As a Child

As a Child

A Poem by Alexus

this isn't a personal experience even tho i know many situations are like this


Do you think I’m crazy? I’ve seen things no other kid should see

Deaths, drug dealings, this isn’t a life I’ve chosen for me

My fate and destiny

I shed so many tears, drown out the world and replace it with fantasy

My dreams my own, my prayers a secret between god and I

People are deceiving, deceitful, and full of lies

Trust issues with the world

It all started out as a little girl

Mentally abused

Never wins always lose

The world is empty or at least it seems

I hear a bang and people start to scream

My world starts to spin

As the light I hold starts to grow dim

I’m now a soul a soul lost in time

Just a young girl stopped in her prime

© 2010 Alexus

Author's Note

i made this in English class while spacing out

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no it was just something i thought of. i sometimes make things just out of nowhere, believe me i will make something more... upbeat. but thank you for reading

Posted 14 Years Ago

A bit depressing Alexus. Must have been a real bummer of an English class that day. I'm glad this is not your own experience. You said you like to make people happy. Why not make your next poem more upbeat?

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 6, 2010
Last Updated on October 6, 2010



Kent, WA

I'm very weird i feel broke but look happy. there's something about me that makes people happy. i love to make people feel better more..