![]() Chapter 3 A man named WidsithA Story by Bruce58![]() A mountain man or something![]()
But why? I asked. Mr.
Martin was running towards me now, saying “That hammer has some
type of energy in it" Look at my hand, I touched it three years ago.
The palm of his right hand two zig zag lines running from his fingers
to his wrist. Don't know where that big hammer came from. It was found long ago
next to the pond by your dad's dad pitting in a tree. Someone buried it
there. Sorry, Eric, I didn’t mean to yell like that, but I was afraid you
would get hurt. That’s ok. Is there anything else here that can hurt me?
Tell you what. Whatever you want to handle
is ok with me. Just look at that hammer and don’t touch it. Ok? Ok but well be
back. Right now I want to show Glen the tree fort we built. See Ya. We ran out the front door to the street
stopping in the middle. Where’s the fort? Glen asked. Oh that fort fell down a
long time ago. I’ve heard of that power in the hammer. But I wanted to see it
for myself. Let’s go to the park and see how high the water is today. Eric
said. Running down the center of the road, I ran
into Widsith’s wheel barrel knocking out a few things. Sorry Widsith, here I’ll
pick them up. That old man looked at me and stopped talking to himself. I was
freaked out; he never looks at any one and never stops talking to himself.
Replacing what I had knocked to the ground, he looked down, and being Widsith
started talking again. Who’s
that? Glen said. That’s Widsith. The old man that lives in the woods. No one
knows where though. He only comes to town once a month for supplies. Even
people hunting haven’t found where he lives. Oh well lets go to the park. The water in the pond was higher then it
was yesterday. Eric said it was the thirty last night and tomorrow it will be
down again. Glen looked and said. I have to see this thirty! Eric walked to the
center of the road and said: it went to here one time. It rained for a week
just before and everything was flooded, even the small pond in back of the
farm. There’s a pond? Can we fish there? “Naw”
every time I go there to fish, I get snagged on rocks in the center. But
there’s a small lake on the other side of town, past the school. Maybe
tomorrow. Look there’s Lgerna! She must be out
shopping or something. Let me show you that old house in her back yard. We got
there by cutting across the yard of an old house across the street. Then
through Lrgerna’s fence. There it is, the mound of dirt with grass growing on
it. That’s a house? Glen said. To someone it was, let me show you. I’ll have to
leave the door open though. It’s to dark if I don’t. The ceiling was high
enough for a tall man to walk around and rounded to the floor and was straight
up at the two ends. The floor was rock cut flat and carved to fit together.
Some type of white plaster patted on the walls. Here
this is my favorite. One hand print left like they wanted to show it off. I
placed my hand into it and said. Look it fits perfect. Just then Lgerna walked
in saying what are you two doing in here? I just wanted to show Glen. Well I go
out to get more bug spray from Sam’s and in you come. Eric put his hand in the
print again saying. It must have been someone my age that built this home,
look. That’s interesting, she said. Since you’re
here let me show you something. She started spraying the back wall, getting it
wet. I was thinking that’s too much bug spray, she doesn’t need that much. The
white wall started to darken making some sort of printing show up. I found this
the first time I did this. I know they wrote it, but why is it in English. That
I don’t know. Kept my story on kept it
close Will keep my life
through all time Your time is my time So why change things now When we kept it so close Give you my story you
stay mine Not the same but not to
far My life starts with you Your life starts with me Old with my story new with you Different and have no
choosing New with your story but
yours most Old with my story new
with new host Some sort of poem I think. Now go, and
don’t close that door behind you. I have to kill the bugs in here. We did what
she wanted leaving the door open behind us. As we were leaving, I could see dad tending
the fence between our property and Glen’s. He was looking at us shaking his
head from side to side. I have to go now I said. Dad is going to be mad when I
get home. I’m not supposed to be here. Summer is more then half over now. Glen and
I had become best friends doing everything together. Last week we helped with
the new barn. Everyone in town did there part. Even the children, handing nails
to people going up ladders. There were long ropes with pulleys raising walls,
boards and tin for the roof. Food and drinks laid out four picnic tables long. An
adequate amount for all to eat and drink. Glen was starting to get used to, life in a
small town. We went fishing every other day. I showed him the library in
school. The books no one were aloud to touch. One day he said I like it here. There’s
more to do then when we lived in Eric mom called out, are you and Glen going
to watch the thirty tonight? I had forgotten, Glen and I were going to camp out
in the back yard tonight. As I walked down stairs from my room. I started
thinking. That’s prefect, will have camping food and drinks to take with us.
Yes, he wants to see it, is all that I said. Glen wanted to set up his tent but I told
him it‘d be to hot tonight. We can sleep with our bags on top of blankets and
it will be cooler. Therefore, we laid out blankets and sleeping bags on Glen’s
grass by his new barn. It’s
Eleven a clock. I said to Glen looking at my watch. We have to go. Eric, it’s
about time I get to see what everyone’s talking about. I have heard about this
for over a month now. We walked past Sam selling snacks to a
couple from out of town. I asked if they were here to watch the Thirty. They
said yes, we heard it was like watching a gusher in Eric wanted to sleep now and Glen wanted to
see more. But that’s it I said, let’s go. We got to the sleeping bags and I decided
it was too hot out. I want to sleep next to the pond up by the edge of the
fence. The trees will keep it cooler there. Let’s go, Glen said. Therefore, we
grabbed everything we had out there. When we got there, we laid out our sleeping
bags next to the pond. We had snacks, flashlights and drinks. Something’s
strange, the water in the pond is gone: Glen said. I shined my flashlight into
where the water should be, but there was nothing but a hole in the middle. Do you here a noise? Glen said again.
Sounds like a squeaking noise and it’s coming from that hole. Quick, turn your
light off Glen. “I said”. The noise stopped, then there was a thud. A latter
sticking out of the hole now and we could here someone, something climbing up.
Eric looked behind him and said lets hide. Shhhhhhh quiet. It was Widsith
climbing out of that hole. He climbed out and up to the bank, to a tall bush.
Going to the other side he got out his wheel barrel and went off towards town. Now
this is interesting. I said. Lets go see where he lives, I said to Glen.
No, I’m not going down there! Come on I said. Widsith comes and goes all the
time. We have two lights and plenty of batteries. Ok , but I don’t like it. © 2010 Bruce58 |
Added on July 27, 2010 Last Updated on July 30, 2010 Author![]() Bruce58Aboutjust want to write. I have a story and want it out. Rewrote chapter 1. Tell me what you think more..Writing