Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning

A Poem by Brook

My sleepiness never faded, but neither did my smile.

The moon disappeared, along
with the night. The house was 
over come with a luminous light.
The birds began to sing, and in the
air lingered the smell of breakfasts

My sleepiness never faded, but 
neither did my smile. My heart 
grew fonder of the morning, even
though there was a weather warning.
Torrential rain, the weather man muttered.

"Do you want one or two, 
would you like them buttered?" I
nodded at you, and you gave me 
a wink. You passed me my 
breakfast, and i dug in. You
kissed my forehead, and 
whispered to me, "Come back to
bed, sweetie."

© 2014 Brook

Author's Note


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I would LOVE to crawl back in bed right now. But, I'm not one for eating in bed. Hahaha! I'm a messy eater though! I love the imagery and the love of two in this piece. Beautiful. xo (:

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I'm not either. I'm not a messy eater, but i know if i attempted to eat in bed it'd just go EVERYWHE.. read more
This is lovely. (:

Good one.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you, Jessica.
Luna Zerimar

10 Years Ago

You're welcome.
I'm ready to crawl back into bed and find what I left behind by just reading this.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Haha, go ahead! Thank you for reading.
I love the imagery in this piece, you have painted the scene perfectly. Sunday mornings in bed with the person you love are the best :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you, Laura! They definitely are.
Love your romantic soul and every single word pouring out from your heart

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you Amos.

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15 Reviews
Added on May 14, 2014
Last Updated on May 14, 2014



Birmingham, United Kingdom

I enjoy writing a lot, and i aspire to be a journalist. I'm happy to receive feedback, especially if it's about grammar. I come online when i have time. I have a blog also, where i write about stu.. more..

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