You watched me grow, and had the heart to tuck me in every night. You listened to my dreams and even stopped my nightly frights. You kissed me goodnight and greeted me with a warm hug. When the night clashed and splashed and everything flashed where were you? You closed the door and took the key, I cant find you, Where are you? You sat on the phone with me for endless out telling me about how much of a grown adult i was becoming but then the phone calls stopped. Where were you? The nights of my terror and my inner self destroyed my soul for months Where were you?
When i found crying a pillow of wet tears better than laughing up a room of crowded people, Where were you? Where are you even now? Where were you yesturday when my tummy hurt? When i was ill, or had a bad day at school or lost a friend. When a close friend came to a sudden death and i had to sink it in, Where were you? I'd set across the seas for answer if it meant that you would listen to my dreams again.