, looking at me. He was singing, we were singing. Give youuu my storyyy and you stay minnneeeee.

    He was smiling, then turned and was dancing. I was singing and dancing with him. He started dancing towards the opening to one of the caves and I was following him. Glen shouted. “Eric where are you going”? And I gave him a wave to come to.

    We were going into the first cave from the opening, which we came in. There was a bed and nothing else. It was dark, but that did not matter. Widsith and I just kept singing, dancing. Glen was walking behind, saying, “Why are we in here?” but Widsith and I just kept it up. Deeper and deeper, darker and darker. Glen started yelling. Stop, stop, the floors moving.

    Widsith now walking a little faster and very quiet. He turned his head looking back. What the, he’s a kid again. “How could that be”? Thinking Eric.

    “It sounds like the ocean.” I told Glen. Where are we? Eric said. I see hanging lanterns and can feel rain. Widsith was on his hands and knees now, finding a blanket and going under. There was a hand helping him pull the blanket down over him.

    A wave knocking us to the floor. “Wood” I said! “But how and where?” WHY HAVE YOU DONE THIS? A voice louder then the ocean waves. I looked up to a big man standing to the front. We were on a boat. But how? ZEUS WHERE ARE YOU? YOU COWARD!

    Glen and I helped each other to are feet. I looked everywhere to find a place to hide there was none. We were standing on a boat deck. Lanterns hanging along the two sides. The rail was about to my waist with oar holes on both sides and men sitting on benches rowing.

    However, it was that man to the front. He was standing atop a platform. He had a deep voice yelling at someone above and his men. ROW! ROW! OR WE WILL SHALL ALL PARISH. Nevertheless, there was something familiar about him. It was the hammer.

    He was holding it high in the air. He would bend his arm a little, and then throw it high in the air. Lightning leaving his hammer going into the clouds above yelling. TAKE MY RATH. I WILL LIGHT THY HEAVENS UNTIL THEE COMES OUT. The clouds were dark except for the one hit. It had lightning shooting all threw it with a loud thunder sound. That thunder would shake everything. The boat, the men, even the water had ripples.

    Just then a high wave was about to hit us. Higher then three boats. However, stopped short, with a woman’s image appearing at the top. The man up front started yelling, WHY AGEAEON, GOD OF THY SEA? She looked and said nothing. So he through back his arm and flew that hammer.

    It went through the woman of water twirling with only a splash going out the other side. The hammer did return with the man in front catching it. A one handed catch. I like that but I was scared, not knowing where we were.

    He was looking right at us now. You there! WHO ARE YOU? Moreover, where did you come from? Did Zeus send you? Or are thee stowed, hiding with the pigs. HO HO HO. WIDSITH WHERE ARE THEE? He bellowed. Here father with Mom and Thrud. Come out from under that blanket, now! Did you bring these two aboard with thee?

    No, I have not seen them before. All right then. The two of you grab an oar and ROW! Everyone ROW, ROW LIKE YOU WANT TO SEE THE NEXT DAY! Then it was back to throwing lightning into the sky. ZEUS LORD of MINE. WHY?

    As we rowed into the high water, the sky opened up. A voice louder then the man up front started saying. Thor! Where are thee going? Look Glen, pointing to the clouds. A face of a man had formed from one cloud. The cloud was talking, but how could that be? Thor are you going. I gave you that Mjollnir to protect thy people and you leave them. Now go back and I will end the waves. Your people are dying.

    Thor laughed and said NO! I will not turn Thy boat and you will not sink Thee. !” and with that, he threw his arm up to the sky. Lightning went from his hammer to the clouds above. Lighting around those fingers dragging across the clouds above.

    “Hang on everyone! She’s trying to end our lives.” I looked over at Glen and he was under that bench he was sitting on. Turning my sight again towards that mountain of water. The boat started rising to the side with that hand coming down upon us. 

© 2010 Bruce58

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1 Review
Added on July 30, 2010
Last Updated on August 1, 2010
Tags: cave, cavern



just want to write. I have a story and want it out. Rewrote chapter 1. Tell me what you think more..

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