A room with four walls bare and empty or is it?
We see a room it has nothing in it and walls are plain
We have become so self forced we do not see what is in the room or in the walls.
The room is more then full
Think of the men who built it… I wonder did it take one day two days or maybe more to build this room. The material, the wood who chopped the tree sanded it down. Who put the paint together and the floor where was its origin? The men who put it together did they have a bad day on the job or was it a good one how many where there and how did this come to be their task? Giving each movement a concept to something tangible. So when I look into an empty room I’m reminded on how I look out into the world and the great unknown… So much to concept. The inner workings how many things around us are amazing full and shining with life. Every day we are tuned to disregarded (what we call) simple concepts, that we miss the amazing brilliance, love and, life that is in very thing done in this world. I pray I can always keep this frame of mind but if I ever need a reminder I will just walk into the room with four walls and remember just how full it is.