A Poem by Hawksmoor

She watched me with countless eyes
Out lids, through lids
Peering in all directions at once
Through smog (nutrient rich) and around dizzying mounds of her multicolored and aged to perfection flesh
Her eyes watched me as I walked her long legs and lithe arms
Full breasts and wet lips
Wide hips and voluptuous a*s
I circled irises repeatedly

She greased these walkways with artificial sounds and lights
Oh, what sounds and lights
View-screens into her vast and artificial mind on every other corner
She thought of dancing and singing
Stars and insurance
Baseball games and illusions
Television shows and movies
Current events, local and foreign
Laughing and crying
Eating, drinking and partying
As one dark member of a nineteen million strong infection walked the curves and turns and dips and rises of her gargantuan body

A magnificent view from the top of an empire
Below, she stretched herself out for me
And I saw all of her secret places
The lit ones The dark ones
The solid ones The liquid ones
The clean ones The squalid ones
The rich ones The poor ones
Diamonds Are Forever, etched into the corner of every other vein
While bits of her body chemistry slept in cardboard boxes for warmth in the frigid winter night

She tolerates the perverse and the beautiful alike, alongside each other

I saw the crater that something blew into her skin a few years ago

I swallowed her intoxicating bile
I ate the sustenance of her multicolored blood cells
Each rich in its own way

A younger French sister sat atop a pedestal in the bay
Shining a beacon, a signal, a light, to Big Sister
“I draw them in, you keep them in,” the light said

There was a pore in her that held the history of man and woman
African, European, Middle Eastern, Indian, Asian…Medieval
There they all were, in a pore
And it would have taken me days to greet them all in their places in Time

She lured us to her with greetings of “What if we all met?”
High times
Big Dreams
Romance found
Friendships forged
Published thoughts
We went to her poisonous and prosperous embrace with open arms
With brilliant smiles
One crooked smile
We found each other again
Black and White and Tan and Brown
Male and Female

She gave me this, free of charge
FREE; not a normal thing for her

I left her two days ago
As I escaped her embrace for the first time by way of an eleven hour slide atop a thatch of her dark and slick entrails
She winked at me with shimmering eyes, swaying mounds of old and loved and glass-filled flesh

“See my other parts. Start with Brooklyn. And then see all of them.”

I knew that I would return one day.

I would have more organs of hers to see

And I was glad.

© 2008 Hawksmoor

My Review

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Whoa! Intense read. Descriptiveness to the extreme. Aren't we all like this in some ways: dark, light, fluid, solid. With beauties, and warts. Well done. Very well done. That's called "writing", and "art".

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 26, 2008
Last Updated on September 26, 2008



BRILLIANT! Hawksmoor...From The Bleed. more..


A Story by Hawksmoor


A Story by Hawksmoor