My two existances

My two existances

A Poem by The Brooklyn Nomad

This one is open to interpertattion, but revolves around the mind and its optimisms in the face of reality


What reality this is, the dual planes of my existence


Life’s fabric in fray, seams splitting in two


Oh division of the mind, Oh duplicity of desire


Within I reach for phantasmal possibility, the realms of my divinity


But the shades of physicality shroud the deity of the mind


The vessel of my substance, buoyant in the ephemeral, placid in what is


Yet the compass of my desire points no way but up,  where I may soar in the skies, where I may fly with what should be, with what could be.


So night by night ,or in sweet soothing calm, I soar,


Soar past the clouds and then the stars, to the realms of MY reality, the paradise of MY perfection. were I am all and all is me.


A universe of thought with galaxies of glee, all planets of my essence, then shattered to bits 


An Armageddon of truth, by forces physical, oh reality of real, your darkness does dominate

A Boidae constriction of the infinities of want, what once seemed so real whisked into the void.


Oh this reality of existance , Must I bask in its finite light, its dying splendor, till this blood, this bone, this flesh and all, withers and fades?


Only then, when my fabric comes undone, will the dual become one?



- The Nomad

© 2014 The Brooklyn Nomad

Author's Note

The Brooklyn Nomad
Critism welcome.

My Review

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I can only describe in personal terms so I will try to express what I felt as I go.

What reality this, is...
The dual planes of my existence

It seemed to me that maybe you meant that but only based on how I read it. As if you have weighed the experience and then described it. There also seems to be a rougue comma was that intended?
Finally I think nettiquette which is an IT term describing that when you capitalize you increase the volume of the word spelled. So are those my supposed to sound more convincing because of the Capitals or is it an allusion to individual v/s generic? That was not clear to me based on the way it is written.

That aside is a very enigmatic writing as it forces the reader to entertain the possibility of layers of a human being as well as different stages of conciousness namely waking, sleep and possibly another. Very interesting that the enthusiasm for soaring expressed possibily on idealism even with the direction of going up. That made me smile. I share the feeling yet cannot explain why we do that. Then it keep going even further into the cosmos and our possible relation to the universe as if intimately related. Again I share the feeling.

To the ending which shares a very palpable contradiction. I have so many question and somehow I know the answers to be there yet never feel close only the distance and the sollitude as I walk.

It is of an intimate nature then.

Thank You.

Posted 10 Years Ago

The Brooklyn Nomad

10 Years Ago

The ending was meant to signify the destruction of inner optimisims many people face when reality an.. read more
The Brooklyn Nomad

10 Years Ago

and as for the beggining your on the money, except for the rougue comma, confused me there it is see.. read more

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 26, 2014
Last Updated on December 27, 2014


The Brooklyn Nomad
The Brooklyn Nomad

Brooklyn, NY

New to the art of poetry, but long acquainted with the art of writing, Ive deemed now is the time to share with the world. Harsh critisism is welcome in my pursuit to sharpen my writing wit. I hail fr.. more..
