![]() Katie's DreamA Story by Brittany Lavy![]() A character sketch I wrote for my Creative Writing class.![]() Katie’s Dream The screeching of the alarm clock
was gently interrupted by the slam of my fist. The fragile buttons shivered
with fear. The bright red numbers burn through my eyelids, forcing me awake. Rubbing
my eyes, I sit up in bed. I glance at the white sheets and comforter caressing
my body. The sound of dripping liquid catches my half impaired mind. My senses
tingle with the bold smell of coffee coming from the other side of the room. I mosey
out of bed, half limp to retrieve my cure to the morning. Left. Right. Left.
Right. I remind myself. My legs weaken with every step. Crossing, stumbling.
Groaning from my tiring emotions to the repeating routine, I feel the heat of
the black drink smother my fingertips. I sip the steam filled cup quickly,
hoping it burns on the way down. Another day. Walking past my bed to the small
circular window, I sit in my usual spot. Every time I look out, every morning,
something has changed. Which to look at first? To observe? My eyes zoom in on a
small piece of newspaper on the streets. Stuck on the curb, it watches in
dismay as the world continues to blow past it. I hear the wind howl outside my window;
I can’t help but to watch as well. I glance away, hoping to avoid the swelling
tears in my eyes. The wind continues to race past my window without stopping.
Water starts to escape from my eyes as I try to find something else that
catches my attention. The local homeless man. He’s not like most homeless
people who sit and beg, he dances around the street. A giggle escapes my lips
as I dry my hot cheeks. My eyes then close in on a newly shattered bottle
slightly blinding me. The small, sharp fragments spark the sun’s reflection off
the bitter edges. My attention then focuses up on the sun. Staring, my eyes now
not affected by the blinding rays, I wonder. My mind strays. I try to grasp one
emotion but I can’t. I swim through the river of emotions without being able to
take a breath. The wind keeps blowing. From a blissful picnic to the harsh
screams of reality; of people. Smiling in pleasure, I squeeze my hands tighter
around my cup, trying to wrangle the emotion. My cup. Where’s my cup?
Frantically breathing, I whip my head back and forth to realize it’s gone. Gone. Everything gone. No alarm clock.
No coffee. No bed. Just a window and a chair. “The jury has reached a decision”, I
try to snap out of the harsh moment, the harsh memory, “Katie Waters. Not
guilty by reason of insanity.” The wonderfully loud, ear-bleeding sound of the
gavel begins to wake me from my dream. My flawless dream.
Wrapping my arms around myself, I
stare at my innocent reflection in the small window as if it was mocking me.
Analyzing the curls of my snowy hair cascading down my shoulders and back.
Admiring the one I love. The only person I can’t harm; the only person I'm
afraid to harm. Looking past the blood stained lips of my only love, sits a
sign. The rusted outline of letters replaces those that have been knocked out
from previous years. Any passerby wouldn’t recognize the faint words. After
looking out this window, in my usual spot, I see the sign as if it was brand
new. The letters molded into my brain; Lost Springs Insane Asylum. My home. © 2013 Brittany LavyAuthor's Note