Once upon a dream...
when the higher the pigtails, the cooler you were
when lollipops were given at the end of doctor visits
and when there was always someone there to protect
you from loud thunderstorms.
No those memories did not leave her
Swinging high on the swings
and stealing cookies from the top shelf
when you wore underwear of your favorite
cartoon or doll.
She sat and remembered
all the sleepovers when we crashed at 10:00
were we would play barbie until
our eyes got red
when riding our bike all the way to
the end of the block was an accomplishment...
She started to tear
when she remembered how big the kiddie pool was
and thought there were penguins in the freezer
and when she would 'accidently' knock over the
box of dog treats now scattered across the floor
She closed her sunken eyes and pictured
getting up early to watch saturday cartoons
and staying in her pajamas all day
when catching a lizard meant bringing it
home to show off to the ducks
And when she slowly opened her eyes...
she felt her child tugging on her shirt, and asking for cookies
and she looked at her smiling and replyed
"We're out of cookies, but there's always dog treats."