

A Story by Brooke

Love is a powerful thing. The phrase, "I would go to hell and back for you," provides a more literal meaning for these two teens who find themselves embraced in Fate's arms.


"Attention, class. Today a new student will be joining us. Everyone, meet Jason Nichols. He's a transfer student. Jason, why don't you sit in the back of the class next to Ms. Cooper?"

Jason walked silently to the back. He seemed oblivious to the stares from the other classmates as they snickered and whispered about Alex. She wasn't the popular type--more like the kind who end up kicked at the bottom of the social ladder because they are just too different. Nevertheless, Jason took his seat as if none of it bothered him. He leaned back in the chair and casually stared out the window.

"Um, hi. I'm Alex. Looks like you're new. When did you move here?"

The boy said nothing but looked at her absentmindedly. His silver eyes caught her attention. Blue specks swirled around the edges, giving such depth to his eyes that made Alex catch her breath. His pitch black hair hung messily around his face, only intensifying his sharp features, and making it even harder for Alex to breathe. They stared at each other without speaking for a while.

"Just moved last week," Jason finally replied.

"Really? Do you know your way around yet?"

Alex was excited that someone in this town didn't know about her family's past. On top of that Alex was attracted to Jason. His mysterious, bad-boy aura tempted her.

"Look, not that I don't appreciate the offer to show me around, but leave me alone."

Alex was surprised at his blunt, harsh refusal. Suddenly, anger shot through her like a hot fire. What's his deal? I was just trying to be nice!

"You're a jerk, you know that. I get it if you didn't want me to show you around but you didn't have to put it like that!"

Jason stared at her in surprised for a moment before smiling. He apparently didn't expect her to snap back at him. Still, Jason had an arrogant way about him, particularly his smile, that Alex found strangely hot. She blushed, realizing she had been staring again.

"You're right. That was a little harsh, but you shouldn't get tangled up with me. Your precious social reputation might hit rock bottom."

Rock bottom? That's not possible. I'm already there.

The teacher cleared his throat loudly to get their attention.

"Ms.Cooper, Mr.Nichols. Since you seem to enjoy talking during my lecture, then you won't mind staying after class."

Both students rolled their eyes and smirked at him behind his back. Eventually, class ends and the students filed out of the classroom eagerly. The empty room left the Jason and Alex bored out of their minds. The teacher excused himself to use the restroom. A few moments of silence passed once he left. Jason tensed up, as if expecting something.

"Something's coming."

"What do you�""

Alex's question was interrupted as the room's glass windows shattered. Multiple men in black clothing slipped into the room.

"Jason Nichols. Took us long enough to find you!"

"Oh, great. Long time no see Ratface!" Jason mocked. The leader of the group was a big guy with a small nose and round, black eyes who scowled back. "Stay behind me," Jason ordered Alex.

Alex complied with his order quietly in disbelief.

"Oh, I see you've finally found yourself a girlfriend! I was beginning to think that fake arrogant attitude was driving them away."

"Well, you know what they say, good girls love bad boys."

"Wait! I'm not his girlfriend! I barely even know him!"

"Shut up and stay back or you're going to get hurt."

Jason's harsh tone startled Alex. Does he actually care about me? Maybe I was wrong in thinking he was an arrogant, self-centered delinquent. Still, a sense of nostalgia crept over Alex as Jason faced the attackers.


Silence sat heavily between them as Jason escorted Alex to her house. Just a short while earlier, they had been surrounded by men threatening to kill them. Even though they were after Jason, Alex worried that it might lead to her being involved in something dangerous. Alex's concern was validated as the men charged at Jason. Before they could reach him, flames erupted around Jason. The fire gripped onto the men like hands and pulled them down. The ground seemed to open up as they attackers disappeared in the flames. It all happened in a matter of a few seconds.

Now, here they were, walking side by side to Alex's house. Neither of them spoke. Suddenly, Alex noticed Jason slowing his pace and he stopped. She turned around and stopped walking. She didn't notice it before but, something was off about Jason now. He was breathing heavily. She approached him with caution. As Alex opened her mouth to ask him if he was alright, he collapsed. Alex caught him instinctively and, not sure of what else to do, took him to her house. Her dad wouldn't be home until morning because he worked the night shift. Good thing, too. I don't know how I could've explained this to him. Somehow, Alex managed to drag Jason to her house, up the stairs, and to her bedroom. The last thing she wanted was her dad coming in the front door and seeing a teenage boy crashing on the couch. Luckily, the house was three bedrooms and a two-story. Her dad used one, one was her bedroom, and the other was filled with her dad's mythological collection. He never came into Alex's room without permission so, this was the perfect�"and only�"place for Jason. Alex laid Jason down gently on the bed. She began digging through his pockets trying to find a phone or the name of someone he knew. With a relieved sigh, she pulled a phone out of his jacket pocket. Alex called the first number on speed dial. After a few rings, a man picked up in a frantic voice. He heard something about an attack at the school and was worried Jason might have gotten hurt. Alex took a deep breath. She told the man who she was and what happened at the school. Informing him that she brought Jason home, the man asked if he could come get him. Hesitant about giving him her address, Alex decided that he may be the only one who can explain what is going on. Alex gave the man directions to her house and, not even ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. Alex answered it and asked the man if he was Jason's father. He told her he was and two more boys came walking up the steps. The man introduced the boys as Daniel and Seth, Jason's brothers. Alex led them through her house to the bedroom. When the man saw Jason, he let out a breath of relief. Jason's father then turned to her and looked at her intently. He gazed into her eyes as if looking for something. He glanced back at Jason before asking Alex to let him stay at her house for a while. Alex was stunned and began to protest, but Jason's father explained their family's situation. Bad people were after them because of their special abilities and those men knew the family didn't associate with outsiders for fear of putting them in danger. However, since Alex witnessed Jason's power and since the men that burst through the school were dead, no one would know about her. Reluctantly, Alex agreed to let Jason stay. Jason's family left shortly after and Alex sat down tiredly as her desk. She thought about everything that had happened and looked at Jason. Alex reaffirmed her attraction to him. He was hot and mysterious. The fire he wielded was terrifying and yet, it contained a beauty she couldn't believe existed. It all sounds like something out of a storybook�"if storybooks were dark and unpredictable, that is. As Alex stared at Jason, her eyes strayed to a light-pink scar over his heart. It was barely visible but Alex became curious. She slid out of the chair and snuck closer. Leaning over him, she reached out to get a better look. As she touched his shirt, a hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. Alex cried out in surprise. Jason was looking at her.

"Don't touch me."

"It's too late for that since I'm the one who carried you here."

Jason stared at her momentarily before laughing.

"Man, you're pretty strong despite looking so...fragile."

She blushed in irritation. After he stopped laughing, Jason painfully rolled over on his side and sat up. She reached out to stop him, but he pushed her hand away. He began to stand only to collapse again. Alex caught him.

"I, um, called your dad. He came over, with your brothers." asked me to let you stay here for a while."

Jason glared at her harshly. He's mad that I called his dad. Then, his expression changed. He looked at the floor.

"What did he say?"

"He asked me to let you stay here for a while. It sounded like he thought you would be safer here."

"That sounds about right....Thanks," he muttered.

"I should be thanking you. You protected me. Why?"

"I didn't want a pretty girl to get hurt."

Alex blushed but wasn't satisfied. "That's nice and all, but why else? Isn't there another reason?"

Jason smiled.

"I really did want to protect you. More than that, I think I felt a little jealous. I wanted you all to myself and I didn't want anyone else to know about you�"not my enemies and not my family either. It sounds a little stupid since we just met today."

"Not at all. I actually feel the same way. That fire of yours sort of reminded me of something."

"Reminded you of something? Of what?"

"I don't know, but...what exactly happened to those men who attacked us? They kind of disappeared."

"They didn't disappear. I sent them back to hell�"where they belong."

"Like Hades."


Alex realized that Jason didn't know what she was referring to.

"Sorry. Hades is the ruler of the Underworld in Greek Mythology. My dad is an expert in Mythology and I used to read his books all the time."

"So 'ruler of the Underworld'? You mean like the devil?"

"Sort of."

"So, if I'm this Hades guy, what does that make you?"

"...Persephone. She was the daughter of Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest, and wife to Hades. The books said that Hades fell in love with her and brought her to the Underworld to live with him."

Jason gazed at Alex as she talked, wondering why this all felt so familiar. Finally, he reached his limit. Jason put a finger up to Alex's mouth, stopping her mid-sentence.

"All I heard was that you're mine. Better hang on because once I take a claim on someone, I don't intend on letting go."

Alex, flushed and frozen in place, watched Jason inch closer. He brought his lips to hers and instantly, she kissed back. One after another, Jason's hot kisses burned through her. As they kissed, flames floated around them, dancing in joyous harmony to the sound of their beating hearts. The dark blue color they once held now oozed a soft pink, illuminated the darkness of the room. Alex and Jason curled up in the bed and fell asleep in each other's arms. In truth, their passion shouldn't have lasted. True love between young people never seems to last. Perhaps, a love reincarnated through the generations can survive this harsh reality.

Three months passed and Jason was still living at Alex's house. Initially, Jason's father didn't approve of the abundance of time Jason spent with Alex. He feared it would put her in danger again. However, seeing his son's attraction to her, he couldn't refuse Jason something that may only come once in a lifetime. In the beginning, Alex wasn't sure about Jason living with her due to her father's alcohol habit. Alex's mother wasn't any good at dissuading him from drinking either. Then again, her mother was only there for a few months a year. The other eight months she was traveling for her job as a reporter, catching scoops halfway across the world. As life in Alex's small town continued, it was quite the opposite of an adventurous life. Nothing else had happened since the incident at the school. The classroom that was destroyed had been closed for repairs but, other than that, school was entirely normal. Mostly.

This particular Friday, the students were off because another student had been found dead on campus. This news put Jason on high alert and he was determined to protect Alex. Insisting she stay inside, Alex resolved to do chores in order to ease Jason's worry. Alex was folding clothes in her room, when she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. Jason's chin rested on her shoulder and his hot breath was scorching the hairs on her neck. Over these short months, Alex and Jason's love only intensified. Alex put the shirt she was folding down.

"You know I can't fold clothes with you standing this close to me."

"So don't. You're mine remember. What I say goes."

"Oh, really?" Alex teased.

She turned around in his arms. Jason kissed her gently and she playfully kissed him harder. He was always so gentle when he held or kissed her. As they kissed, Alex felt his hand slide under her shirt. She expected it to go further than that but he stopped and his hand rested in the small of her back. Their hearts pounded in unison like the thundering drums of war. Small embers of fire began to play on her skin. They didn't burn her. Instead, they tickled her skin. This was one of the most intoxicating things about Jason. The colors of the embers changed aw they always did, although Alex never knew why. They pulled away from their kiss and Alex looked at the flames around them. As usual, they were a soft pink and swirled around the two of them. Jason blushed.

"You never told me why your flames change colors."

"They change based on my emotions," he explained.

"So, they're like mood flames?" Alex teased.

Jason smiled, slightly embarrassed.

"Something like that."

"And what are your mood flames trying to tell us?"

"...That I'm hopelessly, dangerously in love with you, Alex Cooper."

"Really? Well, if we were to try something else, would they change again?"

"What do you mean 'try something else'?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

Jason's face turned dark red as he realized her suggestion was actually an invitation.

"You mean...now?"

"Unless you'd rather wait. After all, the lord of the Underworld can do whatever he wants with what's his, right?"

Jason grinned and lifted Alex up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and they kissed. Suddenly, Alex put her finger over Jason's lips, stopping his next kiss. Confused, Jason looked up at her. Alex smiled.

"We can only have fun when I'm done with the chores, remember? That was the deal we made when I agreed to stay inside for you. No reward until I'm done," she teased.

Jason set her down.

"You know, I'm starting to think those mythology books have it wrong. I bet Persephone was the one who claimed Hades as hers and not the other way around."

"Well, they may have gotten it wrong...or maybe we're just a little twisted."

"There's that too. After all, you're not the sweet goody-goody girl I thought you were the day we met."

Alex stuck her tongue out at Jason. He laughed and joined her in finishing the chores.


Finally done, Alex and Jason flopped back on the bed. Suddenly, Jason's phone rang. He reluctantly answered it. Alex noticed Jason's face grow angry and grim throughout the call. He didn't say much and Alex sensed something was wrong on the other end. Her heart panged at the thought of him having to leave to handle it.

"...Okay. I got it. I'll be there as soon as I can. Be careful until I get there," Jason said before ending the call.

"You have to leave."

Alex's words weren't a question. She knew that Jason only received calls like that when they were important...life-threatening. Jason looked at her sadly. Alex leaned over and kissed him.

"My family's in trouble. Someone is after them. If those people are coming, chances are they know about me too. I need to leave before they know I'm with you."

Alex's heart was breaking, shattering into millions of pieces and turning to ash. Only Jason's love could cause something so painful, yet irresistible. Alex nodded, knowing Jason wanted to protect his family and her.

"I know. You can't take me with you?"

"I could, but I won't. Ever. I want you to stay safe. You're mine and no one else's. As long as you remember that, I'll always be in your heart."

Tears poured down Alex's cheeks as she watched Jason shove things into a bag. Jason stopped as if remembering something. Reaching in his shirt, he pulled out a pendant that had been given to him by his mother before she died over ten years ago. Jason fastened it around Alex's neck before she could stop him. Taking the pendant between his fingers, Jason overlapped his lips with Alex's one last time. This kiss was hard and unbearably hot. Embers burst around them, now a deep pink, and heat rose through Alex. However, it wasn't emanating from her body, but from the pendant Jason placed around her neck. As he stepped back, it glowed slightly. Swirling beneath the clear surface, a sample of those flames burned.

"What did you do?"

"That's a piece of my soul and my love for you. When you're near me, it'll glow brighter. This way, you'll know when I'm coming for you and I will come. Wear it always?"

"Always. After all, 'you're mine and no one else's'."

Jason smiled as she repeated his words. He held that smile for her as he swung his leg over his motorcycle and drove away.


Alex waited for months for Jason to return. He never did. Occasionally, the pendant would glow slightly brighter for a few days only for it to dim again. Alex waited longer�"years�"for him and still Jason didn't come back. Eventually, Alex graduated high school, then college, and worked a full-time job in the same town she grew up in.

"You're old enough now to leave this town. Why do you insist on staying? I thought you hated this place?" Alex's dad once asked.

Soon after Jason left, he had stopped drinking altogether. When Alex questioned him about it, he grew pale and blabbered on about coming to his senses. Alex accepted his explanation, though suspiciously.

"I'll stay here forever if I have to, but I have to wait for Jason. He promised he would come back. I love him and I believe those words," Alex had answered in response.

One day, Alex's pendant stopped glowing completely. He must be really far away now. Where is he? Is he halfway across the world? Or could it be that...? Alex shook her head to dismiss the last question. She refused to believe Jason could be dead. The fire within the pendant still burned, but it burned grey now.

"What does it mean?"

Alex longed to know the answer. Unfortunately, there wasn't an answer anyone could give her, so she prayed to a god she hadn't prayed to in years. She prayed that he was safe and that he would come back to her.

"God, I know it's a selfish thing to ask, but please. I need him."

A few days after her prayer, the pendant glowed again. The light blinded Alex as it glowed brighter than ever before. Again, this change puzzled Alex but she remained hopeful. Taking this as a sign that Jason was nearby, she was constantly looking for him.

"Alex, I think you need to face the fact that Jason isn't coming back. He probably has a new life now, one he can't leave," Alex's father pleaded.

"No! He wouldn't start a new life somewhere else! Not without me!" Alex yelled, tears of denial streaming down her face.

Two more years passed and the pendant continued to glow brightly. If Jason was standing beside her, Alex couldn't see him. Desperation was beginning to set within Alex. He should be right here! Why can't I see him? He has to be here! Seven full years had passed now since the last time Alex had held or kissed Jason. Falling into a depressive state, Alex sunk further into a sadness and longing for Jason that she couldn't escape. On July 20th of that seventh year, Alex took her own life. Her father slipped back into an alcoholic state and eventually was committed to a mental hospital. Alex found herself standing in a dimly lit room littered with broken bones and half-melted candles. Sitting on a throne in front of her, a black shadowy figure spoke to her.

"Why have you committed this sin? Because of your actions, Heaven is now beyond your reach...or is it?"

"What do you mean? Is this Hell?" Alex asked timidly.

"Perhaps. Then again, what is Hell? What is Heaven? They are but your mind's perception of good and bad. This is a place where the dead go. That is all."

"...What now?"

"The one you have been waiting for has been waiting for you. Find him."

Suddenly, a door creaks open from behind Alex. Darkness envelopes her as she steps inside. Blindly walking around, the pendant around Alex's neck begins to glow. It glows brighter and brighter as she walks forward. Hopeful, Alex breaks into a run. As the pendant reaches the peak of its brightness, the flames within it explode, surrounding Alex with deep red flames. They shoot towards their original source, revealing Jason standing before her. His expression was sad and Alex didn't understand.

"Why did you do it, Alex?"

"I...You never came back. I couldn't take it anymore. I thought you were dead. It looks like I was right."

"Yeah, maybe, but I didn't kill myself. It was those people chasing my family."


"I didn't know. All I know is that I didn't want to live without you!"

Jason seemed surprised that she would go so far without giving it a second thought. He smiled and embraced her. Jason turned his head slightly towards her and whispered something in her ear.

"...Wake up...waiting for you."

Alex pulled back, confused. Jason faded away from her and Alex was left alone in darkness again. Another door opened. This one brought with it a blinding white light. Opening her eyes, Alex squinted up at the figure standing above her. Rubbing her eyes, Alex's vision cleared. She looked up at the half-dressed man who had woken her. Looking around, Alex noticed that she was naked beneath the covers and she wore a wedding ring. Careful not to expose herself, Alex sat up. The man smiled at her, brushed her hair back, and kissed her forehead. Still, half-asleep Alex spoke.

"What was that you said to me?" she asked curiously.

"I said 'Wake up. A cab is waiting for you.'"

"Oh, and who are you?"

"Jason. Your husband. Remember, we got married about ten years ago? He's also the one with the 'firey personality'. I believe those are the words you used to describe me in high school."

Alex suddenly blushed as she remembered. Meeting Jason in high school, they fell in love. Eventually, they got married and moved to New York. He was a bartender at the most popular night club in the city, and she was an author who specialized in Young Adult Fantasy stories.

"So, it was all a dream then?"

"I'm not following you. Are you okay? Maybe you should take a break from writing for a few days. I think that fantasy stuff is getting to you."

"Maybe it is....Jason?"

"Yes, dear?" Jason teased.

Alex smiled and motioned for him to come closer. He approached her and leaned over, expecting a kiss. Alex grabbed him and pulled him onto the bed. They kissed repeatedly, the images of fire dancing through Alex's head. Pulling back, Jason looked at her quizzically.

"What's with the sudden attack? Didn't you get enough last night?"

"I'll never get enough of you, Jason Nichols."

"I like the sound of that, but if you don't hurry, you're going to miss your 'fitness class.'"

Jason's over-exaggerated of air quotes made Alex laugh.

"Forget the cab and the fitness class. I want to stay like this with you just a little while longer."

"Good. I didn't want you to become to object of a stranger's affection."

"Oh, really? And a stranger would want me?"

"Everyone would want you. You're beautiful, amazing, funny, caring, and super sexy. Should I go on?"

"No need. I think I get the picture."

"Good, because you're mine and no one else's."


© 2016 Brooke

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Added on August 20, 2016
Last Updated on August 20, 2016
Tags: short story, love, romance, contest, passion, flames, flames of passion



Florence, SC

21. Passion for writing and listening to music. Loves food. Absolute nerd. Socially awkward. An open book (just ask me anything). And my favorite band/life-savers are 5 Seconds of Summer! more..

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