This is truly sad. I am so sorry for your loss, and honestly I cannot imagine the impact of a natural disaster as I have never really been faced with one. I can only feel what I watch from afar... and that in itself is heartbreaking, so I can only imagine what you have been through. I have however, lost absolutely everything I own about two years ago.... down to the crumbs on the floor. All of it. So, in that sense... I do relate.
It was then that I learned material things mean very little, and for the most part can be replaced. True happiness, as corny as this may sound... is found within. And that... is the truth.
I hope your situation improves and I wish you much peace and joy, now forward!!
Your poem has a nice flow, and is well written.
Good job!
Hey, good poem
I herd at the news about the danger in New Orleans, and I hope that this hurricane was less destructive than the last one for the people inhabiting the city.
The sincerity in a poem is in my opinion the main thing that makes it beautiful, even without all the fancy speech flowers.
I like this because it's obviously flowing from within.
I'm really sorry for your loss, and I wish you only happiness in the future.
my name is Brittany Ellen Wornner.Im eighteen years old and I will be a freshman this uocoming fall semester at Delgado Community College.I will be studying to be a Biligual Nurse Anesthesist.I love t.. more..