My Dick Wrote a Poem

My Dick Wrote a Poem

A Poem by Brjden (Bridge-Den) Crewe

So here's to my boss. I love you, you're my best friend, you're the master. So take the pen and give the people you're story......



"To deny our own impulses,

is to deny the very thing that makes us human!"                                              

                - Mouse from the movie "The Matrix"



My Dick Wrote a Poem


by Obie Wang Kenobi



How am I hanging?........ 

              LOW & LAZY

And this constant isolation is driving me crazy!

I know it's for my own safety

But I need a new mate or at least get "Handelle"

up there to come play with me!


BUT WAIT......

Im starting to feel warm

and my anatomy swells

I sense the damp air of estrogen,

I know the scent well!






P***Y I SMELL?!??!


I can tell because my reproductive gel 

Starts to leak like a bottomless pail


Wait!....What did she say?

Make her say it again!

It sounded like she said

"Bridgey, why dont you come on in."


And I feel my veins

send blood UP from my testes

and directly to my brain


We BOTH go into her place and I catch a case of vertigo

Knowing soon after the show, he'd be rounding 3rd base

And I literally can't wait, she had her stupid 2nd date!

So I message Dummy, I mean Bridgey, to speed up the pace!!


My telekinesis screams

“Tell her whatever

         she wants to hear!”

Get her a beer or two, or six until her nudity appears!

Recite a love poem or something  in the warmth of  her ear! 

Just do whatever you have to do to bring her attention down here!!


Now I'm starting feeling tight, and I'm tripled in height!

And my head's "rim" inflates like the wheels on a bike


his pants ain't see through

Although I stained em up a bit, I need to get a preview!


So I try to bust through them....

                & push my head high

Then I feel Bridgey's hand

         lay me down on his thigh

What the hell, Bridgey?

I hope you aint forgot who's the boss!

I'm Michael Jackson, youre Tito!

The testies are Diana Ross!


I control you!

And I rule us with an Iron Fist!!!

I'm the star, the brains,

and the dick in this dictatorship!

So quit, f*****g around

and lets get to f*****g her now

Cause I'm f*****g tired of nights with just some Jergens and a towel!



I feel us go to sit down and hear incoherent sounds, but I assume “Dummy” is going into his whole. "passive aggressive, cool, I'm not gonna act like I really want to have sex with you, thus luring YOU into making the first move by talking smooth and slightly ignoring you which makes you want us even more, brooding divorcee tortured artistic soul, seductive”  thing now


So then I try to stand,

but his pants got me tucked in and

I'm too stiff to worm my way back to.........wait......wait.......


the zipper's moving!.........Oh Yes!!!


Someone takes me out of these pants,

but I can't see s**t!!



I feel an unfamiliar hand softly petting my skin

And it feels so good, that I start leaking again!

Her hand, is so soft and especially small

but for all  I care,



I hear her say "Lay back", and so Bridgey abides

Though I, with all my pride stand very hard and high


I feel her lip's kiss,

and her tongue give me a lick

I'm now the rope in a "Tug of War" between her lips and Dummys pelvis



I'm....wet as fish, but bathed within her kiss for 10 minutes or so, now I need to simply finish, so pass the Kleenex or get that rubber outfit so I can “go” & leave you two silly, love birds alone


Oh good! The rubber outfit; this'll just take a minute

But something's pulling at my feet telling me not to give it


All of a sudden,

      now I'm in it!

Its the washing machine!!!!!

Now we're jumping like a bungeed, underwater trampoline!


Up , Down, Up & Down!......It feels so good!

Round, round, round & round,

                            it feels like it should

Like a tight, pillow-like room....and I really wanna shoot

Five minutes later, I do "IT",

                 And Bridgey takes off the suit


I'm breathing hard now and shrinking,

                 and I need dry off

I feel satisfied and tired so I'm about to sign off

I ain't with all the talk, so this is where it will end



I said, "Thanks, and go tell a friend!"




© 2013 Brjden (Bridge-Den) Crewe

Author's Note

Brjden (Bridge-Den) Crewe
This poem in no way represents the thoughts, feelings, and agreements with Bridgey Crewe and all of his affiliates. I never took this piece that seriously until the response to it. Then I started revising and I'm(or we) are going to try and make it as poetically intelligent as possible without losing the humor of it. I really wanted to convey the "control" aspect of his personality. Somewhat of a Napoleon complex, yet they do control most men both directly and indirectly.....
Tons of revisions are to be made, so just have fun with it right now.......

My Review

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Featured Review

LMAO... this was partially inspired by SuperBad? I was JUST watching that this weekend as well. You're totally my soulmate.
How I love thee, let me count the ways...
Anywho, getting back on task:
I can not stop laughing.
This was truly a unique piece. The perspective is insanely funny to me.
Girls couldn't really write a piece such as this, you think? Yeah, well, probably just not this girl. LOL.
And you wonder why I call you brilliant. It's simply because you are. I have a firm belief that this could have been so vulgar, but it's not, it's just insanely funny. A Day in the Life...
(the washing machine -- priceless!)

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


oh you told it so well ..ha ha,thats exactly what goes on like when the two of them negotiate business,ha ha..
yes He the big he is usually very impatient to do what He was made for created for,thats all what he thinks of..
to find his joy at every time and all the time no respect to any social behaviour or any manners..
you know i have read a very big analyses in a novel ,(ME AND HIM),by a great Italian writer ,
and he tell all the argument that goes on between the man ,the brain,the intellect ,the common sense
and on the other side his sex ,they argue a lot,the brains represent the rational part of humans ,the common sense
while he the sex organ knows no taboos ,he is very hasty to do his job ,what he was made for,with no respect to place or manners
and never caring who she will be all he cares is to do his job,sending his carrier into very embaressing situation..
like when he suddenly wants to go into action in common places ,in the market or in a meeting ,he just does not care..
this is very mature writing,you said its for fun ,but it happens between the two ,the arguments never stop all the time..
i really liked this its very witty ,its very thoughtful.its very nice and what happens all the time,day and night..
between the two,the arguments just never stop,one knows no manners ,the other the brains want to behave
socially and responsibly..
wonderful write..

Posted 15 Years Ago

Enjoyable cute and creative work.

Posted 15 Years Ago

5 mins later huh? u sure you want her to tell a friend about that? LOL!


Posted 15 Years Ago

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ROFLMAO!!!!! I have watched Super Bad and thought it was hilarious. I think this one's hilarious, too! Excellent perspective on a common experience. This one's going in my favorites!

Posted 15 Years Ago

LMAO! ...I'm so going to send this one to a friend! That was a very creative perception and funny as hell! Good read LOL

Posted 15 Years Ago

HA HA. that was very clever. kinda gross at the end, but it's all good. you raw, you don't hold back. kind of brouht back the time i saw "nAKED GUN" movie in middle school, and i thought that the condom went on the whole body, like the movie. the girls laughed at me! hee hee. i don't know, it just brought up that memory. very creative, this one. thanks.

Posted 15 Years Ago

...It's spelled "Obi", not "Obie". Or did I miss something?

Charles Bukowski would love you. So would Whitman. If he could get away with being THIS explicit back in the 19th Century, he would have. Come to think of it, I wonder why he didn't.

In the mind of a dick. Don't get me started on my vagina monologues LOL

Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh B. (Obie.) lol.

I'm speechless. That might be a first for me. At any rate- you're my fave!

One love!


Posted 15 Years Ago

this is hilarious man...i like this one a lot...a simple story told the the eyes of s**t

Posted 15 Years Ago

This poem is so hilarious. I absolutely love it. I have never thought about how sex would be from the dick's point of view. LMAO. You have me crying!!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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51 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on January 24, 2009
Last Updated on April 28, 2013


Brjden (Bridge-Den) Crewe
Brjden (Bridge-Den) Crewe

Windy to Sin City

My name is Brjden Crewe from Chicago, living in Vegas now part time. I'm officially bi-coastal(somewhat). I do freelance music and movies reviews for a few nameless magazines and I regularly recite sp.. more..
